template<typename T>
vt::rdma::HandleSet struct

Holds a static (non-migratable) set of handles that can be indexed built by an objgroup for sub-chunking.

Public types

struct BuildSetTagType
using IndexType = vt::Index2D
using HandleType = rdma::Handle<T, HandleEnum::StaticSize, IndexType>
using LookupType = int32_t

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

HandleSet() defaulted
HandleSet(HandleSet const&) defaulted
HandleSet(HandleSet&&) defaulted

Public functions

auto operator=(HandleSet const&) -> HandleSet& defaulted
auto operator=(HandleSet&&) -> HandleSet& defaulted
auto get(LookupType lookup) -> HandleType&
Get a local handle from the set.
auto operator[](LookupType lookup) -> HandleType&
Operator to get a local handle from the set.
auto getAny() -> HandleType&
Get any of the local handles from the set.
auto operator*() -> HandleType&
Operator to get any of the local handles from the set.
auto operator->() -> HandleType*
Operator to get any of the local handles from the set.
template<typename SerializerT>
void serialize(SerializerT& s)
Serialization for HandleSet.

Typedef documentation

template<typename T>
using vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::IndexType = vt::Index2D

template<typename T>
using vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::HandleType = rdma::Handle<T, HandleEnum::StaticSize, IndexType>

template<typename T>
using vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::LookupType = int32_t

Function documentation

template<typename T>
vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::HandleSet() defaulted

template<typename T>
vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::HandleSet(HandleSet const&) defaulted

template<typename T>
vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::HandleSet(HandleSet&&) defaulted

template<typename T>
HandleSet& vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::operator=(HandleSet const&) defaulted

template<typename T>
HandleSet& vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::operator=(HandleSet&&) defaulted

template<typename T>
HandleType& vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::get(LookupType lookup)

Get a local handle from the set.

lookup in the local index to look up
Returns the handle from the set

template<typename T>
HandleType& vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::operator[](LookupType lookup)

Operator to get a local handle from the set.

lookup in the local index to look up
Returns the handle from the set

template<typename T>
HandleType& vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::getAny()

Get any of the local handles from the set.

Returns any handle from the set

template<typename T>
HandleType& vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::operator*()

Operator to get any of the local handles from the set.

Returns any handle from the set

template<typename T>
HandleType* vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::operator->()

Operator to get any of the local handles from the set.

Returns any handle from the set

template<typename T> template<typename SerializerT>
void vt::rdma::HandleSet<T>::serialize(SerializerT& s)

Serialization for HandleSet.

in/out the serializer