namespace checkpoint
namespace buffer
- struct Buffer
struct IOBuffer
- struct ReadFromFileTag
- struct WriteToFileTag
- struct ManagedBuffer
- struct UserBuffer
- namespace debug
namespace detail
- struct ByteCopyableVariant
- struct ByteCopyableVariant<Arg, Args...>
- struct ByteCopyableVariant<>
- struct isByteCopyableImpl
- struct SerializeEntry
- struct SerializeEntry<Arg, Args...>
- struct SerializeEntry<>
namespace dispatch
- namespace typeregistry
namespace vrt
namespace objregistry
- struct ObjectEntry
- struct Registrar
- struct Type
namespace serializer_registry
- struct Registrar
- struct SerializerEntry
- struct Type
- struct _CheckpointBaseType
- struct _CheckpointBaseType<BaseT*>
- struct _CheckpointBaseType<SerializableBase<BaseT>*>
- struct _CheckpointDerivedType
- struct _CheckpointDerivedType<DerivedT*>
- struct _CheckpointDerivedType<SerializableDerived<DerivedT, BaseT>*>
- struct InstantiateIfPossible
- struct InstantiateTupleHelper
- struct InstantiateTupleHelper<ObjT>
- struct InstantiateTupleHelper<ObjT, T, Ts...>
- struct InstantiateIfPossible<ObjT, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<SerializableTraits<ObjT, SerializerT>::has_serialize_function or SerializableTraits<ObjT, SerializerT>::is_bytecopyable>>
- struct InstantiateIfPossible<ObjT, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<not(SerializableTraits<ObjT, SerializerT>::has_serialize_function or SerializableTraits<ObjT, SerializerT>::is_bytecopyable)>>
- struct SerializableBase A class at the base of an inheritance hierarchy should inherit from this.
- struct SerializableDerived A derived class of an inheritance hierarchy should inherit from this.
- struct VirtualSerializeTraits
namespace objregistry
- struct Allocator
- struct BasicDispatcher
- struct CleanType
- struct InPlaceTag
- struct Reconstructor
- struct serialization_error
- struct SerializerDispatchByte
- struct SerializerDispatchNonByte
- struct Standard Standard traversals for sizing, packing and unpacking a class.
- struct Traverse Traverse a target recursively
with a traverser object (typically inheriting fromSerializer
namespace serializerUserTraits
- struct FirstTraitImpl
- struct FirstTraitImpl<TraitHolder<Trait, Traits...>>
- struct MergeTraitsImpl
- struct MergeTraitsImpl<TraitHolder<TraitsA...>, TraitHolder<TraitsB...>>
- struct NestedTraitHolder
- struct PopTraitImpl
- struct PopTraitImpl<TraitHolder<Trait, Traits...>>
- struct TraitHolder
- struct traits_match
- struct UnwrapTraitsImpl
- struct UnwrapTraitsImpl<TraitHolder<NestedTraitHolder<WrappedTraits>, Traits...>>
- struct UnwrapTraitsImpl<TraitHolder<Trait, Traits...>>
- struct UnwrapTraitsImpl<TraitHolder<>>
- struct WithoutTraitsImpl
- struct WithoutTraitsImpl<Holder>
- struct WithoutTraitsImpl<Holder, T, U...>
- struct WithoutTraitsImpl<TraitHolder<>, T, U...>
- struct BaseSerializer General base class for serialiers.
- struct ByteCopyNonIntrusive
- struct ByteCopyNonIntrusive<std::variant<Args...>>
- struct CheckpointReconstructor
- struct CheckpointReconstructor<std::tuple<Args...>>
- struct Footprinter
- struct SerializeVirtualTypeIfNeeded<T, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<dispatch::vrt::VirtualSerializeTraits<T>::has_not_virtual_serialize>>
- struct SerializeVirtualTypeIfNeeded<T, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<dispatch::vrt::VirtualSerializeTraits<T>::has_virtual_serialize>>
- struct ReconstructAsVirtualIfNeeded<T, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<dispatch::vrt::VirtualSerializeTraits<T>::has_virtual_serialize>>
- struct ReconstructAsVirtualIfNeeded<T, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<dispatch::vrt::VirtualSerializeTraits<T>::has_not_virtual_serialize and not checkpoint::is_footprinter_v<SerializerT>>>
- struct ReconstructAsVirtualIfNeeded<T, SerializerT, typename std::enable_if_t<dispatch::vrt::VirtualSerializeTraits<T>::has_not_virtual_serialize and checkpoint::is_footprinter_v<SerializerT>>>
- struct isByteCopyable
- struct MemorySerializer
- struct PackerBuffer
- struct ReconstructAsVirtualIfNeeded Do a static trait test on type to check for virtual serializability. If virtually serializable, we need to perform some extra work to register the type, allocate, and construct the proper type. Otherwise, we go through the normal path for allocating memory for T and serializing what the pointer points to.
- struct SerdesByteCopy
- struct SerializableTraits
- struct SerializedInfo Return of serialize that contains the buffer and size serialized.
- struct SerializerRef
- struct SerializerTraits
- struct SerializeVirtualTypeIfNeeded Do a static trait test on type to check for virtual serializability.
- struct Sizer Sizer serializers for sizing the contents of classes as a preprocessing pass before packing content so a properly sized buffer can be allocated.
- struct StreamPacker
- struct StreamUnpacker
- struct UnpackerBuffer
namespace buffer
- namespace checkpoint::@937
namespace detection
- struct detector
- struct detector<T, std::void_t<Op<Args...>>, Op, Args...>
- struct NoneSuch final
namespace std
- struct hash<ElmProxyType<ColT, IndexT>>
- struct hash<std::tuple<A, B>>
- struct hash<vt::collective::reduce::detail::ReduceScope>
- struct hash<vt::collective::reduce::detail::TagPair>
- struct hash<vt::elm::CommKey>
- struct hash<vt::elm::ElementIDStruct>
- struct hash<vt::epoch::EpochType> Hash function for
. - struct hash<vt::index::DenseIndexArray<IndexType, ndim>>
- struct hash<vt::rdma::ChannelLookup>
- struct hash<vt::rdma::HandleKey>
- struct hash<vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>>
- struct hash<vt::vrt::collection::BaseElmProxy<IndexT>>
- struct less<vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>>
- class numeric_limits<vt::TimeTypeWrapper>
namespace vt
- namespace adt
namespace arguments
- struct AppConfig Configuration parameters for a VT instance.
- struct ArgConfig Component that manages the configuration for a VT instance, parsed through the command-line arguments.
- struct ArgvContainer
- class VtFormatter
namespace auto_registry
- struct AutoRegInfo
- struct BaseHandlersDispatcher
- struct BaseMapsDispatcher
- struct BaseScatterDispatcher
- struct FunctorAdapter
- struct FunctorAdapterArgs
- struct FunctorAdapterMember
- struct FunctorAdapterParam
- struct GetFnPtr
- struct GetFnPtr<FunctorT, false, MsgT>
- struct GetFnPtr<FunctorT, true, MsgT>
- struct HandlersDispatcher final
- struct IndexHolder
- struct MapsDispatcher final
- struct MaxIndexHolder
- struct NumArgsTagType
- struct RegistrarFunctor
- struct RegistrarGen
- struct RegistrarGenInfo
- struct RegistrarGenInfoBase
- struct RegistrarGenInfoImpl
- struct RegistrarHelper
- struct RegistrarIndex
- struct RegistrarWrapperFunctor
- struct RegistrarWrapperGen
- struct RegistrarWrapperIndex
- struct RunnableFunctor
- struct RunnableGen
- struct ScatterDispatcher final
- struct SentinelObject
- struct RegistrarFunctor<RunnableT, RegT, InfoT, FnT, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<InfoT, AutoRegInfo<AutoActiveMapType>>::value>>
- struct RegistrarFunctor<RunnableT, RegT, InfoT, FnT, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<InfoT, AutoRegInfo<AutoActiveType>>::value>>
- struct RegistrarHelper<RunnableT, RegT, InfoT, FnT, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<InfoT, AutoRegInfo<BaseHandlersDispatcherPtr>>::value>>
- struct RegistrarHelper<RunnableT, RegT, InfoT, FnT, std::enable_if_t<not std::is_same<InfoT, AutoRegInfo<BaseHandlersDispatcherPtr>>::value and not std::is_same<InfoT, AutoRegInfo<BaseMapsDispatcherPtr>>::value and not std::is_same<InfoT, AutoRegInfo<BaseScatterDispatcherPtr>>::value>>
- struct RegistrarHelper<RunnableT, RegT, InfoT, FnT, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<InfoT, AutoRegInfo<BaseMapsDispatcherPtr>>::value>>
- struct RegistrarHelper<RunnableT, RegT, InfoT, FnT, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<InfoT, AutoRegInfo<BaseScatterDispatcherPtr>>::value>>
- namespace CLI
namespace collective
namespace barrier
- struct Barrier Perform a collective barrier that is safe to use with VT handlers in flight.
- struct BarrierMsg
- struct BarrierState
namespace detail
struct ScopeImpl
- struct CollectiveInfo
struct ScopeImpl
namespace reduce
namespace detail
namespace tags
- struct ComponentTag
- struct EpochTag
- struct GroupTag
- struct ObjGroupTag
- struct SeqTag
- struct TagTag
- struct UserIDTag
- struct VrtProxyTag
- struct ReduceIDImpl Sent in all reduction messages to identify the scope and reduction stamp so it gets merged with the right data.
- struct ReduceScope A unique scope for reduction operations, identified by the obj group proxy, virtual proxy, group ID, or component ID.
struct ReduceScopeHolder Holds instances of reducers indexed by the reduction scope bits.
- struct ComponentTag
- struct GroupTag
- struct ObjGroupTag
- struct UserIDTag
- struct VrtProxyTag
- struct TagPair Holds a pair of tags, which can be used to identify a reduction instance.
namespace tags
namespace operators
- struct AndOp
- struct AndOp<std::array<T, N>>
- struct AndOp<std::tuple<Params...>>
- struct AndOp<std::vector<T>>
- struct ApplyOp
- struct ApplyOp<Op, cur, max, std::enable_if_t<cur !=max>>
- struct ApplyOp<Op, cur, max, std::enable_if_t<cur==max>>
- struct BitAndOp
- struct BitAndOp<std::tuple<Params...>>
- struct BitOrOp
- struct BitOrOp<std::tuple<Params...>>
- struct BitXorOp
- struct BitXorOp<std::tuple<Params...>>
- struct GetCallbackType
- struct GetCallbackType<Callback<T>>
- struct GetCallbackType<std::tuple<Args...>>
- struct GetCallbackType<T>
- struct IsTuple
- struct IsTuple<std::tuple<Args...>>
- struct MaxOp
- struct MaxOp<std::array<T, N>>
- struct MaxOp<std::tuple<Params...>>
- struct MaxOp<std::vector<T>>
- struct MinOp
- struct MinOp<std::array<T, N>>
- struct MinOp<std::tuple<Params...>>
- struct MinOp<std::vector<T>>
- struct NoCombine
- struct None
- struct OrOp
- struct OrOp<std::tuple<Params...>>
- struct OrOp<std::vector<T>>
- struct PlusOp
- struct PlusOp<std::array<T, N>>
- struct PlusOp<std::tuple<Params...>>
- struct PlusOp<std::vector<bool>>
- struct PlusOp<std::vector<T>>
- struct ReduceArrMsg
- struct ReduceCallback
- struct ReduceCombine
- struct ReduceDataMsg
- struct ReduceVecMsg
- struct GetReduceStamp
- struct GetReduceStamp<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<std::tuple_element_t<sizeof...(Args) - 1, std::tuple<Args...>>>, collective::reduce::ReduceStamp>>, Args...>
- struct GetReduceStamp<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<void, void>>>
- struct Reduce A specific, isolated reducer instance for a given scope that sequences reduce operations via the reduction stamp within that scope.
- struct ReduceLink
- struct ReduceManager Manage distinct scopes for reductions.
- struct ReduceMsg
- struct ReduceState
- struct ReduceStateHolder
namespace detail
namespace scatter
- struct Scatter Scatter data across all nodes from a single origin.
- struct ScatterMsg
namespace tree
- struct DefaultTreeConstructTag
- struct Tree General interface for storing a spanning tree.
struct CollectiveAlg Perform asynchronous collectives within VT.
- struct CollectiveMsg
- struct CollectiveScope A distinct scope for enqueuing ordered collective operations.
namespace barrier
namespace config
- struct ApplyOp
- struct CheckEnabled
- struct Configuration
- struct DebugPrintOp
- struct DebugPrintOp<cat, CtxEnum::node, mod>
- struct DebugPrintOp<cat, CtxEnum::unknown, mod>
- struct DispatchOp
- struct CheckEnabled<Op, C, cat, ctx, mod, typename std::enable_if_t<not vt_check_enabled(production_build) and(C::context&ctx) not_eq 0 and(C::mode&mod) not_eq 0>>
- struct PrettyPrintCat
- struct PrettyPrintMode
namespace ctx
- struct Collection Context for a collection element that is running. Includes the index and proxy for the collection.
- struct Context Used to obtain the current node and other context where a handler executes.
- struct ContextAttorney Used by VT internals for write access to the Context.
- struct Continuation A continuation that runs after a task is complete.
- struct LBData Context for collection of LB data when a task runs.
- struct SetContext Set the context of the current running task for query by other components or users.
- struct TD Context for termination detection to be preserved with a task. Manages the epoch stack associated with running tasks. Produces and consumes in the constructor and destructor to ensure termination is not detected early.
- struct Trace
- namespace debug
- namespace detail
- namespace diagnostic
namespace elm
struct CommKey
- struct CollectionTag
- struct CollectionToNodeTag
- struct NodeToCollectionTag
- struct ReadOnlySharedTag
- struct SendRecvTag
- struct WriteSharedTag
- struct CommVolume
- struct ElementIDStruct A general identifier for a task context. The
is unique in the system. - struct ElementLBData
- struct ElmIDBits
struct CommKey
namespace epoch
namespace detail
- struct EpochImplTag Epoch tag type for the strong type.
- struct EpochManip Component for managing epoch ID allocation/deallocation and manipulating the bits inside an epoch identifier.
- struct EpochType
- struct EpochWindow Allocates new epochs and holds the set of terminated epochs for a given epoch "archetype".
namespace detail
- namespace error
namespace event
- struct AsyncEvent Used to track events.
- struct EventHolder
- struct EventIDManager
- struct EventRecord
- union uEventPayload
namespace group
namespace global
- struct DefaultGroup
- struct GroupSyncMsg
- namespace region
- struct FinishedReduceMsg
- struct GroupActiveAttorney
- struct GroupCollective
- struct GroupCollectiveInfoMsg
- struct GroupCollectiveLabelTagType
- struct GroupCollSort
- struct GroupIDBuilder
- struct GroupInfoMsg
- struct GroupListMsg
- struct GroupManager A core VT component that can create and manage groups of nodes.
- struct GroupManagerT Group manager that handles typed actions that are registered for system use.
- struct GroupMsg
- struct GroupRangeMsg
- struct Info
- struct InfoBase
struct InfoColl
- struct CollSetupFinished
- struct InfoCollectiveConsType
- struct InfoRooted
- struct InfoRootedLocalConsType
- struct InfoRootedRemoteConsType
namespace global
namespace index
- struct BaseIndex
- struct DenseIndexArray
- struct DenseIndexArraySingleInitTag
- struct ExampleIndex
- struct IndexTraits
namespace location
- namespace detail
namespace details
- struct PendingInst Hold templated static instances for location coordinators.
- struct collection_lm_tag_t
- struct Directory
- struct EntityLocationCoord Part of a core VT component that manages the distributed location of virtual entities.
- struct EntityMsg
- struct LocationCache
- struct LocationCoord
- struct LocationManager A core VT component that manages instances of location managers for specific virtual entity instances across a distributed machine.
- struct LocationMsg
- struct LocEntity
- struct LocLookup
- struct LocRecord
- struct PendingLocationLookup
namespace mapping
- struct BaseMapper The base class for a general mapper object group used for mapping elements of a collection to a node.
- struct UnboundedDefaultMap The default mapper for an unbounded dynamic collection.
namespace messaging
namespace detail
- struct GetTraits
- struct GetTraits<std::enable_if_t<not std::is_same_v<MsgProps, Param>>, Param, Params...>
- struct GetTraits<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<MsgProps, Param>>, Param, Params...>
- struct GetTraits<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<void, void>>>
- struct GetTraitsTuple
- struct GetTraitsTuple<std::tuple<Params...>>
namespace statics
- struct Holder
- struct ActiveEnvelope The foundational basic envelope that every VT message has as the first member.
- struct ActiveMessenger Core component of VT used to send messages.
- struct ActiveMsg The base class for all messages. Common alias is
which uses the default envelope.Message - struct AsyncOp A general asynchronous operation with a pure virtual polling function and an associated trigger to execute when it completes.
- struct AsyncOpMPI An asynchronous MPI request that VT can poll on until completion.
- struct AsyncOpWrapper Wrapper for a general asynchronous operation that holds a pointer to base class.
- struct BaseMsg The very lowest base class for a message. Used by the runtime to cast on delivery to handlers without type knowledge.
- struct BufferedActiveMsg Holds a buffered active message, used internally.
struct CollectionChainSet final A set of chains to maintain a sequence for a set of collection elements that may be local or remote.
- struct IdxMsg Message that contains an index sent to remove or add remotely.
- struct cxx14_conjunction
- struct cxx14_conjunction<B1>
- struct cxx14_conjunction<B1, Bn...>
- struct cxx14_make_void
- struct DefinesSerializationMode
- struct DependentSendChain final A sequenced chain of sends ordered by termination detection.
- struct EpochActiveEnvelope Extended envelope that holds an epoch, contains all of
. - struct EpochTagActiveEnvelope Extended envelope that holds an epoch and tag, contains all of
. - struct has_any_serialize_member_t
- struct has_own_serialize_member_t
- struct has_own_serialize_member_t<U, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<void(U::*)(::checkpoint::Sizer&), decltype(&U::template serialize<SerializeSizerType>)>::value>>
- struct InProgressBase Base class for an in-progress MPI operation.
- struct InProgressDataIRecv An in-progress pure data MPI_Irecv watched by the runtime.
- struct InProgressIRecv An in-progress MPI_Irecv watched by the runtime.
- struct is_byte_copyable_t
- struct MergedClosure A copyable closure that holds a
that will be released when all shared instances of this closure are destroyed. - struct msg_defines_serialize_mode
- struct msg_defines_serialize_mode<U, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<DefinesSerializationMode<U>, U>::value>>
- struct msg_defines_serialize_mode<U, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<void(U::*)(), decltype(&U::vt_serialize_defined_on_type)>::value>>
- struct msg_serialization_mode
- struct MsgPtrImplBase Message-type agnostic virtual base class.
- struct MsgPtrImplTyped
- struct MsgPtrThief Helper to unify 'stealing' message ownership.
- struct MsgSharedPtr final
- struct MultiMsg
- struct NonSerializedMsg
- struct ParamMsg
- struct PendingClosure A move-only closure that holds a
that is typically waiting for termination of another epoch before being released. - struct PendingRecv An pending receive event.
- struct PendingSend final A pending send (or other similar operation) that is delayed until this holder goes out of scope.
- struct PutMessageComponent
- struct RequestHolder Holds a set of pending MPI Irecvs to poll for completion.
- struct SendInfo Returned from a data send to be used to receive the data.
- struct SerializeIfNeededMsg
- struct SerializeRequiredMsg
- struct SerializeSupportedMsg
- struct TagActiveEnvelope Extended envelope that holds a tag, contains all of
. - struct ParamMsg<Tuple, std::enable_if_t<is_byte_copyable_t<Tuple>::value>>
- struct ParamMsg<Tuple, std::enable_if_t<not is_byte_copyable_t<Tuple>::value>>
- struct msg_serialization_mode<MessageT, cxx14_void_t<decltype(MessageT::vt_serialize_mode)>>
namespace detail
namespace metrics
- struct PerfData Tracks performance metrics per task.
namespace objgroup
- namespace detail
namespace holder
- struct Holder final
- struct HolderBase
- struct HolderBasic final
- struct HolderObjBase
- struct HolderUser final
namespace proxy
- struct ObjGroupProxy
- struct ObjGroupReconstructTagType
- struct Proxy A indexable proxy to object instances on all nodes that are tied together with a common ID.
- struct Proxy<void>
- struct ProxyElm A indexed proxy to a object instance on a particular node.
- struct ProxyElm<void>
- namespace registry
- struct BaseObj
- struct ObjGroupManager A core VT component that can create groups with one object per node.
- namespace param
namespace phase
- struct PhaseHookID A registered phase hook used to identify it and unregister it.
- struct PhaseManager General management of phases in an application to delineate collective intervals of time across nodes.
namespace pipe
namespace callback
namespace cbunion
- struct AnonCB
- struct BcastColDirCB
- struct BcastColMsgCB
- struct BcastMsgCB
- struct BcastObjGrpCB
- struct CallbackRawBaseSingle
- struct CallbackTyped
- union CallbackUnion
- struct GeneralCallback
- struct RawAnonTagType
- struct RawBcastColDirTagType
- struct RawBcastColMsgTagType
- struct RawBcastMsgTagType
- struct RawBcastObjGrpTagType
- struct RawSendColDirTagType
- struct RawSendColMsgTagType
- struct RawSendMsgTagType
- struct RawSendObjGrpTagType
- struct SendColDirCB
- struct SendColMsgCB
- struct SendMsgCB
- struct SendObjGrpCB
- struct AnonListener
- struct CallbackAnon
- struct CallbackAnonTypeless
- struct CallbackBase
- struct CallbackBaseTL
- struct CallbackBcast
- struct CallbackBcastTypeless
- struct CallbackExplicitTagType
- struct CallbackMultiUseTagType
- struct CallbackObjGroupBcast
- struct CallbackObjGroupSend
- struct CallbackPersistTagType
- struct CallbackProxyBcast
- struct CallbackProxyBcastDirect
- struct CallbackProxyBcastTypeless
- struct CallbackProxySend
- struct CallbackProxySendDirect
- struct CallbackProxySendTypeless
- struct CallbackSend
- struct CallbackSendHandler
- struct CallbackSendTypeless
- struct CallbackSingleUseTagType
namespace cbunion
namespace interface
- struct BaseContainer
- struct CallbackDirect
- struct CallbackDirectSendMulti
- struct CallbackDirectSendMultiTagType
- struct CallbackTypes
- struct CallbackVrtTypes
- struct RemoteContainer
- struct SendContainer
namespace signal
- struct Signal
- struct SignalBase
- struct SignalHolder
- struct CallbackMsg
- struct ConstructCallbacks
- struct ConstructCallbacksImpl
- struct ConstructCallbacksImpl<cur, T, ConsT, U, N, fcur, f...>
- struct ConstructCallbacksImpl<N, T, ConsT, U, N>
- struct PipeIDBuilder
- struct PipeManager Core VT component that provides an interface to create type-erased callbacks to many endpoint types.
- struct PipeManagerBase
- struct PipeManagerTL
- struct PipeManagerTyped
- struct PipeState
- struct RepeatNImpl
- struct RepeatNImpl<0, ValueT>
namespace callback
namespace pool
- struct AllocLayout
- union AllocView
- struct Header
- struct HeaderManager
- struct MemoryPoolEqual Memory pool based on size and whether to use the header. The header contains additional information about messages that may not always be needed.
- struct Pool A core VT component that manages efficient pools of memory for quick allocation/deallocation.
namespace rdma
namespace impl
- struct ConstructMsg
- struct HandleData
- struct InformRDMAMsg
- struct ReduceLBMsg
- struct Action
- struct BaseHandle The untyped, lowest base class for all handles.
- struct BaseTypedHandle The typed base class for all types of handles.
- struct Cache
- struct Channel
- struct ChannelLookup
- struct ChannelMessage
- struct CollectionInfo
- struct CreateChannel
- struct Endpoint
- struct GetInfoChannel
- struct Group
- struct Handle Handle specialization for index-level RDMA access (overdecomposed)
struct HandleKey
- struct CollectionTag
- struct ObjGroupTag
- struct HandleManager
struct HandleSet Holds a static (non-migratable) set of handles that can be indexed built by an objgroup for sub-chunking.
- struct BuildSetTagType
- struct Holder
- struct IndexInfo
- struct Info
- struct LockMPI
- struct Manager RDMA Handle Manager for creation of node- or index-level handles.
- struct Map
- struct NonTarget
- struct Pending
- struct RDMACollectionManager
- struct RDMAManager Core component of VT used to send pure data to registered RDMA handlers or memory locations.
- struct RDMAOpFinishedMessage
- struct Region
- struct RequestDataMessage
- struct RequestHolder
- struct SendDataMessage
- struct State
- struct StateMessage
struct SubHandle
- struct SubInfo
- struct Target
- struct TypeMPI
- struct TypeMPI<char>
- struct TypeMPI<double>
- struct TypeMPI<float>
- struct TypeMPI<int16_t>
- struct TypeMPI<int32_t>
- struct TypeMPI<int64_t>
- struct TypeMPI<int8_t>
- struct TypeMPI<long double>
- struct TypeMPI<uint16_t>
- struct TypeMPI<uint32_t>
- struct TypeMPI<uint64_t>
- struct TypeMPI<uint8_t>
- struct TypeMPI<wchar_t>
struct Handle<T, E, IndexT, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<IndexT, vt::NodeType>::value>>
- struct NodeTagType
struct Handle<T, E, IndexT, typename std::enable_if_t<not std::is_same<IndexT, vt::NodeType>::value>>
- struct IndexTagType
namespace impl
namespace runnable
namespace detail
- struct Contexts
- struct RunnableMaker Convenience builder class for setting up a
before enqueuing it or running it. - struct RunnableNew Holds a runnable active handler along with all the context associated with it to run it independently of the where in the stack it was created.
- struct RunnableNewAlloc
namespace detail
namespace runtime
namespace component
namespace detail
- struct DiagnosticBase Base class for a diagnostic value with type of actual value erased.
- struct DiagnosticEraser Erase the types from a
for holding in a general container. - struct DiagnosticFormatter Pretty-print a value with appropriately scaled units.
- struct DiagnosticSnapshotValues A list of diagnostic values that apply over a certain timeframe for a given snapshot.
- struct DiagnosticValue A keyed diagnostic value of some type
. - struct DiagnosticValueFormatter
struct DiagnosticValueWrapper Wrapper for the actual diagnostic value, required so reductions do not have to operate over the virtual
hierarchy.- struct ReduceTag Tag for creating a value wrapper that will participate in the reduction.
- struct DiagnosticValueFormatter<T, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, double>::value or std::is_same<T, float>::value>>
- struct DiagnosticValueFormatter<T, typename std::enable_if_t<not(std::is_same<T, double>::value or std::is_same<T, float>::value)>>
namespace meter
- struct Counter Diagnostic that counts some quantity over time.
- struct CounterGauge Combination of a counter/gauge for measuring and counting some event together that takes place over time.
- struct DiagnosticMeter
- struct DiagnosticStatsPack Pack of statistic-based diagnostics intended to back diagnostic types where basic statistics should be applied.
- struct Gauge Diagnostic that records some value over time.
- struct Timer Diagnostic that times some operation over time.
namespace registry
- struct RegisteredDeps
- struct Registrar
- struct Type
struct BaseComponent The abstract
for VT runtime component pack.- struct RuntimeDepsPack Set of component types that given component is dependent on to run, automatically includes the
. - struct StartupDepsPack Set of component types that given component is dependent on to start up (be constructed)
- struct RuntimeDepsPack Set of component types that given component is dependent on to run, automatically includes the
- struct Bufferable The abstract
trait for delaying operations generically across VT components. - struct Component
class for a generic VT runtime module, CRTP'ed over the component's actual type - struct ComponentConstructor Construct a component with either a regular
or through the specialized staticconstruct
method, which is used to create the objgroup if the component is implemented as one. - struct ComponentConstructor<T, typename std::enable_if_t<ComponentTraits<T, Us...>::hasConstruct>, Us...>
- struct ComponentConstructor<T, typename std::enable_if_t<not ComponentTraits<T, Us...>::hasConstruct>, Us...>
- struct ComponentName Pure virtual class for concrete components to override, providing an unique name for the given component.
- struct ComponentPack
class for holding a set of runtime components that make up a coherent inter-dependent runtime - struct ComponentReducer Trait class for the component that composes in the unique reducer for each component.
- struct ComponentRegistry
- struct ComponentTraits
- struct Diagnostic The abstract
trait for outputting debugging state information generically across VT components. - struct DiagnosticErasedValue Typed-erased, diagnostic values as strings for outputting to user after being formatted.
- struct MovableFn A move-only closure around a general function. This type is not user-constructible; serves as a general base class for move-only callables.
- struct MovableFnTyped A typed move-only function closed around a lambda that can't be copied.
- struct PollableComponent
class for a generic, pollable VT runtime module, CRTP'ed over the component's actual type. A pollable component will be registered with the VT scheduler to ensure it makes progress. - struct Progressable The abstract
trait for pollable components to make progress from the scheduler.
namespace detail
- struct Runtime The VT runtime that manages startup/shutdown and pointers to all the live components for a runtime instance.
- struct RuntimeHolder
- struct RuntimeInst
namespace component
namespace sched
namespace detail
- struct SuspendedRunnable A suspended runnable that is running in a thread that has suspended until is ready to resume.
- struct BaseUnit The base class for a work unit that either holds a
to a runnable or contains a general lambda to execute. - struct DefaultMask
- struct LevelFillMask
- struct LevelMask
- struct Mask
- struct Mask<N, M, 0, R, false, typename std::enable_if<N !=R>::type>
- struct Mask<N, M, 0, R, true, typename std::enable_if<N !=R>::type>
- struct Mask<N, M, L, R, fill, typename std::enable_if<N==R>::type>
- struct PriorityManip
- struct PriorityQueue
- struct PriorityUnit
- struct Queue
struct Scheduler A core VT component that schedules work generated from other components. The pieces of work waiting to execute may be prioritized, see src/
vt/ scheduler/ priority.h. - struct SchedulerLoopGuard
- struct SuspendedUnits Holds
pointers that have been suspended awaiting a resumption when a dependency clears or the thread is otherwise resumed. Once a runnable is put here, nothing will check it until some other component callsresumeRunnable
on it with the appropriate thread ID.
namespace detail
namespace serialization
- struct ByteCopyTrait
- struct MsgSizer
- struct NoneVrt
- struct NotByteCopyTrait
- struct MsgSizer<MsgT, typename std::enable_if_t<true and ::vt::messaging::msg_defines_serialize_mode<MsgT>::value and ::vt::messaging::msg_serialization_mode<MsgT>::required>>
- struct SerializedDataMsgAny
- struct SerializedMessenger
- struct SerialPayloadMsg
- namespace standalone
namespace term
namespace ds
- struct AckMsg
- struct AckRequest
- struct StateDS
- struct TermDS
namespace interval
struct IntegralSetBase
- struct IntervalSetIter
- struct Interval
- struct IntervalCompare
- struct StrongIntegralSet
struct IntegralSetBase
- struct BuildGraphMsg
- struct CallableBase
- struct CallableHolder
- struct EpochDependency
- struct EpochLabel
- struct EpochStack
- struct HangCheckMsg
- struct ParentEpochCapture
struct TermAction
- struct ActionMsg
- struct TermCounterMsg
- struct TerminationDetector Detect global termination and of subsets of work.
- struct TermInterface
- struct TermMsg
- struct TermState
- struct TermTerminated
- struct TermTerminatedMsg
- struct TermTerminatedReplyMsg
- struct UseDS
namespace ds
namespace termination
namespace graph
- struct EpochGraph
- struct EpochGraphMsg
namespace graph
namespace timetrigger
- struct TimeTriggerManager A time-based manager of triggers that each have an associated time period that get triggered from the progress function.
- struct Trigger A time-based trigger that fires with some time period.
- namespace timing
namespace trace
- struct Event
- struct EventClass
- struct Log final
- struct Trace A optional VT component that traces execution on multiple node for performance analysis.
- class TraceContainers
- struct TraceEventSeqCompare
- struct TraceLite
- struct TraceProcessingTag Tracking information for beginProcessing/endProcessing.
- struct TraceRegistry
- struct TraceScopedEvent final
- struct TraceScopedEventHash final
- struct TraceScopedNote final
struct UserEventRegistry
- struct NewUserEventMsg
- struct vt_gzFile
namespace util
namespace adt
namespace detail
- struct Centroid A centroid in the histogram with a value and count.
- struct HistogramApprox A bounded-size, online/streaming approximate histogram.
- struct RangedCounter A counter that operates over a fixed range and always stays within the range without overflowing (wraps around).
namespace detail
namespace compress
- struct Compressor A streaming compressor for outputting data with brotli compression.
- struct Decompressor A streaming decompressor for reading an input buffer with brotli compression.
- struct DecompressorBase Base class for decompressor without the stream type to avoid propagation.
namespace container
- struct CircularBuffer
- struct ConcurrentDequeLocked
namespace demangle
- struct DemanglerUtils
- struct TemplateExtract
namespace error
- struct PrinterNameValue
- struct PrinterNameValue<0, ConsT, ConsU>
namespace fntraits
namespace detail
- struct CBTraitsImpl
- struct CBTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<not(std::is_convertible<Arg*, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg*, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg*, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg*, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value)>, Arg, Args...>
- struct CBTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value>, Msg>
- struct FunctorTraitsImpl
- struct FunctorTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<not(std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value)>, FunctorT, Return(FunctorT::*)(Arg, Args...) const>
- struct FunctorTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<not(std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value)>, FunctorT, Return(FunctorT::*)(Arg, Args...)>
- struct FunctorTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value>, FunctorT, Return(FunctorT::*)(Msg*) const>
- struct FunctorTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value>, FunctorT, Return(FunctorT::*)(Msg*)>
- struct FunctorTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<void, void>>, FunctorT, Return(FunctorT::*)() const>
- struct FunctorTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<void, void>>, FunctorT, Return(FunctorT::*)()>
- struct CBTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<void, void>>>
- struct NoMsg
- struct ObjFuncTraitsImpl
- struct ObjFuncTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<not std::is_pointer<Arg>::value>, Return(*)(Arg, Args...)>
- struct ObjFuncTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<not(std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value)>, Return(*)(Obj*, Arg, Args...)>
- struct ObjFuncTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<not(std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Arg, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value)>, Return(Obj::*)(Arg, Args...)>
- struct ObjFuncTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<not(std::is_convertible<Obj, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Obj, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Obj, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Obj, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value) and std::is_pointer<Obj>::value>, Return(*)(Obj)>
- struct ObjFuncTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value>, Return(*)(Msg*)>
- struct ObjFuncTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value>, Return(Obj::*)(Msg*)>
- struct ObjFuncTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<void, void>>, Return(*)()>
- struct ObjFuncTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<void, void>>, Return(Obj::*)()>
- struct ObjFuncTraitsImpl<std::enable_if_t<(std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::Message*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::ShortMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::EpochMessage*>::value or std::is_convertible<Msg*, vt::PayloadMessage*>::value) and std::is_pointer<Obj>::value>, Return(*)(Obj, Msg*)>
namespace detail
namespace json
- struct Appender Appends data to a JSON output stream by adding elements to a JSON array until it is destroyed.
- struct BaseAppender Base class for JSON appender to avoid unnecessary inclusions.
struct DecompressionInputContainer Decompression container for traversing compressed data and passing it to the JSON reader through the
.- struct AnyStreamTag Tag type for non-file constructor.
- struct InputIterator Input iterator for compressed input data.
- struct OutputAdaptor A custom output adaptor for optionally compressing the data before outputting to a stream.
- struct Reader Reader for JSON files either compressed or not.
namespace memory
- struct CommaDelimit
- struct Getrusage final
- struct MachTaskInfo final
- struct Mallinfo final
- struct MemoryUsage An optional VT component that records memory usage for tracing and general profiling.
- struct Mimalloc final
- struct Mstats final
- struct PS final
- struct Reporter
- struct Sbrk final
- struct Stat final
- struct StatM final
namespace mpi_limits
- struct MPI_Attr Get MPI attributes, including the MPI maximum value for a tag.
namespace ptr
- struct ObserverPtr final A simple wrapper over a raw pointer that indicates it is held as an observer that does not own or control the lifetime.
namespace stats
- struct LinearRegression Perform a simple linear regression to predict values with a linear model.
namespace strong
namespace detail
- struct Strong Used to hoist weak C++ types (like
) into strongly typed values that have a unique type to enforce interfaces, inhibit dangerous conversions, and provide more semantic control.VirtualProxyType
- struct Strong Used to hoist weak C++ types (like
namespace detail
- struct BoolPack
- struct cond_
- struct cond_<false, T, F>
- struct FunctionWrapper
- struct FunctionWrapper<ReturnT(*)(ArgsT...)>
- struct FunctionWrapper<ReturnT(FunctorT::*)(ArgsT...)>
- struct FunctorExtractor
- struct meta_and
- struct meta_and<T, Ts...>
- struct MsgPtrType
- struct MsgPtrType<MsgSharedPtr<MsgT>>
- struct MsgPtrType<MsgT*>
- struct SimpleFunctorTraits
- struct SimpleFunctorTraits<ReturnT(FunctorT::*)(MsgT*) const>
- struct SimpleFunctorTraits<ReturnT(FunctorT::*)(MsgT*)>
namespace adt
- namespace utils
namespace vrt
namespace collection
namespace balance
namespace replay
- struct WorkloadDataMigrator A helper objgroup for workload replay. Derives from
in order to gain access to normalizeReassignments but is not a load balancer in the traditional sense. A new instance should be created for each call to normalizeReassignments.
- struct WorkloadDataMigrator A helper objgroup for workload replay. Derives from
- struct CollectionLBData
- struct CollectStatsMsg
- struct CommOverhead Add some implied, unaccounted work time for communication activity.
- class ComposedModel Utility class to support implementation of composable load modeling components.
- struct ConcatenatedIterator
- struct ConfigEntry
- struct Converter
- struct Converter<bool>
- struct Converter<double>
- struct Converter<int32_t>
- struct Converter<std::string>
- struct DualLoadMapObjectIterator
- struct FilterIterator
- struct InvokeMsg
- struct LazyMigrationMsg
- struct LBArgsEnumConverter A VT component that converts enumerated values to their stringifications for the purposes of reading LB arguments from the LB config file.
- struct LBDataHolder Data structure that holds LB data for a set of phases. Can output them as JSON.
- struct LBDataRestartReader A VT component for reading a user-input mapping file for object to node.
- struct LBManager A VT component that manages creation and coordination of load balancers.
- struct LinearModel Predict an object's load with a linear regression model.
- struct LoadData
- struct LoadMapObjectIterator
- struct LoadModel Interface for transforming measurements of past object loads into predictions of future object load for load balancing strategies.
- struct LoadMsg
- struct LoadMsgAsync
- struct LoadSummary
- struct MultiplePhases Predict an object's load as a sum over blocks of N future phases.
- struct NaivePersistence Predicts future object loads as exactly matching their load in the last phase.
- struct NodeLBData A VT component that backs the instrumentation of virtualized entities on each node, such as the objects that the collection manager orchestrates, to provide data to the load balancing framework. The actual instrumentation occurs in
:balance::ElementLBData which is composed into the elements of a collection. - class Norm A load model that computes an l-norm of a given power across subphases.
- struct ObjectIterator
- struct ObjectIteratorImpl
- struct PerCollection Selects an underlying model to call corresponding to the collection containing the queried object.
- struct PersistenceMedianLastN Predicts loads as the median of the last N phases.
- struct PhaseOffset A description of the interval of interest for a modeled load query.
- struct ProposedReassignment
- struct RawData A strictly retrospective view of the recorded object timings.
- struct ReadLBConfig
- struct Reassignment
- struct ReassignmentMsg
- class SelectSubphases A load model to direct consideration to load data relating to a specific set of subphases, rather than the entire set.
- class WeightedCommunicationVolume Models work as an affine combination of load and communication.
- struct WeightedMessages
namespace replay
- namespace col_proxy
- namespace detail
- namespace elm_proxy
namespace lb
- struct BaseLB
- struct ClusterInfo
- struct CommMsg
- struct Criterion
- struct GrapevineCriterion
- struct GreedyBcastMsg
- struct GreedyCompareLoadMax
- struct GreedyCompareLoadMin
- struct GreedyLB
- struct GreedyLBTypes
- struct GreedyPayload
- struct GreedyProc
- struct GreedyRecord
- struct GreedySendMsg
- struct HierarchicalLB
- struct HierLBChild
- struct HierLBTypes
- struct LBTreeDownMsg
- struct LBTreeUpMsg
- struct LoadSamplerBaseLB
- struct ModifiedGrapevineCriterion
- struct NodeInfo
- struct OfflineLB
- struct PhaseInfo
- struct RandomLB
- struct RotateLB
- struct RotateObjMsg
struct TemperedLB
- struct LockedInfoMsg The update message that comes from a rank when it is locked. This is a message instead of a normal handler so it can be buffered without copying it.
- struct ObjLoad
- struct TryLock
- struct TemperedWMin
- struct TestSerializationLB
- struct TransferMsg
- struct WorkBreakdown
- namespace listener
namespace param
- struct ConstructParamMsg Construct PO configuration message for distributed construction.
struct ConstructParams fwd-declare the PO constructor
- struct BuilderTag
namespace storage
namespace detail
- struct ByteWrapper Wrapper for byte-copyable value with type trait for serializer framework.
- struct StoreElm<T, typename std::enable_if_t<::checkpoint::SerializableTraits<T>::is_serializable>>
- struct StoreElm<T, typename std::enable_if_t<not ::checkpoint::SerializableTraits<T>::is_serializable>>
- struct Storable Trait for collection elements to store values inside the collection.
- struct StoreElm Typed value stored in collection element.
- struct StoreElmBase Polymorphic, untyped base class for stored values in collection elements.
namespace detail
- struct BaseCollectionElmProxy
- struct BaseCollectionProxy
- struct BaseElmProxy
- struct BaseHolder
- struct Broadcastable
- struct Collection
- struct CollectionBase
- struct CollectionContextHolder
struct CollectionDirectory
- struct Element
- struct CollectionElmAttorney
- struct CollectionElmDestroyAttorney
- struct CollectionHolder Holds meta-data for the entire collection.
- struct CollectionInfo
- struct CollectionManager A core VT component managing collections of tasks across the system.
- struct CollectionMessage
- struct CollectionProxy
- struct CollectionStampMsg
- struct CollectionTypeAttorney
- struct CollectionUntypedProxy
- struct ColMsgTraits
- struct ColMsgWrap
- struct ColMsgWrapTagType
- struct DefaultMap
- struct DefaultMapBase
- struct Destroyable
- struct DestroyElmMsg
- struct DestroyHandlers
- struct DestroyMsg final
- struct DispatchCollection final
- struct DispatchCollectionBase
- struct ElementHolder The holder for the actual collection object that saves a unique_ptr to the element.
- struct ElmInsertable
- struct EntireHolder
- struct Gettable
- struct HasMigrate
- struct Holder Hold collection elements mapped to this node for a given collection.
- struct Indexable
- struct InsertMsg
- struct InsertNullMsg
- struct Invokable
- struct MappedNode
- struct Migratable
- struct MigrateHandlers
- struct MigrateHookBase
- struct MigrateHookInterface
- struct MigrateMsg final
- struct Modifiable
- struct ModifierToken Encapsulates a insertion epoch for a collective insertion on the collection.
- struct ParamColMsg
- struct ProxyCollectionElmTraits
- struct ProxyCollectionTraits
- struct RDMAable
- struct Reducable
- struct RegistrarVrt
- struct RegistrarWrapperVrt
- struct Sendable
- struct TypelessHolder
- struct UntypedCollection
- struct DefaultMap<CollectionT, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<typename CollectionT::IndexType, typename ::vt::index::Index3D<typename CollectionT::IndexType::DenseIndexType>>::value>>
- struct ParamColMsg<Tuple, ColT, std::enable_if_t<messaging::is_byte_copyable_t<Tuple>::value>>
- struct ParamColMsg<Tuple, ColT, std::enable_if_t<not messaging::is_byte_copyable_t<Tuple>::value>>
- struct DefaultMap<CollectionT, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<typename CollectionT::IndexType, typename ::vt::index::Index1D<typename CollectionT::IndexType::DenseIndexType>>::value>>
- struct DefaultMap<CollectionT, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<typename CollectionT::IndexType, typename ::vt::index::Index2D<typename CollectionT::IndexType::DenseIndexType>>::value>>
- struct virtual_proxy_elm_empty
- struct VirtualElemProxyBuilder
- struct VrtDispatchHolder
- struct VrtElmProxy
namespace balance
- struct MainVirtualContext
- struct PendingRequest
- struct RemoteVrtInfo
- struct VirtualConstructor
- struct VirtualContext
- struct VirtualContextAttorney
- struct VirtualContextManager
- struct VirtualInfo
- struct VirtualMakeClosure
- struct VirtualMessage
- struct VirtualProxyBuilder
- struct VirtualProxyRequestMsg
- struct VrtBase
- struct VrtConstructMsg
namespace collection
- struct CBTraits
- struct CollectiveAnyOps
- struct EpochGuard An epoch wrapper that provides an RAII-style mechanism for owning an epoch for the duration of a scope block.
- struct EventCheckFinishedMsg
- struct EventFinishedMsg
- struct from_s
- struct FunctorTraits
- struct FuncTraits
- struct HandlerManager
- struct MsgProps
- struct ObjFuncTraits
- struct PutEnvelope Extended envelope for holding control bits for a message packed with a put payload.
- struct StrongNodeType
- struct TimeTypeWrapper
- struct to_s
- namespace vt::@10
- namespace vt::arguments::@54
- namespace vt::ctx::@110
- namespace vt::runtime::@466
- namespace vt::runtime::component::@435
- namespace vt::runtime::component::@439
- namespace vt::runtime::component::detail::@453
- struct formatter<::vt::elm::ElementIDStruct> Custom fmt formatter/print for
.elm:: ElementIDStruct - struct formatter<::vt::epoch::EpochType> Custom fmt formatter/print for
. - struct formatter<::vt::index::DenseIndexArray<IndexType, ndim>>
- struct formatter<::vt::rdma::Type>
- struct formatter<::vt::term::interval::Interval<DomainT, sentinel>>
- struct formatter<::vt::TimeTypeWrapper>
- struct formatter<::vt::vrt::collection::lb::ClusterInfo> Custom fmt formatter/print for
.vrt:: collection:: lb:: ClusterInfo - struct formatter<::vt::vrt::collection::lb::CriterionEnum>
- struct formatter<::vt::vrt::collection::lb::DataDistStrategy>