vt::rdma namespace


namespace impl


struct Action
struct BaseHandle
The untyped, lowest base class for all handles.
template<typename T, HandleEnum E, typename IndexT>
struct BaseTypedHandle
The typed base class for all types of handles.
template<typename IndexT>
struct Cache
struct Channel
struct ChannelLookup
struct ChannelMessage
struct CollectionInfo
struct CreateChannel
struct Endpoint
struct GetInfoChannel
struct Group
template<typename T, HandleEnum E = rdma::HandleEnum::StaticSize, typename IndexT = vt::NodeType, typename = void>
struct Handle
Handle specialization for index-level RDMA access (overdecomposed)
struct HandleKey
struct HandleManager
template<typename T>
struct HandleSet
Holds a static (non-migratable) set of handles that can be indexed built by an objgroup for sub-chunking.
template<typename T, HandleEnum E>
struct Holder
struct IndexInfo
struct Info
struct LockMPI
struct Manager
RDMA Handle Manager for creation of node- or index-level handles.
struct Map
struct NonTarget
struct Pending
struct RDMACollectionManager
struct RDMAManager
Core component of VT used to send pure data to registered RDMA handlers or memory locations.
template<typename EnvelopeT>
struct RDMAOpFinishedMessage
struct Region
template<typename EnvelopeT>
struct RequestDataMessage
struct RequestHolder
template<typename EnvelopeT>
struct SendDataMessage
struct State
template<typename StateT>
struct StateMessage
template<typename T, HandleEnum E, typename IndexT>
struct SubHandle
struct Target
template<typename T>
struct TypeMPI
struct TypeMPI<char>
struct TypeMPI<double>
struct TypeMPI<float>
struct TypeMPI<int16_t>
struct TypeMPI<int32_t>
struct TypeMPI<int64_t>
struct TypeMPI<int8_t>
struct TypeMPI<long double>
struct TypeMPI<uint16_t>
struct TypeMPI<uint32_t>
struct TypeMPI<uint64_t>
struct TypeMPI<uint8_t>
struct TypeMPI<wchar_t>
template<typename T, HandleEnum E, typename IndexT>
struct Handle<T, E, IndexT, typename std::enable_if_t<not std::is_same<IndexT, vt::NodeType>::value>>
template<typename T, HandleEnum E, typename IndexT>
struct Handle<T, E, IndexT, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<IndexT, vt::NodeType>::value>>


enum Type { Get = 0, Put = 1, GetOrPut = 2, Uninitialized = 3 }
enum Bits { Sized = 0, Collective = Bits::Sized + rdma_sized_num_bits, HandlerType = Bits::Collective + rdma_collective_num_bits, OpType = Bits::HandlerType + rdma_hander_type_num_bits, Identifier = Bits::OpType + rdma_type_num_bits, Node = Bits::Identifier + rdma_identifier_num_bits }
enum class HandleEnum { StaticSize = 1, ConcurrentList = 2 }
enum class Lock: int8_t { None = 0, Exclusive = 1, Shared = 2 }


using RegionElmSizeType = int32_t
using RDMA_IdentifierType = int32_t
using RDMA_OpType = int64_t
template<typename MsgType>
using ActiveTypedGetFunctionType = RDMA_GetType(*)(MsgType*, ByteType, ByteType, TagType, bool)
template<typename MsgType>
using ActiveTypedPutFunctionType = void(*)(MsgType*, RDMA_PtrType, ByteType, ByteType, TagType, bool)
using ActiveGetFunctionType = RDMA_GetType(*)(BaseMessage*, ByteType, ByteType, TagType, bool)
using ActivePutFunctionType = void(*)(BaseMessage*, RDMA_PtrType, ByteType, ByteType, TagType, bool)
using RDMA_PtrContinuationType = std::function<void(RDMA_PtrType)>
using RDMA_RecvType = std::function<void(std::byte*ptr, size_t num_bytes)>
using RDMA_NumElemsType = int64_t
using RDMA_BlockElmRangeType = std::tuple<RDMA_BlockType, RDMA_ElmType, RDMA_ElmType>
using RDMA_BlockMapType = std::function<NodeType(RDMA_BlockType, RDMA_BlockType)>
using RDMA_ElmMapType = std::function<RDMA_BlockElmRangeType(RDMA_ElmType, RDMA_ElmType, RDMA_BlockType)>
using RDMA_HandleManagerType = HandleManager
using GetMessage = RequestDataMessage<EpochTagEnvelope>
using GetBackMessage = SendDataMessage<EpochTagEnvelope>
using PutMessage = SendDataMessage<EpochTagEnvelope>
using PutBackMessage = RDMAOpFinishedMessage<EpochTagEnvelope>
using DestroyChannel = ChannelMessage
using UnderlyingNodeType = NodeType
using ElemType = int64_t


auto operator==(ChannelLookup const& c1, ChannelLookup const& c2) -> bool


const ByteType rdma_elm_size constexpr
const ByteType rdma_empty_byte constexpr
static Map default_map
static const RegionElmSizeType no_elm_size constexpr
static const RDMA_IdentifierType first_rdma_identifier constexpr
static const RDMA_IdentifierType uninitialized_rdma_identifier constexpr
static const TagType first_rdma_channel_tag constexpr
static const BitCountType rdma_type_num_bits constexpr
static const BitCountType rdma_sized_num_bits constexpr
static const BitCountType rdma_collective_num_bits constexpr
static const BitCountType rdma_hander_type_num_bits constexpr
static const BitCountType rdma_identifier_num_bits constexpr
static const RDMA_OpType no_rdma_op constexpr
static Type uninitialized_rdma_type constexpr
static ByteType rdma_default_byte_size constexpr
static const RDMA_HandlerType first_rdma_handler constexpr

Enum documentation

enum vt::rdma::Type

enum vt::rdma::Bits

enum class vt::rdma::HandleEnum

enum class vt::rdma::Lock: int8_t

Typedef documentation

using vt::rdma::RegionElmSizeType = int32_t

using vt::rdma::RDMA_IdentifierType = int32_t

using vt::rdma::RDMA_OpType = int64_t

template<typename MsgType>
using vt::rdma::ActiveTypedGetFunctionType = RDMA_GetType(*)(MsgType*, ByteType, ByteType, TagType, bool)

template<typename MsgType>
using vt::rdma::ActiveTypedPutFunctionType = void(*)(MsgType*, RDMA_PtrType, ByteType, ByteType, TagType, bool)

using vt::rdma::RDMA_PtrContinuationType = std::function<void(RDMA_PtrType)>

using vt::rdma::RDMA_RecvType = std::function<void(std::byte*ptr, size_t num_bytes)>

using vt::rdma::RDMA_NumElemsType = int64_t

using vt::rdma::ElemType = int64_t

Function documentation

Variable documentation

const ByteType vt::rdma::rdma_elm_size constexpr

static Map vt::rdma::default_map

static const RegionElmSizeType vt::rdma::no_elm_size constexpr

static const RDMA_IdentifierType vt::rdma::first_rdma_identifier constexpr

static const TagType vt::rdma::first_rdma_channel_tag constexpr

static const BitCountType vt::rdma::rdma_type_num_bits constexpr

static const BitCountType vt::rdma::rdma_sized_num_bits constexpr

static const BitCountType vt::rdma::rdma_collective_num_bits constexpr

static const BitCountType vt::rdma::rdma_hander_type_num_bits constexpr

static const BitCountType vt::rdma::rdma_identifier_num_bits constexpr

static const RDMA_OpType vt::rdma::no_rdma_op constexpr

static Type vt::rdma::uninitialized_rdma_type constexpr

static ByteType vt::rdma::rdma_default_byte_size constexpr

static const RDMA_HandlerType vt::rdma::first_rdma_handler constexpr