vt::location namespace


namespace detail
namespace details


struct collection_lm_tag_t
template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
struct Directory
template<typename EntityID>
struct EntityLocationCoord
Part of a core VT component that manages the distributed location of virtual entities.
template<typename EntityID, typename ActiveMessageT>
struct EntityMsg
template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
struct LocationCache
struct LocationCoord
struct LocationManager
A core VT component that manages instances of location managers for specific virtual entity instances across a distributed machine.
template<typename EntityID>
struct LocationMsg
template<typename EntityID>
struct LocEntity
template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
struct LocLookup
template<typename EntityID>
struct LocRecord
template<typename EntityID>
struct PendingLocationLookup


enum class eLocState: int32_t { Local = 1, Remote = 2, Invalid = -1 }


using NodeActionType = std::function<void(NodeType)>
using LocMsgActionType = std::function<void(BaseMessage*)>
using LocEventID = int64_t
using LocationSizeType = size_t
using LocInstType = int64_t


template<typename EntityID>
auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, LocRecord<EntityID> const& rec) -> std::ostream&
auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, eLocState const& state) -> std::ostream&


static const LocEventID no_location_event_id constexpr
static LocEventID fst_location_event_id
static const LocationSizeType default_max_cache_size constexpr
static const ByteType small_msg_max_size constexpr
static const LocInstType no_loc_inst constexpr

Enum documentation

enum class vt::location::eLocState: int32_t

Typedef documentation

using vt::location::NodeActionType = std::function<void(NodeType)>

using vt::location::LocMsgActionType = std::function<void(BaseMessage*)>

using vt::location::LocEventID = int64_t

using vt::location::LocationSizeType = size_t

using vt::location::LocInstType = int64_t

Function documentation

template<typename EntityID>
std::ostream& vt::location::operator<<(std::ostream& os, LocRecord<EntityID> const& rec)

std::ostream& vt::location::operator<<(std::ostream& os, eLocState const& state)

Variable documentation

static const LocEventID vt::location::no_location_event_id constexpr

static const ByteType vt::location::small_msg_max_size constexpr

static const LocInstType vt::location::no_loc_inst constexpr