vt::sched::Scheduler struct

A core VT component that schedules work generated from other components. The pieces of work waiting to execute may be prioritized, see src/vt/scheduler/priority.h.

Tracks work to be completed, orders it by priority, and executes it. Polls components for incoming work.

Base classes

template<typename T>
struct vt::runtime::component::Component<Scheduler>
Component class for a generic VT runtime module, CRTP'ed over the component's actual type

Public types

struct SchedulerLoopGuard
using SchedulerEventType = SchedulerEvent
using TriggerType = std::function<void()>
using TriggerContainerType = std::list<TriggerType>
using EventTriggerContType = std::vector<TriggerContainerType>
using RunnablePtrType = runnable::RunnableNew*
using UnitType = Unit

Public static functions

static void checkTermSingleNode()
Check for termination when running on a single node.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

auto name() -> std::string override
Get the name of the component.
void preDiagnostic() override
Pre-diagnostic hook; this fires before finalize but after all work is done and the system is about to shut down.
void startup() override
Empty default overridden startup method.
auto shouldCallProgress(int32_t processed_since_last_progress, TimeType time_since_last_progress) const -> bool
Check if progress function needs to be called.
void runSchedulerOnceImpl(bool msg_only = false)
Turn the scheduler.
void runProgress(bool msg_only = false, TimeType current_time = TimeType{0.0})
Run the progress function.
void runSchedulerWhile(std::function<bool()> cond)
Runs the scheduler until a condition is met.
void registerTrigger(SchedulerEventType const& event, TriggerType trigger)
Register a trigger with the scheduler.
void registerTriggerOnce(SchedulerEventType const& event, TriggerType trigger)
Register a trigger once with the scheduler.
void triggerEvent(SchedulerEventType const& event)
Trigger an event.
auto hasSchedRun() const -> bool
Check if the scheduler has run, polling all components at least once.
template<typename RunT>
void enqueue(RunT r)
Enqueue an action to execute later with the default priority default_priority.
template<typename RunT>
void enqueue(PriorityType priority, RunT r)
Enqueue an runnable with a priority to execute later.
void printMemoryUsage()
Print current memory usage.
template<typename RunT>
void enqueue(bool is_term, RunT r)
Enqueue an action without a message.
template<typename MsgT, typename RunT>
void enqueue(MsgT* msg, RunT r)
Enqueue an action associated with a prioritized message. The action will be enqueued with the priority found on the message.
template<typename MsgT, typename RunT>
void enqueue(messaging::MsgSharedPtr<MsgT> const& msg, RunT r)
Enqueue an runnable associated with a prioritized message. The action will be enqueued with the priority found on the message.
auto workQueueSize() const -> std::size_t
Get the work queue size.
auto workQueueEmpty() const -> bool
Query if the work queue is empty.
auto isIdle() const -> bool
Check if the scheduler is idle.
auto isIdleMinusTerm() const -> bool
Check if the scheduler is idle minus termination messages.
void suspend(ThreadIDType tid, RunnablePtrType runnable, PriorityType p = default_priority)
Suspend a thread with an ID and runnable.
void resume(ThreadIDType tid)
Resume a thread that is associated with a runnable that is currently suspended.
auto getRecentTime() -> TimeType
Return a valid recent time, after checking whether an update is needed.
void setRecentTimeToStale()
Set the flag so that recent_time_ will be updated at next get request.
auto getSchedulerDepth() const -> unsigned int
Get the current recursive scheduler depth.
template<typename SerializerT>
void serialize(SerializerT& s)
template<typename RunT>
void enqueue(] PriorityType priority, RunT r)


template<typename Callable>
void vt::runInEpochRooted(Callable&& fn)
template<typename Callable>
void vt::runInEpochCollective(Callable&& fn)

Function documentation

void vt::sched::Scheduler::preDiagnostic() override

Pre-diagnostic hook; this fires before finalize but after all work is done and the system is about to shut down.

\internalThis is typically used to compute some final timings that the system might use to output time-based diagnostic metrics

bool vt::sched::Scheduler::shouldCallProgress(int32_t processed_since_last_progress, TimeType time_since_last_progress) const

Check if progress function needs to be called.

processed_since_last_progress in number of units processed since last progress
time_since_last_progress in time since last progress
Returns whether progress needs to be called

void vt::sched::Scheduler::runSchedulerOnceImpl(bool msg_only = false)

Turn the scheduler.

msg_only in whether to only make progress on the core active messenger

Polls every component that might generate or complete work, and potentially runs one piece of available work.

void vt::sched::Scheduler::runProgress(bool msg_only = false, TimeType current_time = TimeType{0.0})

Run the progress function.

msg_only in whether to only make progress on the core active messenger
current_time in current time

void vt::sched::Scheduler::runSchedulerWhile(std::function<bool()> cond)

Runs the scheduler until a condition is met.

cond in condition to turn scheduler until met

Runs the scheduler until a condition is met. This form SHOULD be used instead of "while (..) { runSchedulerOnceImpl(..) }" in all cases of nested scheduler loops, such as during a barrier, in order to ensure proper event unwinding and idle time tracking.

void vt::sched::Scheduler::registerTrigger(SchedulerEventType const& event, TriggerType trigger)

Register a trigger with the scheduler.

event in event to trigger on
trigger in function to trigger

void vt::sched::Scheduler::registerTriggerOnce(SchedulerEventType const& event, TriggerType trigger)

Register a trigger once with the scheduler.

event in event to trigger on
trigger in function to trigger

void vt::sched::Scheduler::triggerEvent(SchedulerEventType const& event)

Trigger an event.

event in the event to trigger

bool vt::sched::Scheduler::hasSchedRun() const

Check if the scheduler has run, polling all components at least once.

Returns whether the scheduler has advanced

template<typename RunT>
void vt::sched::Scheduler::enqueue(RunT r)

Enqueue an action to execute later with the default priority default_priority.

in action to execute

template<typename RunT>
void vt::sched::Scheduler::enqueue(PriorityType priority, RunT r)

Enqueue an runnable with a priority to execute later.

priority in the priority of the action
in the runnable to execute later

template<typename RunT>
void vt::sched::Scheduler::enqueue(bool is_term, RunT r)

Enqueue an action without a message.

is_term in whether it is a termination message or not
in the runnable

template<typename MsgT, typename RunT>
void vt::sched::Scheduler::enqueue(MsgT* msg, RunT r)

Enqueue an action associated with a prioritized message. The action will be enqueued with the priority found on the message.

msg in the message
in the runnable to execute later

template<typename MsgT, typename RunT>
void vt::sched::Scheduler::enqueue(messaging::MsgSharedPtr<MsgT> const& msg, RunT r)

Enqueue an runnable associated with a prioritized message. The action will be enqueued with the priority found on the message.

msg in the message
in the runnable to execute later

std::size_t vt::sched::Scheduler::workQueueSize() const

Get the work queue size.

Returns how many units in the queue

bool vt::sched::Scheduler::workQueueEmpty() const

Query if the work queue is empty.

Returns whether it is empty

bool vt::sched::Scheduler::isIdle() const

Check if the scheduler is idle.

Returns whether this scheduler is idle

bool vt::sched::Scheduler::isIdleMinusTerm() const

Check if the scheduler is idle minus termination messages.

Returns whether this scheduler is idle

void vt::sched::Scheduler::suspend(ThreadIDType tid, RunnablePtrType runnable, PriorityType p = default_priority)

Suspend a thread with an ID and runnable.

tid in the threads ID
runnable in the runnable
in the priority for resumption

void vt::sched::Scheduler::resume(ThreadIDType tid)

Resume a thread that is associated with a runnable that is currently suspended.

tid in the suspended thread ID

TimeType vt::sched::Scheduler::getRecentTime()

Return a valid recent time, after checking whether an update is needed.

Returns a valid recent time

template<typename RunT>
void vt::sched::Scheduler::enqueue(] PriorityType priority, RunT r)