vt::util::json namespace


template<typename StreamLike>
struct Appender
Appends data to a JSON output stream by adding elements to a JSON array until it is destroyed.
struct BaseAppender
Base class for JSON appender to avoid unnecessary inclusions.
struct DecompressionInputContainer
Decompression container for traversing compressed data and passing it to the JSON reader through the InputIterator.
struct InputIterator
Input iterator for compressed input data.
template<typename StreamLike, typename CharType = char>
struct OutputAdaptor
A custom output adaptor for optionally compressing the data before outputting to a stream.
struct Reader
Reader for JSON files either compressed or not.


auto begin(DecompressionInputContainer const& c) -> InputIterator
ADL function for creating the begin iterator.
auto end(DecompressionInputContainer const&) -> InputIterator
ADL function for creating the end iterator.

Function documentation

InputIterator vt::util::json::begin(DecompressionInputContainer const& c)

ADL function for creating the begin iterator.

in the container
Returns the iterator

InputIterator vt::util::json::end(DecompressionInputContainer const&)

ADL function for creating the end iterator.

Returns the iterator