vt::runtime::component namespace


namespace detail
namespace meter
namespace registry


struct BaseComponent
The abstract BaseComponent for VT runtime component pack.
struct Bufferable
The abstract Bufferable trait for delaying operations generically across VT components.
template<typename T>
struct Component
Component class for a generic VT runtime module, CRTP'ed over the component's actual type
template<typename T, typename _Enable = void, typename... Us>
struct ComponentConstructor
Construct a component with either a regular std::make_unique or through the specialized static construct method, which is used to create the objgroup if the component is implemented as one.
template<typename T, typename... Us>
struct ComponentConstructor<T, typename std::enable_if_t<ComponentTraits<T, Us...>::hasConstruct>, Us...>
template<typename T, typename... Us>
struct ComponentConstructor<T, typename std::enable_if_t<not ComponentTraits<T, Us...>::hasConstruct>, Us...>
struct ComponentName
Pure virtual class for concrete components to override, providing an unique name for the given component.
struct ComponentPack
ComponentPack class for holding a set of runtime components that make up a coherent inter-dependent runtime
struct ComponentReducer
Trait class for the component that composes in the unique reducer for each component.
struct ComponentRegistry
template<typename T, typename... Us>
struct ComponentTraits
struct Diagnostic
The abstract Diagnostic trait for outputting debugging state information generically across VT components.
struct DiagnosticErasedValue
Typed-erased, diagnostic values as strings for outputting to user after being formatted.
struct MovableFn
A move-only closure around a general function. This type is not user-constructible; serves as a general base class for move-only callables.
template<typename Fn>
struct MovableFnTyped
A typed move-only function closed around a lambda that can't be copied.
template<typename T>
struct PollableComponent
Component class for a generic, pollable VT runtime module, CRTP'ed over the component's actual type. A pollable component will be registered with the VT scheduler to ensure it makes progress.
struct Progressable
The abstract Progressable trait for pollable components to make progress from the scheduler.


enum class DiagnosticTypeEnum: int8_t { PerformanceDiagnostic, DebugDiagnostic }
The type of diagnostic (the category)
enum class DiagnosticUpdate: int8_t { Sum, Avg, Replace, Min, Max }
enum class DiagnosticUnit: int8_t { Bytes, Units, UnitsPerSecond, Seconds }
Unit type for a diagnostic value.
enum class UnitMultiplier: int8_t { Base = 0, Thousands = 1, Millions = 2, Billions = 3, Trillions = 4, Quadrillions = 5, Quintillions = 6 }
Multipliers for basic units.
enum class TimeMultiplier: int8_t { Seconds = 0, Milliseconds = -1, Microseconds = -2, Nanoseconds = -3 }
Time multipliers for DiagnosticUnit::Seconds.


template<typename... Ts>
using StartupDeps = typename BaseComponent::StartupDepsPack<Ts...>
Type alias for a pack of startup dependencies.
template<typename... Ts>
using RuntimeDeps = typename BaseComponent::RuntimeDepsPack<Ts...>
Type alias for a pack of runtime dependencies, automatically including all startup dependencies.


auto diagnosticUpdateTypeString(DiagnosticUpdate update) -> std::string
Convert a diagnostic update enum to a human-readable string.
auto diagnosticShowTotal(DiagnosticUpdate update) -> bool
Whether to print the total (or sum across processors) of a given type of update.
auto diagnosticUnitTypeString(DiagnosticUnit unit) -> std::string
Convert a diagnostic unit type to a human-readable string.
auto diagnosticMultiplierString(UnitMultiplier multiplier) -> std::string
Convert a diagnostic unit multiplier to a human-readable string.
auto diagnosticTimeMultiplierString(TimeMultiplier time) -> std::string
Convert a time unit multiplier to a human-readable string.

Enum documentation

enum class vt::runtime::component::DiagnosticTypeEnum: int8_t

The type of diagnostic (the category)


A performance diagnostic


A debugging diagnostic

enum class vt::runtime::component::DiagnosticUpdate: int8_t


Sum diagnostic values during update


Avg diagnostic values during update


Replace diagnostic value during update


Min diagnostic value during update


Max diagnostic value during update

enum class vt::runtime::component::DiagnosticUnit: int8_t

Unit type for a diagnostic value.


Memory units as bytes


Units of some entity


Units per second


Time units as seconds

enum class vt::runtime::component::UnitMultiplier: int8_t

Multipliers for basic units.


Multiplier = 1


Multiplier = 1,000


Multiplier = 1,000,000


Multiplier = 1,000,000,000


Multiplier = 1,000,000,000,000


Multiplier = 1,000,000,000,000,000


Multiplier = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000

enum class vt::runtime::component::TimeMultiplier: int8_t

Time multipliers for DiagnosticUnit::Seconds.


Multiplier = 1


Multiplier = 0.001


Multiplier = 0.000001


Multiplier = 0.000000001

Typedef documentation

template<typename... Ts>
using vt::runtime::component::StartupDeps = typename BaseComponent::StartupDepsPack<Ts...>

Type alias for a pack of startup dependencies.

template<typename... Ts>
using vt::runtime::component::RuntimeDeps = typename BaseComponent::RuntimeDepsPack<Ts...>

Type alias for a pack of runtime dependencies, automatically including all startup dependencies.

Function documentation

std::string vt::runtime::component::diagnosticUpdateTypeString(DiagnosticUpdate update)

Convert a diagnostic update enum to a human-readable string.

update in the update type
Returns a string for printing

bool vt::runtime::component::diagnosticShowTotal(DiagnosticUpdate update)

Whether to print the total (or sum across processors) of a given type of update.

update in the update type
Returns whether to print the total

\internalFor example, a DiagnosticUpdate::Max value updater does not make sense to print the total across nodes.

std::string vt::runtime::component::diagnosticUnitTypeString(DiagnosticUnit unit)

Convert a diagnostic unit type to a human-readable string.

unit in the unit
Returns a string for printing

std::string vt::runtime::component::diagnosticMultiplierString(UnitMultiplier multiplier)

Convert a diagnostic unit multiplier to a human-readable string.

multiplier in the multiplier type
Returns a string for printing

std::string vt::runtime::component::diagnosticTimeMultiplierString(TimeMultiplier time)

Convert a time unit multiplier to a human-readable string.

time in the time unit
Returns a string for printing