- struct ActiveEnvelope
- The foundational basic envelope that every VT message has as the first member.
- struct ActiveMessenger
- Core component of VT used to send messages.
template<typename EnvelopeT>struct ActiveMsg
- The base class for all messages. Common alias is
which uses the default envelope.Message - struct AsyncOp
- A general asynchronous operation with a pure virtual polling function and an associated trigger to execute when it completes.
- struct AsyncOpMPI
- An asynchronous MPI request that VT can poll on until completion.
- struct AsyncOpWrapper
- Wrapper for a general asynchronous operation that holds a pointer to base class.
- struct BaseMsg
- The very lowest base class for a message. Used by the runtime to cast on delivery to handlers without type knowledge.
- struct BufferedActiveMsg
- Holds a buffered active message, used internally.
template<typename Index>struct CollectionChainSet
- A set of chains to maintain a sequence for a set of collection elements that may be local or remote.
template<class...>struct cxx14_conjunction
template<class B1>struct cxx14_conjunction<B1>
template<class B1, class... Bn>struct cxx14_conjunction<B1, Bn...>
template<typename... Ts>struct cxx14_make_void
template<typename MsgT>struct DefinesSerializationMode
- struct DependentSendChain
- A sequenced chain of sends ordered by termination detection.
- struct EpochActiveEnvelope
- Extended envelope that holds an epoch, contains all of
. - struct EpochTagActiveEnvelope
- Extended envelope that holds an epoch and tag, contains all of
. -
template<class T>struct has_any_serialize_member_t
template<typename U, typename = void>struct has_own_serialize_member_t
template<typename U>struct has_own_serialize_member_t<U, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<void(U::*)(::checkpoint::Sizer&), decltype(&U::template serialize<SerializeSizerType>)>::value>>
- struct InProgressBase
- Base class for an in-progress MPI operation.
- struct InProgressDataIRecv
- An in-progress pure data MPI_Irecv watched by the runtime.
- struct InProgressIRecv
- An in-progress MPI_Irecv watched by the runtime.
template<typename T>struct is_byte_copyable_t
- struct MergedClosure
- A copyable closure that holds a
that will be released when all shared instances of this closure are destroyed. -
template<typename U, typename = void>struct msg_defines_serialize_mode
template<typename U>struct msg_defines_serialize_mode<U, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<DefinesSerializationMode<U>, U>::value>>
template<typename U>struct msg_defines_serialize_mode<U, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<void(U::*)(), decltype(&U::vt_serialize_defined_on_type)>::value>>
template<typename MessageT, typename = void>struct msg_serialization_mode
- struct MsgPtrImplBase
- Message-type agnostic virtual base class.
template<typename MsgT>struct MsgPtrImplTyped
template<typename MsgT>struct MsgPtrThief
- Helper to unify 'stealing' message ownership.
template<typename T>struct MsgSharedPtr
- struct MultiMsg
template<typename MsgT, typename SelfT>struct NonSerializedMsg
template<typename Tuple, typename enabled = void>struct ParamMsg
- struct PendingClosure
- A move-only closure that holds a
that is typically waiting for termination of another epoch before being released. - struct PendingRecv
- An pending receive event.
- struct PendingSend
- A pending send (or other similar operation) that is delayed until this holder goes out of scope.
template<typename MessageT>struct PutMessageComponent
template<typename T>struct RequestHolder
- Holds a set of pending MPI Irecvs to poll for completion.
- struct SendInfo
- Returned from a data send to be used to receive the data.
template<typename MsgT, typename SelfT, typename ... DepTypesT>struct SerializeIfNeededMsg
template<typename MsgT, typename SelfT>struct SerializeRequiredMsg
template<typename MsgT, typename SelfT>struct SerializeSupportedMsg
- struct TagActiveEnvelope
- Extended envelope that holds a tag, contains all of
. -
template<typename Tuple>struct ParamMsg<Tuple, std::enable_if_t<is_byte_copyable_t<Tuple>::value>>
template<typename Tuple>struct ParamMsg<Tuple, std::enable_if_t<not is_byte_copyable_t<Tuple>::value>>
template<typename MessageT>struct msg_serialization_mode<MessageT, cxx14_void_t<decltype(MessageT::vt_serialize_mode)>>
enum class MPITag: MPI_
TagType { ActiveMsgTag = 1, DataMsgTag = 2 } - enum ChainSetLayout { Local, Home }
- Used to specify the layout for automatically managing dependency chains for a given collection.
- enum eEnvelopeType { EnvPipe = 0, EnvPut = 1, EnvTerm = 2, EnvBroadcast = 3, EnvEpochType = 4, EnvTagType = 5, EnvPackedPut = 6 }
- Enum for envelope type bits, used to cast to sub-types and interpret bits.
- enum class SerializationMode: int { support = 1, require = 2, prohibit = 3 }
- using MPI_TagType = int
template<typename... Ts>using cxx14_void_t = typename cxx14_
make_ void<Ts...>::type -
using SerializeSizerType = ::checkpoint::
template<typename Env>auto envelopeIsTerm(Env const& env) -> bool
- Test if envelope type is term
. -
template<typename Env>auto envelopeIsPipe(Env const& env) -> bool
- Test if envelope type is pipe
. -
template<typename Env>auto envelopeIsPut(Env const& env) -> bool
- Test if envelope type is put
. -
template<typename Env>auto envelopeIsBcast(Env const& env) -> bool
- Test if envelope type is broadcast
. -
template<typename Env>auto envelopeIsEpochType(Env const& env) -> bool
- Test if envelope type is epoch
. -
template<typename Env>auto envelopeIsTagType(Env const& env) -> bool
- Test if envelope type is tag
. -
template<typename Env>auto envelopeHasBeenSerialized(Env& env) -> bool
- Test if the message's base serializer has been called.
template<typename Env>auto envelopeIsLocked(Env& env) -> bool
- Test if the message's envelope has been locked.
template<typename Env>auto envelopeCommLBDataRecordedAboveBareHandler(Env& env) -> bool
- Test if an envelope indicates that bare handlers shouldn't record LB comm LB data.
template<typename MsgT>void msgSetPriorityLevel(MsgT ptr, PriorityLevelType level)
template<typename MsgT>void msgSetPriorityAllLevels(MsgT ptr, PriorityType priority)
template<typename MsgT, typename MsgU>auto msgIncPriorityLevel(MsgT old_msg, MsgU new_msg) -> bool
template<typename MsgU>void msgSetPriority(MsgU new_msg, PriorityType priority, bool increment_level = false)
template<typename MsgU>void msgSetPriorityImpl(MsgU new_msg, PriorityType new_priority, PriorityType old_priority, PriorityLevelType level)
template<typename MsgT, typename MsgU>void msgSetPriorityFrom(MsgT old_msg, MsgU new_msg, PriorityType priority, bool increment_level = false)
template<typename MsgT>void msgSystemSetPriority(MsgT ptr, PriorityType priority)
template<typename MsgT>void msgSetPriorityLevel(] MsgT ptr, ] PriorityLevelType level)
template<typename MsgT>void msgSetPriorityAllLevels(] MsgT ptr, ] PriorityType priority)
template<typename MsgT, typename MsgU>auto msgIncPriorityLevel(] MsgT old_msg, ] MsgU new_msg) -> bool
template<typename MsgU>void msgSetPriority(] MsgU new_msg, ] PriorityType priority, ] bool increment_level)
template<typename MsgU>void msgSetPriorityImpl(] MsgU new_msg, ] PriorityType new_priority, ] PriorityType old_priority, ] PriorityLevelType level)
template<typename MsgT, typename MsgU>void msgSetPriorityFrom(] MsgT old_msg, ] MsgU new_msg, ] PriorityType priority, ] bool increment_level)
template<typename MsgT>void msgSystemSetPriority(] MsgT ptr, ] PriorityType priority)
- static const TagType PutPackedTag constexpr
- static const TagType starting_direct_buffer_tag constexpr
- static const MsgSizeType max_pack_direct_size constexpr
- NodeType broadcast_dest constexpr
- static const BitCountType envelope_num_bits constexpr
- Number of bits allocated for
. -
template<typename T>static const auto has_own_serialize constexpr
Enum documentation
enum class vt:: messaging:: MPITag: MPI_ TagType
#include <src/vt/messaging/active.h>
enum vt:: messaging:: ChainSetLayout
Used to specify the layout for automatically managing dependency chains for a given collection.
Enumerators | |
Local |
Track dependencies where element is located |
Home |
Track dependencies on the home node |
enum vt:: messaging:: eEnvelopeType
Enum for envelope type bits, used to cast to sub-types and interpret bits.
Enumerators | |
EnvPipe |
Whether to interpret group field as pipe |
EnvPut |
Whether the envelope has a PUT payload |
EnvTerm |
Whether the message is a term control msg |
EnvBroadcast |
Whether the message is being broadcast |
EnvEpochType |
Whether the envelope can hold an epoch |
EnvTagType |
Whether the envelope can hold a tag |
EnvPackedPut |
Whether the message is packed with data |
enum class vt:: messaging:: SerializationMode: int
Typedef documentation
using vt:: messaging:: MPI_TagType = int
#include <src/vt/messaging/active.h>
template<typename... Ts>
using vt:: messaging:: cxx14_void_t = typename cxx14_ make_ void<Ts...>::type
using vt:: messaging:: SerializeSizerType = ::checkpoint:: Sizer
Function documentation
template<typename Env>
bool vt:: messaging:: envelopeIsTerm(Env const& env)
Test if envelope type is term EnvTerm
Parameters | |
env in | the envelope |
Returns | whether the bit is set |
template<typename Env>
bool vt:: messaging:: envelopeIsPipe(Env const& env)
Test if envelope type is pipe EnvPipe
Parameters | |
env in | the envelope |
Returns | whether the bit is set |
This designation if enabled changes how the group bits are interpreted—either as the GroupType
or PipeType
. Note that this works because its impossible for a message to be sent both as a group and pipe simultaneously.
template<typename Env>
bool vt:: messaging:: envelopeIsPut(Env const& env)
Test if envelope type is put EnvPut
Parameters | |
env in | the envelope |
Returns | whether the bit is set |
template<typename Env>
bool vt:: messaging:: envelopeIsBcast(Env const& env)
Test if envelope type is broadcast EnvBroadcast
Parameters | |
env in | the envelope |
Returns | whether the bit is set |
template<typename Env>
bool vt:: messaging:: envelopeIsEpochType(Env const& env)
Test if envelope type is epoch EnvEpoch
Parameters | |
env in | the envelope |
Returns | whether the bit is set |
template<typename Env>
bool vt:: messaging:: envelopeIsTagType(Env const& env)
Test if envelope type is tag EnvTag
Parameters | |
env in | the envelope |
Returns | whether the bit is set |
template<typename Env>
bool vt:: messaging:: envelopeHasBeenSerialized(Env& env)
Test if the message's base serializer has been called.
Parameters | |
env in | the envelope |
template<typename Env>
bool vt:: messaging:: envelopeIsLocked(Env& env)
Test if the message's envelope has been locked.
Parameters | |
env in | the envelope |
template<typename Env>
bool vt:: messaging:: envelopeCommLBDataRecordedAboveBareHandler(Env& env)
Test if an envelope indicates that bare handlers shouldn't record LB comm LB data.
Parameters | |
env in | the envelope |
template<typename MsgT>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSetPriorityLevel(MsgT ptr,
PriorityLevelType level)
template<typename MsgT>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSetPriorityAllLevels(MsgT ptr,
PriorityType priority)
template<typename MsgT, typename MsgU>
bool vt:: messaging:: msgIncPriorityLevel(MsgT old_msg,
MsgU new_msg)
template<typename MsgU>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSetPriority(MsgU new_msg,
PriorityType priority,
bool increment_level = false)
template<typename MsgU>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSetPriorityImpl(MsgU new_msg,
PriorityType new_priority,
PriorityType old_priority,
PriorityLevelType level)
template<typename MsgT, typename MsgU>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSetPriorityFrom(MsgT old_msg,
MsgU new_msg,
PriorityType priority,
bool increment_level = false)
template<typename MsgT>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSystemSetPriority(MsgT ptr,
PriorityType priority)
template<typename MsgT>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSetPriorityLevel(] MsgT ptr,
] PriorityLevelType level)
template<typename MsgT>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSetPriorityAllLevels(] MsgT ptr,
] PriorityType priority)
template<typename MsgT, typename MsgU>
bool vt:: messaging:: msgIncPriorityLevel(] MsgT old_msg,
] MsgU new_msg)
template<typename MsgU>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSetPriority(] MsgU new_msg,
] PriorityType priority,
] bool increment_level)
template<typename MsgU>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSetPriorityImpl(] MsgU new_msg,
] PriorityType new_priority,
] PriorityType old_priority,
] PriorityLevelType level)
template<typename MsgT, typename MsgU>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSetPriorityFrom(] MsgT old_msg,
] MsgU new_msg,
] PriorityType priority,
] bool increment_level)
template<typename MsgT>
void vt:: messaging:: msgSystemSetPriority(] MsgT ptr,
] PriorityType priority)
Variable documentation
static const TagType vt:: messaging:: PutPackedTag constexpr
#include <src/vt/messaging/active.h>
static const TagType vt:: messaging:: starting_direct_buffer_tag constexpr
#include <src/vt/messaging/active.h>
static const MsgSizeType vt:: messaging:: max_pack_direct_size constexpr
#include <src/vt/messaging/active.h>
NodeType vt:: messaging:: broadcast_dest constexpr
#include <src/vt/messaging/active.impl.h>
static const BitCountType vt:: messaging:: envelope_num_bits constexpr
Number of bits allocated for eEnvelopeType
template<typename T>
static const auto vt:: messaging:: has_own_serialize constexpr