module lbaf LBAF module
module Applications
module LBAF_app LBAF Application
- class InternalParameters Represent the parameters used internally by a LBAF Application
- class LBAFApplication LBAF application class.
module LBAF_app LBAF Application
module Execution
module lbsAlgorithmBase
class AlgorithmBase An abstract base class of load/work balancing algorithms.
- class __metaclass__ Metaclass for defining Abstract Base Classes (ABCs).
class AlgorithmBase An abstract base class of load/work balancing algorithms.
module lbsPhaseSpecification
- class CommunicationSpecification
- class PhaseSpecification Dictionary representing a phase specification
- class PhaseSpecificationNormalizer Provides normalization and denormalization for PhaseSpecification where inner sets are represented as lists to improve readability in JSON or YAML
- class RankSpecification
- class SharedBlockSpecification
- class TaskSpecification
module lbsRuntime
- class Runtime A class to handle the execution of the LBS.
module lbsAlgorithmBase
module IO
module lbsConfigurationValidator LBAF Configuration validator.
- class ConfigurationValidator Validate data in an YAML configuration file.
module lbsStatistics lbsStatistics
- class Statistics A class storing descriptive statistics.
module lbsVTDataReader
- class LoadReader A class to read VT Object Map files. These json files could be compressed with Brotli.
module lbsVTDataWriter
- class VTDataWriter A class to write load directives for VT as JSON files
module lbsConfigurationValidator LBAF Configuration validator.
module Model
module lbsBlock
- class Block A class representing a memory block with footprint and home.
module lbsNode
- class Node A class representing a node to which a set of ranks are assigned.
module lbsObject
- class Object A class representing an object with load and communicator
module lbsObjectCommunicator
- class ObjectCommunicator A class holding received and sent messages for an object.
module lbsPhase
- class Phase A class representing a phase of objects distributed across ranks.
- module lbsQOIDecorator
module lbsRank
- class Rank A class representing a rank to which objects are assigned.
module lbsWorkModelBase
class WorkModelBase An abstract base class of per-rank work model.
- class __metaclass__ Metaclass for defining Abstract Base Classes (ABCs).
class WorkModelBase An abstract base class of per-rank work model.
module lbsBlock
module Utils
module lbsArgumentParser This module contains argparse ArgumentParser subclass to enable user prompt to help with util or application calls.
- class PromptArgumentParser An argument parser that adds the --prompt option to prompt user for args
- module lbsColors src/lbaf/Utils/
module lbsCsv2JsonDataConverter
- class Csv2JsonConverter A class to convert from previous log structure (CSV) to a current log structure (JSON) with/without Brotli compression.
module lbsDataStatFilesUpdater src/lbaf/Utils/
- class DataStatFilesUpdater Class validating VT data files according to the defined schema.
module lbsJSONDataFilesMaker Utility to generate a data set supporting shared blocks by using a specification file.
- class JSONDataFilesMaker Provides generation tools for VT Data using phase specification input. It internally use - the `populate_from_specification` method from the Phase class for building the phase instance - the VTDataWriter to write data files
- class Util Utility class with common useful static methods for the maker
- class YamlSpecificationDumper Custom dumper to add indent before list items hyphens.
module lbsJSONDataFilesValidatorLoader
- class JSONDataFilesValidatorLoader Data Files Validator Loader application class.
module lbsJSONTaskLister Utility to generate a YAML file containing lists of tasks associated with their respective ranks,
from the last phase and last sub-iteration of input JSON files.
- class JSONTaskLister A utility class to process JSON files, extract tasks for each rank, and save the results in a YAML file.
module lbsLogging This module contains logging utility method to create and get loggers
- class CustomFormatter Formatter able to write colored logs.
- module lbsPath This module contains path utility methods.
module lbsVTDataExtractor
- class PhaseAction Custom action to split phases string argument to a list of int(n)|str(x-y)
- class VTDataExtractor Reads VT data and saves chosen phases from it.
- class VTDataExtractorRunner VTDataExtractor application.
- module lbsWeb This module contains web utility methods.
module lbsArgumentParser This module contains argparse ArgumentParser subclass to enable user prompt to help with util or application calls.
module Applications