- How to Build Building DARMA/vt with cmake.
Tutorial Tutorial of how to use vt
- Learning about context
- Learning about active handlers
- Learning about serialization
- Learning about broadcasts
- Learning about rooted groups
- Learning about collective groups
- Learning about callbacks
- Learning about reductions
- Learning about collections
- Learning about collection reductions
- Learning about collective epochs
- Examples Small example programs to learn vt
- Example Collection Migration Program
- Spec File Specification File for vt components.
- Trace-only Using vt in trace-only mode.
Introduction Overview of functionality in vt
- Context Node-aware context.
- Active Messenger Asynchronous send/receive of messages.
- Virtual Context Collection Collection of tasks.
- Collectives Collective operations.
- Event Manager Manage asynchronous events.
- Group Manager Create a grouping of nodes.
- LB Manager Manage load balancers.
- Location Manager Virtual entity location management.
- Memory Usage Tracker Track memory usage.
- Object Group Manager Create object instances across nodes.
- Pipe Manager Create opaque callback endpoints.
- Node LB Data Manager object profiling data.
- Phase Manager Manage phases of time.
- Memory Pool Memory pool for efficient allocation.
- RDMA Manager Node-level RDMA.
- RDMA Handle Manager RDMA handles backed by MPI.
- Registry Registered handlers.
- Scheduler General scheduling of work.
- Termination Detector Detect termination of work.
- Epoch Manager Manage TD epochs.
- Time Triggers Time-based progress actions.
- Tracing Trace distributed events.
- LB Restart Reader Follow input LB distribution.
- Program Example 1
- Non-Intrusive Program Example 1
- Polymorphic Serialization Example
- Polymorphic Serialization Example w/Macros
- How to Serialize Data
- Todo List
- Deprecated List