vt::collective::reduce namespace


namespace detail
namespace operators


template<typename enable = void, typename... Args>
struct GetReduceStamp
template<typename... Args>
struct GetReduceStamp<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<std::tuple_element_t<sizeof...(Args) - 1, std::tuple<Args...>>>, collective::reduce::ReduceStamp>>, Args...>
struct GetReduceStamp<std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<void, void>>>
struct Reduce
A specific, isolated reducer instance for a given scope that sequences reduce operations via the reduction stamp within that scope.
struct ReduceLink
struct ReduceManager
Manage distinct scopes for reductions.
struct ReduceMsg
struct ReduceState
struct ReduceStateHolder


using ReduceStamp = detail::ReduceStamp
using UserIDType = detail::UserIDType
using StrongUserID = detail::StrongUserID
using StrongEpoch = detail::StrongEpoch
using TagPair = detail::TagPair


static auto makeReduceScope(detail::ReduceScope const& scope) -> std::unique_ptr<Reduce>
template<typename T, typename... Args>
auto makeStamp(Args && ... args) -> ReduceStamp
Create a new reduction stamp.

Typedef documentation

using vt::collective::reduce::TagPair = detail::TagPair

Function documentation

static std::unique_ptr<Reduce> vt::collective::reduce::makeReduceScope(detail::ReduceScope const& scope)

template<typename T, typename... Args>
ReduceStamp vt::collective::reduce::makeStamp(Args && ... args)

Create a new reduction stamp.

args in args to the stamp type constructor
Returns a new reduction stamp