Example Collection Migration Program
The full code for this example can be found here: examples/collection/migrate_collection.cc
static constexpr int32_t const default_num_elms = 16; struct Hello : vt::Collection<Hello, vt::Index1D> { Hello() { vt::NodeType this_node = vt::theContext()->getNode(); fmt::print("{}: Hello: index={}\n", this_node, getIndex()); test_val = getIndex().x() * 29.3; } explicit Hello(checkpoint::SERIALIZE_CONSTRUCT_TAG) {} template <typename Serializer> void serialize(Serializer& s) { vt::Collection<Hello, vt::Index1D>::serialize(s); s | test_val; } double test_val = 0.0; }; static void doWork(Hello* col) { vt::NodeType this_node = vt::theContext()->getNode(); fmt::print("{}: idx={}: val={}\n", this_node, col->getIndex(), col->test_val); } static void migrateToNext(Hello* col) { vt::NodeType this_node = vt::theContext()->getNode(); vt::NodeType num_nodes = vt::theContext()->getNumNodes(); vt::NodeType next_node = (this_node + 1) % num_nodes; fmt::print("{}: migrateToNext: idx={}\n", this_node, col->getIndex()); col->migrate(next_node); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { vt::initialize(argc, argv); vt::NodeType this_node = vt::theContext()->getNode(); vt::NodeType num_nodes = vt::theContext()->getNumNodes(); if (num_nodes == 1) { return vt::rerror("requires at least 2 nodes"); } int32_t num_elms = default_num_elms; if (argc > 1) { num_elms = atoi(argv[1]); } auto range = vt::Index1D(num_elms); auto proxy = vt::makeCollection<Hello>("examples_migrate_collection") .bounds(range) .bulkInsert() .wait(); if (this_node == 0) { vt::runInEpochRooted([=] { proxy.broadcast<doWork>(); }); vt::runInEpochRooted([=] { proxy.broadcast<migrateToNext>(); }); vt::runInEpochRooted([=] { proxy.broadcast<doWork>(); }); } vt::finalize(); return 0; }