vt::messaging::AsyncOpMPI struct

An asynchronous MPI request that VT can poll on until completion.

Base classes

struct AsyncOp
A general asynchronous operation with a pure virtual polling function and an associated trigger to execute when it completes.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

AsyncOpMPI(MPI_Request in_req, ActionType in_cont = nullptr) explicit
Construct with a MPI_Request.

Public functions

auto poll() -> bool override
Poll completion of the MPI_Request.
void done() override
Cont continuation after completion.

Function documentation

vt::messaging::AsyncOpMPI::AsyncOpMPI(MPI_Request in_req, ActionType in_cont = nullptr) explicit

Construct with a MPI_Request.

in_req in the mpi request
in_cont in the continuation to execute when complete (optional)

bool vt::messaging::AsyncOpMPI::poll() override

Poll completion of the MPI_Request.

Returns whether the MPI_Request is complete or not