vt::collective::tree::Tree struct

General interface for storing a spanning tree.

Holds the portion of a spanning tree on each node. Does not do any parallel coordination. Higher-level components must keep track of the pieces of the tree on each node.

Derived classes

struct vt::collective::barrier::Barrier virtual
Perform a collective barrier that is safe to use with VT handlers in flight.
struct vt::collective::reduce::Reduce virtual
A specific, isolated reducer instance for a given scope that sequences reduce operations via the reduction stamp within that scope.
struct vt::collective::scatter::Scatter virtual
Scatter data across all nodes from a single origin.
struct vt::term::TerminationDetector
Detect global termination and of subsets of work.

Public types

using NodeListType = std::vector<NodeType>
using OperationType = std::function<void(NodeType)>
using NumLevelsType = int32_t

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Tree(DefaultTreeConstructTag) explicit
Construct the default spanning tree across the whole communicator.
Tree(NodeListType const& in_children) explicit
Construct a spanning tree with a list of children nodes on the root node.
Tree(bool const in_is_root, NodeType const& parent, NodeListType const& in_children)
Construct a spanning tree with a list of children nodes, parent node, and whether this is the root.

Public functions

void setupTree()
Setup the default (binomial) tree.
auto getParent() const -> NodeType
Get the parent node in the tree.
auto getNumChildren() const -> NodeType
Get the number of children nodes.
auto isRoot() const -> bool
Get whether this node is the root.
auto getChildren() const -> NodeListType const &
Get the (const) list of children.
auto getChildren(NodeType node) const -> NodeListType
Get the list of children for a particular node in the tree.
void foreachChild(OperationType op) const
Apply function (foreach) across all children.
auto numLevels() const -> NumLevelsType
Get number of levels in the tree.
void foreachChild(NumLevelsType level, OperationType op) const
Apply function (foreach) across all children with number of levels passed to apply function.
auto getNumDescendants(NodeType child) const -> std::size_t
Get total number of descendants for a particular node in the tree.
auto getNumDescendants() const -> std::size_t
Get total number of descendants in the tree.

Function documentation

vt::collective::tree::Tree::Tree(NodeListType const& in_children) explicit

Construct a spanning tree with a list of children nodes on the root node.

in_children in the list of children

vt::collective::tree::Tree::Tree(bool const in_is_root, NodeType const& parent, NodeListType const& in_children)

Construct a spanning tree with a list of children nodes, parent node, and whether this is the root.

in_is_root in if this is the root node
parent in the node's parent in the tree
in_children in the list of children

NodeType vt::collective::tree::Tree::getParent() const

Get the parent node in the tree.

Returns the parent node

NodeType vt::collective::tree::Tree::getNumChildren() const

Get the number of children nodes.

Returns the number of children nodes

bool vt::collective::tree::Tree::isRoot() const

Get whether this node is the root.

Returns whether this node is the root

NodeListType const & vt::collective::tree::Tree::getChildren() const

Get the (const) list of children.

Returns (const) list of children

NodeListType vt::collective::tree::Tree::getChildren(NodeType node) const

Get the list of children for a particular node in the tree.

Returns list of children

void vt::collective::tree::Tree::foreachChild(OperationType op) const

Apply function (foreach) across all children.

op in action to apply, passed the node

NumLevelsType vt::collective::tree::Tree::numLevels() const

Get number of levels in the tree.

Returns number of levels

void vt::collective::tree::Tree::foreachChild(NumLevelsType level, OperationType op) const

Apply function (foreach) across all children with number of levels passed to apply function.

level in number of levels in spanning tree
op in action to apply, passed levels and node

std::size_t vt::collective::tree::Tree::getNumDescendants(NodeType child) const

Get total number of descendants for a particular node in the tree.

child in the node
Returns number of descendants

\internalThe returned count does not include the node passed—only its descendants.

std::size_t vt::collective::tree::Tree::getNumDescendants() const

Get total number of descendants in the tree.

Returns number of descendants