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Building DARMA/vt with cmake.

vt can be built with cmake or built inside a docker container. Most of the external dependencies come bundled with vt for ease of compiling.


To build vt, one must obtain the following dependencies:


  • checkpoint, (vt ecosystem)
  • MPI (mpich/openmpi/mvapich/IBM Spectrum MPI/Cray MPICH/etc.)

Automatically build dependencies

Assuming MPI is installed and accessible via CC/CXX, the only other dependency that is required is checkpoint. The easiest way to get these built are to clone it inside vt/lib:

$ git clone git@github.com:DARMA-tasking/vt
$ cd vt/lib
$ git clone git@github.com:DARMA-tasking/checkpoint

With these in vt/lib, cmake will automatically build them and stitch them into vt's linking process.

Using cmake directly

One may use cmake as normal on vt, with checkpoint cloned in vt/lib to compile them all together as explained above. The following are some custom configuration build options that can be provided to cmake to change the build configuration:

CMake VariableDefault ValueDescription
vt_lb_enabled1Compile with support for runtime load balancing
vt_trace_enabled0Compile with support for runtime tracing (Projections-format)
vt_trace_only0Compile vt in trace-only mode (stripped down version for tracing MPI calls)
vt_test_trace_runtime_enabled0Force tracing on at runtime for VT tests
vt_doxygen_enabled0Enable doxygen generation
vt_mimalloc_enabled0Enable mimalloc, alternative allocator for debugging memory usage/frees/corruption
vt_asan_enabled0Enable building with address sanitizer
vt_ubsan_enabled0Enable building with undefined behavior sanitizer
vt_werror_enabled0Treat all warnings as errors
vt_pool_enabled1Use memory pool in vt for message allocation
vt_zoltan_enabled0Build with Zoltan enabled for ZoltanLB support
vt_mpi_guards0Guards against mis-use of MPI calls in code using vt
vt_priorities_enabled1Enable prioritization of work (adds bits in envelope)
vt_diagnostics_enabled1Enable VT component diagnostics for performance analysis
vt_diagnostics_runtime_enabled0Enable VT component diagnostics at runtime by default
vt_priority_bits_per_level3Number of bits per level of priority in envelope
vt_build_extended_tests1Build with full, extended testing
vt_production_build_enabled0Disable assertions and debug prints at compile time
vt_unity_build_enabled0Build with Unity/Jumbo mode enabled (requires CMake >= 3.16)
vt_fcontext_enabled0Force use of fcontext for threading
vt_tests_num_nodes-Maximum number of nodes used for tests. If empty, then the default value detected by CMake is used
vt_code_coverage0Enable code coverage for VT examples/tests
vt_build_tests1Build all VT tests
vt_build_examples1Build all VT examples
vt_debug_verbose1 (not Release)Enable VT verbose debug prints at compile-time
vt_no_color_enabled0Set --vt_no_color flag to true by default
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS0Build VT as shared library

Using the Build Script

Instead of running cmake, one may invoke the vt/ci/build_cpp.sh script which will run cmake for vt with environment variables for most configuration parameters.

Build Script Environment Variables

VariableDefault ValueDescription
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPEReleaseThe cmake build type
VT_LB_ENABLED1Compile with support for runtime load balancing
VT_TRACE_ENABLED0Compile with support for runtime tracing (Projections-format)
VT_TRACE_ONLY0Compile vt in trace-only mode (stripped down version for tracing MPI calls)
VT_TRACE_RUNTIME_ENABLED0Force tracing on at runtime (used in CI for automatically testing tracing on all tests/examples)
VT_DOXYGEN_ENABLED0Enable doxygen generation
VT_MIMALLOC_ENABLED0Enable mimalloc, alternative allocator for debugging memory usage/frees/corruption
VT_ASAN_ENABLED0Enable building with address sanitizer
VT_UBSAN_ENABLED0Enable building with undefined behavior sanitizer
VT_WERROR_ENABLED0Treat all warnings as errors
VT_POOL_ENABLED1Use memory pool in vt for message allocation
VT_FCONTEXT_ENABLED0Force use of fcontext for threading
VT_ZOLTAN_ENABLED0Build with Zoltan enabled for ZoltanLB support
ZOLTAN_DIR<empty>Directory pointing to Zoltan installation
VT_MPI_GUARD_ENABLED0Guards against mis-use of MPI calls in code using vt
VT_EXTENDED_TESTS_ENABLED1Build with full, extended testing
VT_UNITY_BUILD_ENABLED0Build with Unity/Jumbo mode enabled (requires CMake >= 3.16)
VT_PRODUCTION_BUILD_ENABLED0Disable assertions and debug prints at compile time
VT_DIAGNOSTICS_ENABLED1Enable VT component diagnostics for performance analysis
VT_DIAGNOSTICS_RUNTIME_ENABLED0Enable VT component diagnostics at runtime by default
VT_DEBUG_VERBOSE<empty>Enable VT verbose debug prints at compile-time
VT_TESTS_NUM_NODES<empty>Maximum number of nodes used for tests. If empty, then the default value detected by CMake is used
VT_NO_COLOR_ENABLED0Set --vt_no_color flag to true by default
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS0Build VT as shared library

With these set, invoke the script with two arguments: the path to the vt root directory and the build path. Here's an example assuming that vt is cloned into /usr/src/vt with trace enabled in debug mode.

Usage for building:

$ vt/ci/build_cpp.sh <full-path-to-vt-source> <full-path-to-build-dir>


$ cd /usr/src
$ git clone git@github.com:DARMA-tasking/vt
$ VT_TRACE_ENABLED=1 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug /usr/src/vt/ci/build_cpp.sh /usr/src/vt /usr/build/vt

Building with <tt>docker</tt> containerization

The easiest way to build vt is by using docker with the available containers that contain the proper compilers, MPI, and all other dependencies. First, install docker on the system. On some systems, docker compose might also need to be installed.

The docker builds are configured through docker compose to use a shared, cached filesystem mount with the host for ccache to enable fast re-builds.

For docker compose, the following variables can be set to configure the build. One may configure the architecture, compiler type (GNU, Clang, Intel, Nvidia) and compiler version, Linux distro (ubuntu or alpine), and distro version.

The default set of the docker configuration options is located in vt/.env, which docker compose will read.

# Variables:
#   ARCH={amd64, arm64v8, ...}
#   COMPILER_TYPE={gnu, clang, intel, nvidia}
#   COMPILER={gcc-9, gcc-10,
#             clang-8, clang-9, clang-10,
#             icpc, icpx,
#             nvcc-11, nvcc-11.2}
#   REPO=lifflander1/vt
#   UBUNTU={18.04, 20.04, 22.04}
# DARMA/vt Configuration Variables:
#   VT_LB=1                   # Enable load balancing
#   VT_TRACE=0                # Enable tracing
#   VT_MIMALLOC=0             # Enable mimalloc memory allocator
#   VT_DOCS=0                 # Enable doxygen build
#   VT_TRACE_RT=0             # Enable tracing at runtime (for testing)
#   VT_ASAN=0                 # Enable address sanitizer
#   VT_UBSAN=0                # Enable undefined behavior sanitizer
#   VT_WERROR=1               # Treat all warnings as errors
#   VT_EXTENDED_TESTS=1       # Build all the extended testing
#   VT_ZOLTAN=0               # Build with Zoltan enabled
#   VT_UNITY_BUILD=0          # Build with Unity/Jumbo mode enabled
#   VT_FCONTEXT=0             # Force use of fcontext for threading
#   VT_DIAGNOSTICS=1          # Build with diagnostics enabled
#   VT_DIAGNOSTICS_RUNTIME=0  # Enable diagnostics at runtime by default
#   BUILD_TYPE=release        # CMake build type
#   VT_CODE_COVERAGE=0           # Enable generation of code coverage reports
#   VT_DEBUG_VERBOSE          # Enable verbose debug prints at compile-time
#   VT_NO_COLOR_ENABLED=0     # Set --vt_no_color flag to true by default
#   VT_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=0    # Build VT as shared library

With these set, one may run the following for a non-interactive build with ubuntu. Or, to speed up the build process, the base container can be pulled for many of the common configurations: docker compose pull ubuntu-cpp.

$ cd vt
$ docker compose run -e BUILD_TYPE=debug -e VT_TRACE=1 ubuntu-cpp

Or, alternatively, run a non-interactive build with alpine:

$ cd vt
$ docker compose run -e BUILD_TYPE=debug -e VT_TRACE=1 alpine-cpp

For an interactive build with ubuntu, where one can build, debug, and run valgrind, etc:

$ cd vt
$ docker compose run -e BUILD_TYPE=debug -e VT_TRACE=1 ubuntu-cpp-interactive
# /vt/ci/build_cpp.sh /vt /build
# /vt/ci/test_cpp.sh /vt /build
# /vt/ci/build_vt_sample.sh /vt /build

The same call applies to alpine distro builds if you swap ubuntu-cpp-interactive for alpine-cpp-interactive.

For more detailed information on configuring the docker build, read the documentation in vt/docker-compose.yml.


After vt is built successfully, one may invoke the tests several ways. One may run make test or ninja test (depending on the generator used) or ctest, to run all the tests. Alternatively, the tests can be run automatically from the CI script:

$ vt/ci/test_cpp.sh <full-path-to-vt-source> <full-path-to-build-dir>