vt::debug namespace


namespace assert
namespace stack


auto preConfigRef() -> arguments::AppConfig*
Returns the preConfig, accessible OUTSIDE of VT initialization.
auto preConfig() -> arguments::AppConfig const *
Returns the config, accessible OUTSIDE of VT initialization.
auto colorizeOutput() -> bool
auto green() -> std::string
auto bold() -> std::string
auto magenta() -> std::string
auto red() -> std::string
auto bred() -> std::string
auto reset() -> std::string
auto bd_green() -> std::string
auto it_green() -> std::string
auto un_green() -> std::string
auto byellow() -> std::string
auto yellow() -> std::string
auto blue() -> std::string
auto emph(std::string str) -> std::string
auto reg(std::string str) -> std::string
auto vtPre() -> std::string
auto proc(vt::NodeType const& node) -> std::string
template<typename EnumT>
auto printEnum(std::ostream& os, EnumT const& val) -> std::ostream&
auto preNode() -> NodeType
template<typename T>
auto useVarsDummy(T t) -> int
template<typename... Args>
void useVars(Args && ... args)
auto preNodes() -> NodeType
auto getCachedHostname() -> std::string&
auto stringizeMessage(std::string const& msg, std::string const& reason, std::string const& cond, std::string const& file, int const line, std::string const& func, ErrorCodeType error) -> std::string


static std::string s_hostname
static arguments::AppConfig preInitAppConfig

Function documentation

arguments::AppConfig* vt::debug::preConfigRef()

Returns the preConfig, accessible OUTSIDE of VT initialization.

Returns A modifiable configuration

This non-const version is used by 'nompi' tests, in order to customize the app config (mostly vt_throw_on_abort)

arguments::AppConfig const * vt::debug::preConfig()

Returns the config, accessible OUTSIDE of VT initialization.

Returns A configuration; possible a default configuration.

Much as preNode, this can be accessed safely in debug* methods. This allows such methods to be used in code that is unit-test OK.

std::string vt::debug::green()

std::string vt::debug::bold()

std::string vt::debug::magenta()

std::string vt::debug::red()

std::string vt::debug::bred()

std::string vt::debug::reset()

std::string vt::debug::bd_green()

std::string vt::debug::it_green()

std::string vt::debug::un_green()

std::string vt::debug::byellow()

std::string vt::debug::yellow()

std::string vt::debug::blue()

std::string vt::debug::emph(std::string str)

std::string vt::debug::reg(std::string str)

std::string vt::debug::vtPre()

std::string vt::debug::proc(vt::NodeType const& node)

template<typename EnumT>
std::ostream& vt::debug::printEnum(std::ostream& os, EnumT const& val)

template<typename T>
int vt::debug::useVarsDummy(T t)

template<typename... Args>
void vt::debug::useVars(Args && ... args)

Attempt to ensure the argument (pack) is used. This may be optimized away by compilers. C++17 has cleaner methods. ref. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25680461/variadic-template-pack-expansion/25683817

std::string vt::debug::stringizeMessage(std::string const& msg, std::string const& reason, std::string const& cond, std::string const& file, int const line, std::string const& func, ErrorCodeType error)

Variable documentation

static std::string vt::debug::s_hostname