vt::trace::TraceLite struct

Derived classes

struct Trace
A optional VT component that traces execution on multiple node for performance analysis.

Public types

using LogType = Log
using TraceConstantsType = eTraceConstants
using TimeIntegerType = int64_t
using EventHoldStackType = std::vector<std::size_t>
using TraceContainerType = std::queue<LogType>
using TraceStackType = std::vector<LogType>

Public static functions

static auto getCurrentTime() -> TimeType
Get the current time.
static auto timeToMicros(TimeType const time) -> TimeIntegerType
Convert time in seconds to integer in microseconds.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

TraceLite(std::string const& in_prog_name)
System call to construct the trace component.
~TraceLite() virtual

Public functions

void setFlushType(int flush_type)
Set zlib incremental flush mode for trace file.
auto getTraceName() const -> std::string
Get the trace file name for this node.
auto getSTSName() const -> std::string
Get the sts file name that holds meta-data.
auto getDirectory() const -> std::string
Get the trace directory for output.
auto registerUserEventColl(std::string const& name) -> UserEventIDType
Collectively register a user event.
void setupNames(std::string const& in_prog_name)
Setup the file names for output.
void enableTracing()
Enable logging of events at runtime.
void disableTracing()
Disable logging of events.
void addUserEventBracketedBeginTime(UserEventIDType event, TimeType begin)
Log the start of the bracketed user event.
void addUserEventBracketedEndTime(UserEventIDType event, TimeType end)
Log the end of the bracketed user event.
void addUserNoteBracketedBeginTime(TraceEventIDType const event, std::string const& note)
Log the start of the bracketed user event with a note.
void addUserNoteBracketedEndTime(TraceEventIDType const event)
Log the end of the bracketed user event with a note.
void addUserNoteBracketedEndTime(TraceEventIDType const event, std::string const& new_note)
Log the end of the bracketed user event with a note.
void beginIdle(TimeType const time = getCurrentTime())
Scheduler trigger for sched::SchedulerEvent::BeginIdle.
void endIdle(TimeType const time = getCurrentTime())
Scheduler trigger for sched::SchedulerEvent::EndIdle.
auto checkDynamicRuntimeEnabled(bool is_end_event = false) -> bool
Check if tracing is enabled.
void flushTracesFile(bool useGlobalSync = false)
Flush traces to file.
void cleanupTracesFile()
Cleanup traces data, write to disk and close.
auto inIdleEvent() const -> bool
Check if trace is in a idle event.
auto getNumTraceEvents() const -> std::size_t
Get the number of recorded trace events.
auto getLastTraceEvent() -> LogType* noexcept
Get the last recorded trace event.

Protected static functions

static void outputTraces(vt_gzFile* file, TraceContainerType& traces, TimeType start_time, int flush)
Writes traces to file, optionally flushing. The traces collection is modified.
static void outputHeader(vt_gzFile* file, NodeType const node, TimeType const start)
Output the tracing header.
static void outputFooter(vt_gzFile* file, NodeType const node, TimeType const start)
Output the tracing footer.
static auto traceWritingEnabled(NodeType node) -> bool
Check if tracing is enabled on a certain node.
static auto isStsOutputNode(NodeType node) -> bool
Check if a node will output the sts file.

Protected functions

void emitTraceForTopProcessingEvent(TimeType const time, TraceConstantsType const type)
Emit a 'stop' trace for previous open event or a '[re]start' trace for a reactivated open event. This assists with output flattening.
void writeTracesFile(int flush, bool is_incremental_flush)
Write traces to file.
void outputControlFile(std::ofstream& file)
Output the sts (control) file.
auto logEvent(LogType&& log) -> TraceEventIDType
Log an event, returning a trace event ID if accepted or no_trace_event if not accepted (eg. no tracing on node). The log object is invalidated after the call.
auto getTracesSize() const -> std::size_t noexcept
Get the current traces size.

Protected variables

int incremental_flush_mode_
UserEventRegistry user_event_
EventHoldStackType event_holds_
TraceStackType open_events_
TraceContainerType traces_
TraceEventIDType cur_event_
UserEventIDType flush_event_
bool enabled_
TimeType start_time_
std::string prog_name_
std::string trace_name_
std::string full_trace_name_
std::string full_sts_name_
std::string full_dir_name_
bool wrote_sts_file_
size_t trace_write_count_
bool standalone_initalized_
bool trace_enabled_cur_phase_
bool idle_begun_
std::unique_ptr<vt_gzFile> log_file_
std::unordered_map<TraceEventIDType, std::stack<Log*>> incomplete_notes_

Function documentation

static TimeType vt::trace::TraceLite::getCurrentTime()

Get the current time.

Returns query the current clock time

static TimeIntegerType vt::trace::TraceLite::timeToMicros(TimeType const time)

Convert time in seconds to integer in microseconds.

time in the time in seconds as TimeType
Returns time in microsecond as integer

vt::trace::TraceLite::TraceLite(std::string const& in_prog_name)

System call to construct the trace component.

in_prog_name in the program name

void vt::trace::TraceLite::setFlushType(int flush_type)

Set zlib incremental flush mode for trace file.

flush_type in the zlib flush mode

Available options:

  • Z_NO_FLUSH = 0
  • Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2
  • Z_FULL_FLUSH = 3
  • Z_FINISH = 4
  • Z_BLOCK = 5
  • Z_TREES = 6

std::string vt::trace::TraceLite::getTraceName() const

Get the trace file name for this node.

Returns the file name

std::string vt::trace::TraceLite::getSTSName() const

Get the sts file name that holds meta-data.

Returns the sts file name

std::string vt::trace::TraceLite::getDirectory() const

Get the trace directory for output.

Returns the directory path

UserEventIDType vt::trace::TraceLite::registerUserEventColl(std::string const& name)

Collectively register a user event.

name in name for the user event
Returns the user event ID

void vt::trace::TraceLite::setupNames(std::string const& in_prog_name)

Setup the file names for output.

in_prog_name in the program name

void vt::trace::TraceLite::disableTracing()

Disable logging of events.

void vt::trace::TraceLite::addUserEventBracketedBeginTime(UserEventIDType event, TimeType begin)

Log the start of the bracketed user event.

event in the ID for the sts file
begin in the begin time

void vt::trace::TraceLite::addUserEventBracketedEndTime(UserEventIDType event, TimeType end)

Log the end of the bracketed user event.

event in the ID for the sts file
end in the end time

void vt::trace::TraceLite::addUserNoteBracketedBeginTime(TraceEventIDType const event, std::string const& note)

Log the start of the bracketed user event with a note.

event in the event ID
note in the note to log

void vt::trace::TraceLite::addUserNoteBracketedEndTime(TraceEventIDType const event)

Log the end of the bracketed user event with a note.

event in the event ID

void vt::trace::TraceLite::addUserNoteBracketedEndTime(TraceEventIDType const event, std::string const& new_note)

Log the end of the bracketed user event with a note.

event in the event ID
new_note in the new note which overrides the old one

void vt::trace::TraceLite::beginIdle(TimeType const time = getCurrentTime())

Scheduler trigger for sched::SchedulerEvent::BeginIdle.

time in time it begins idle

void vt::trace::TraceLite::endIdle(TimeType const time = getCurrentTime())

Scheduler trigger for sched::SchedulerEvent::EndIdle.

time in time it ends idle

bool vt::trace::TraceLite::checkDynamicRuntimeEnabled(bool is_end_event = false)

Check if tracing is enabled.

is_end_event in whether the event that is being considering to write out in the calling context is actually an end event that needs to be closed
Returns whether tracing is enabled

void vt::trace::TraceLite::flushTracesFile(bool useGlobalSync = false)

Flush traces to file.

useGlobalSync in whether a global sync should be invoked before flushing output

bool vt::trace::TraceLite::inIdleEvent() const

Check if trace is in a idle event.

Returns whether in an idle event

std::size_t vt::trace::TraceLite::getNumTraceEvents() const

Get the number of recorded trace events.

Returns the number of trace events

LogType* vt::trace::TraceLite::getLastTraceEvent() noexcept

Get the last recorded trace event.

Returns the last recorded trace event

static void vt::trace::TraceLite::outputTraces(vt_gzFile* file, TraceContainerType& traces, TimeType start_time, int flush) protected

Writes traces to file, optionally flushing. The traces collection is modified.

file in the gzip file to write to
traces in the container of collected traces
start_time in the start time
flush in the flush mode

static void vt::trace::TraceLite::outputHeader(vt_gzFile* file, NodeType const node, TimeType const start) protected

Output the tracing header.

file in the gzip file
node in the node outputting on
start in the start time

static void vt::trace::TraceLite::outputFooter(vt_gzFile* file, NodeType const node, TimeType const start) protected

Output the tracing footer.

file in the gzip file
node in the node outputting on
start in the start time

static bool vt::trace::TraceLite::traceWritingEnabled(NodeType node) protected

Check if tracing is enabled on a certain node.

node in the node
Returns whether it is enabled

static bool vt::trace::TraceLite::isStsOutputNode(NodeType node) protected

Check if a node will output the sts file.

node in the node
Returns whether it will output

void vt::trace::TraceLite::emitTraceForTopProcessingEvent(TimeType const time, TraceConstantsType const type) protected

Emit a 'stop' trace for previous open event or a '[re]start' trace for a reactivated open event. This assists with output flattening.

time in the time
type in type of event to emit

void vt::trace::TraceLite::writeTracesFile(int flush, bool is_incremental_flush) protected

Write traces to file.

flush in the flush mode
is_incremental_flush in whether this is an incremental flush

void vt::trace::TraceLite::outputControlFile(std::ofstream& file) protected

Output the sts (control) file.

file in the file

TraceEventIDType vt::trace::TraceLite::logEvent(LogType&& log) protected

Log an event, returning a trace event ID if accepted or no_trace_event if not accepted (eg. no tracing on node). The log object is invalidated after the call.

log in the entity to log
Returns the trace event ID for that new log

std::size_t vt::trace::TraceLite::getTracesSize() const protected noexcept

Get the current traces size.

Returns computed bytes used for tracing (lower bound)