checkpoint::dispatch::Traverse struct

Traverse a target recursivelyT with a traverser object (typically inheriting from Serializer).

Public static functions

template<typename T, typename TraverserT>
static auto with(T& target, TraverserT& t, SerialSizeType len = 1) -> TraverserT&
Traverse a target of type T recursively with a general TraverserT that gets applied to each element.
template<typename T, typename TraverserT, typename UserTraits = UserTraitHolder<>, typename... Args>
static auto with(T& target, Args && ... args) -> TraverserT
Traverse a target of type T recursively after constructing a TraverserT from args.
template<typename T>
static auto reconstruct(SerialByteType* mem) -> T*
Reconstruct in place a T on allocated memory mem. The buffer mem must contain enough memory to hold sizeof(T). This calls the reconstruction strategy based on trait detection which will detect the user's method of reconstructing the class.

Function documentation

template<typename T, typename TraverserT>
static TraverserT& checkpoint::dispatch::Traverse::with(T& target, TraverserT& t, SerialSizeType len = 1)

Traverse a target of type T recursively with a general TraverserT that gets applied to each element.

target in/out the target to traverse
in/out a reference to the traverser
len in the len of the target. If > 1, target is an array
Returns the traverser after traversal is complete

template<typename T, typename TraverserT, typename UserTraits = UserTraitHolder<>, typename... Args>
static TraverserT checkpoint::dispatch::Traverse::with(T& target, Args && ... args)

Traverse a target of type T recursively after constructing a TraverserT from args.

target in/out the target to traverse
args in the args to pass to the traverser for construction
Returns the constructed traverser after traversal is complete

template<typename T>
static T* checkpoint::dispatch::Traverse::reconstruct(SerialByteType* mem)

Reconstruct in place a T on allocated memory mem. The buffer mem must contain enough memory to hold sizeof(T). This calls the reconstruction strategy based on trait detection which will detect the user's method of reconstructing the class.

mem in The memory to in-place construct on
Returns a pointer to T