vt::util::mpi_limits::MPI_Attr struct

Get MPI attributes, including the MPI maximum value for a tag.

Public static functions

static auto getMaxTag() -> int
Get the maximum tag for the current context communicator. VT must be initialized for this to run correctly. This can vary across MPI implementations, but the MPI standard dictates it be at least 32767.
static auto getVersion() -> std::tuple<int, int>
Get the MPI version and subversion.

Function documentation

static int vt::util::mpi_limits::MPI_Attr::getMaxTag()

Get the maximum tag for the current context communicator. VT must be initialized for this to run correctly. This can vary across MPI implementations, but the MPI standard dictates it be at least 32767.

Returns the max tag

static std::tuple<int, int> vt::util::mpi_limits::MPI_Attr::getVersion()

Get the MPI version and subversion.

Returns a tuple: (version, subversion)