Program Example User Traits
The full code for this magistrate example can be found here: examples/
Example source code:
#include <checkpoint/checkpoint.h> struct checkpoint_trait {} CheckpointTrait; struct shallow_trait {} ShallowTrait; using checkpoint::has_user_traits_v; using checkpoint::has_any_user_traits_v; namespace test { struct random_trait {} RandomTrait; struct TestObj { int a = 1; TestObj() {} template< typename SerT, typename std::enable_if_t< not has_user_traits_v<SerT, shallow_trait>, void* > = nullptr > void serialize(SerT& s){ if constexpr(has_user_traits_v<SerT, checkpoint_trait>){ if(s.isSizing()) printf("Customizing serialization for checkpoint\n"); s | a; } else { if(s.isSizing()) printf("Default serializing testObj\n"); } static_assert(not has_user_traits_v<SerT, shallow_trait>, "ShallowTrait should have been removed!\n"); } }; } namespace test { template< typename SerT, typename std::enable_if_t< has_user_traits_v<SerT, random_trait>, void* > = nullptr > void serialize(SerT& s, TestObj& myObj){ if(s.isSizing()){ printf("Inserting random extra object serialization step! "); } myObj.serialize(s); } template< typename SerT, typename std::enable_if_t< has_user_traits_v<SerT, shallow_trait>, void* > = nullptr > void serialize(SerT& s, TestObj& myObj){ if(s.isSizing()) printf("Removing shallow trait before passing along!\n"); auto newS = s.template withoutTraits<shallow_trait>(); myObj.serialize(newS); } } namespace misc { template< typename SerT, typename std::enable_if_t< has_user_traits_v<SerT, test::random_trait>, void* > = nullptr > void serialize(SerT& s, test::TestObj& myObj){ if(s.isSizing()){ printf("Serializers in other namespaces don't usually get found "); } myObj.serialize(s); } const struct namespace_trait {} NamespaceTrait; template< typename SerT, typename std::enable_if_t< has_user_traits_v<SerT, namespace_trait>, void* > = nullptr > void serialize(SerT& s, test::TestObj& myObj){ if(s.isSizing()){ printf("A misc:: trait means we can serialize from misc:: too: "); } myObj.serialize(s); } const struct hook_all_trait {} HookAllTrait; template< typename SerT, typename T, typename std::enable_if_t< has_user_traits_v<SerT, hook_all_trait>, void* > = nullptr > void serialize(SerT& s, T& myObj){ if(s.isSizing()){ printf("We can even add on a generic pre-serialize hook: "); } auto newS = s.template withoutTraits<hook_all_trait>(); myObj.serialize(newS); } }
#include "checkpoint/checkpoint.h" #include "checkpoint_example_user_traits.h" int main(int, char**){ using namespace test; TestObj obj; //Each invocation will be handled based on the traits attached auto s_info_a = checkpoint::serialize(obj); auto s_info_b = checkpoint::serialize<TestObj, checkpoint_trait>(obj); auto s_info_c = checkpoint::serialize<TestObj, checkpoint_trait, checkpoint_trait>(obj); auto s_info_d = checkpoint::serialize<TestObj, random_trait, checkpoint_trait>(obj); auto s_info_e = checkpoint::serialize<TestObj, checkpoint_trait, random_trait>(obj); auto s_info_f = checkpoint::serialize<TestObj, random_trait, random_trait>(obj); auto s_info_g = checkpoint::serialize<TestObj, shallow_trait>(obj); auto s_info_h = checkpoint::serialize<TestObj, misc::namespace_trait>(obj); auto s_info_i = checkpoint::serialize<TestObj, misc::hook_all_trait>(obj); }