namespace checkpoint
namespace buffer
- struct Buffer
struct IOBuffer
- struct ReadFromFileTag
- struct WriteToFileTag
- struct ManagedBuffer
- struct UserBuffer
- namespace debug
namespace detail
- struct ByteCopyableVariant
- struct ByteCopyableVariant<Arg, Args...>
- struct ByteCopyableVariant<>
- struct isByteCopyableImpl
- struct SerializeEntry
- struct SerializeEntry<Arg, Args...>
- struct SerializeEntry<>
namespace dispatch
- namespace typeregistry
namespace vrt
namespace objregistry
- struct ObjectEntry
- struct Registrar
- struct Type
namespace serializer_registry
- struct Registrar
- struct SerializerEntry
- struct Type
- struct _CheckpointBaseType
- struct _CheckpointBaseType<BaseT*>
- struct _CheckpointBaseType<SerializableBase<BaseT>*>
- struct _CheckpointDerivedType
- struct _CheckpointDerivedType<DerivedT*>
- struct _CheckpointDerivedType<SerializableDerived<DerivedT, BaseT>*>
- struct InstantiateIfPossible
- struct InstantiateTupleHelper
- struct InstantiateTupleHelper<ObjT>
- struct InstantiateTupleHelper<ObjT, T, Ts...>
- struct InstantiateIfPossible<ObjT, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<SerializableTraits<ObjT, SerializerT>::has_serialize_function or SerializableTraits<ObjT, SerializerT>::is_bytecopyable>>
- struct InstantiateIfPossible<ObjT, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<not(SerializableTraits<ObjT, SerializerT>::has_serialize_function or SerializableTraits<ObjT, SerializerT>::is_bytecopyable)>>
- struct SerializableBase A class at the base of an inheritance hierarchy should inherit from this.
- struct SerializableDerived A derived class of an inheritance hierarchy should inherit from this.
- struct VirtualSerializeTraits
namespace objregistry
- struct Allocator
- struct BasicDispatcher
- struct CleanType
- struct InPlaceTag
- struct Reconstructor
- struct serialization_error
- struct SerializerDispatchByte
- struct SerializerDispatchNonByte
- struct Standard Standard traversals for sizing, packing and unpacking a class.
- struct Traverse Traverse a target recursively
with a traverser object (typically inheriting fromSerializer
namespace serializerUserTraits
- struct FirstTraitImpl
- struct FirstTraitImpl<TraitHolder<Trait, Traits...>>
- struct MergeTraitsImpl
- struct MergeTraitsImpl<TraitHolder<TraitsA...>, TraitHolder<TraitsB...>>
- struct NestedTraitHolder
- struct PopTraitImpl
- struct PopTraitImpl<TraitHolder<Trait, Traits...>>
- struct TraitHolder
- struct traits_match
- struct UnwrapTraitsImpl
- struct UnwrapTraitsImpl<TraitHolder<NestedTraitHolder<WrappedTraits>, Traits...>>
- struct UnwrapTraitsImpl<TraitHolder<Trait, Traits...>>
- struct UnwrapTraitsImpl<TraitHolder<>>
- struct WithoutTraitsImpl
- struct WithoutTraitsImpl<Holder>
- struct WithoutTraitsImpl<Holder, T, U...>
- struct WithoutTraitsImpl<TraitHolder<>, T, U...>
- struct BaseSerializer General base class for serialiers.
- struct ByteCopyNonIntrusive
- struct ByteCopyNonIntrusive<std::variant<Args...>>
- struct CheckpointReconstructor
- struct CheckpointReconstructor<std::tuple<Args...>>
- struct Footprinter
- struct SerializeVirtualTypeIfNeeded<T, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<dispatch::vrt::VirtualSerializeTraits<T>::has_not_virtual_serialize>>
- struct SerializeVirtualTypeIfNeeded<T, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<dispatch::vrt::VirtualSerializeTraits<T>::has_virtual_serialize>>
- struct ReconstructAsVirtualIfNeeded<T, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<dispatch::vrt::VirtualSerializeTraits<T>::has_virtual_serialize>>
- struct ReconstructAsVirtualIfNeeded<T, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<dispatch::vrt::VirtualSerializeTraits<T>::has_not_virtual_serialize and checkpoint::is_footprinter_v<SerializerT>>>
- struct ReconstructAsVirtualIfNeeded<T, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<dispatch::vrt::VirtualSerializeTraits<T>::has_not_virtual_serialize and not checkpoint::is_footprinter_v<SerializerT>>>
- struct isByteCopyable
- struct MemorySerializer
- struct PackerBuffer
- struct ReconstructAsVirtualIfNeeded Do a static trait test on type to check for virtual serializability. If virtually serializable, we need to perform some extra work to register the type, allocate, and construct the proper type. Otherwise, we go through the normal path for allocating memory for T and serializing what the pointer points to.
- struct SerdesByteCopy
- struct SerializableTraits
- struct SerializedInfo Return of serialize that contains the buffer and size serialized.
- struct SerializerRef
- struct SerializerTraits
- struct SerializeVirtualTypeIfNeeded Do a static trait test on type to check for virtual serializability.
- struct Sizer Sizer serializers for sizing the contents of classes as a preprocessing pass before packing content so a properly sized buffer can be allocated.
- struct StreamPacker
- struct StreamUnpacker
- struct UnpackerBuffer
namespace buffer
- namespace checkpoint::@60
namespace detection
- struct detector
- struct detector<T, std::void_t<Op<Args...>>, Op, Args...>
- struct NoneSuch final