vt::runnable::RunnableNew struct

Holds a runnable active handler along with all the context associated with it to run it independently of the where in the stack it was created.

Public types

template<typename... Args>
using FnParamType = void(*)(Args...)
using DispatcherType = auto_registry::BaseHandlersDispatcherPtr::pointer
using DispatcherScatterType = auto_registry::BaseScatterDispatcherPtr::pointer

Public static functions

static auto operator new(std::size_t sz) -> void*
Operator new for runnables targeting pool.
static void operator delete(void* ptr)
Operator develop for runnables.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

template<typename U>
RunnableNew(MsgSharedPtr<U> const& in_msg, ] bool in_is_threaded)
Construct a new RunnableNew with a message.
RunnableNew(] bool in_is_threaded) explicit
Construct a new RunnableNew without a message.
RunnableNew(RunnableNew&&) defaulted
RunnableNew(RunnableNew const&) deleted

Public functions

auto operator=(RunnableNew const&) -> RunnableNew& deleted
auto operator=(RunnableNew&&) -> RunnableNew& defaulted
template<typename... Args>
void addContextSetContext(Args && ... args)
Add a new SetContext for this handler.
template<typename... Args>
void addContextTD(Args && ... args)
Add a new TD for this handler.
template<typename... Args>
void addContextCont(Args && ... args)
Add a new Cont for this handler.
template<typename... Args>
void addContextCol(Args && ... args)
Add a new Col for this handler.
template<typename... Args>
void addContextLB(Args && ... args)
Add a new LB for this handler.
void setupHandlerElement(vrt::collection::UntypedCollection* elm, HandlerType handler)
Set up a handler to run on an collection object.
void setupHandlerObjGroup(std::byte* obj, HandlerType handler)
Set up a handler to run on an object group.
void setupHandlerElement(vrt::VirtualContext* elm, HandlerType handler)
Set up a handler to run on an non-collection object.
void setupHandler(HandlerType handler)
Set up a basic handler to run.
void run()
Run the task!
template<typename Callable, typename... Args>
auto runLambda(Callable&& c, Args && ... args) -> decltype(auto)
Run the task as a lambda!
void send(elm::ElementIDStruct elm, MsgSizeType bytes)
Loop through all contexts add run the send() method associated with this runnable.
template<typename T>
auto get() -> T*
Get a context object by the type T.
auto getMsg() const -> BaseMsgType*
Get the message associated with the runnable.

Public variables

DispatcherType func_
DispatcherScatterType func_scat_

Function documentation

static void* vt::runnable::RunnableNew::operator new(std::size_t sz)

Operator new for runnables targeting pool.

sz in the allocation size
Returns the new allocation

static void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::operator delete(void* ptr)

Operator develop for runnables.

ptr in the pointer

template<typename U>
vt::runnable::RunnableNew::RunnableNew(MsgSharedPtr<U> const& in_msg, ] bool in_is_threaded)

Construct a new RunnableNew with a message.

in_msg in the message to pass to the task
in_is_threaded in whether the handler can be run with a thread

vt::runnable::RunnableNew::RunnableNew(] bool in_is_threaded) explicit

Construct a new RunnableNew without a message.

in_is_threaded in whether the handler can be run with a thread

template<typename... Args>
void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::addContextSetContext(Args && ... args)

Add a new SetContext for this handler.

args in arguments to build the context, forwarded to constructor of T

template<typename... Args>
void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::addContextTD(Args && ... args)

Add a new TD for this handler.

args in arguments to build the context, forwarded to constructor of T

template<typename... Args>
void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::addContextCont(Args && ... args)

Add a new Cont for this handler.

args in arguments to build the context, forwarded to constructor of T

template<typename... Args>
void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::addContextCol(Args && ... args)

Add a new Col for this handler.

args in arguments to build the context, forwarded to constructor of T

template<typename... Args>
void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::addContextLB(Args && ... args)

Add a new LB for this handler.

args in arguments to build the context, forwarded to constructor of T

void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::setupHandlerElement(vrt::collection::UntypedCollection* elm, HandlerType handler)

Set up a handler to run on an collection object.

elm in the object pointer
handler in the handler ID bits

void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::setupHandlerObjGroup(std::byte* obj, HandlerType handler)

Set up a handler to run on an object group.

handler in the handler ID bits

void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::setupHandlerElement(vrt::VirtualContext* elm, HandlerType handler)

Set up a handler to run on an non-collection object.

elm in the object pointer
handler in the handler ID bits

void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::setupHandler(HandlerType handler)

Set up a basic handler to run.

handler in the handler ID bits

void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::run()

Run the task!

void vt::runnable::RunnableNew::send(elm::ElementIDStruct elm, MsgSizeType bytes)

Loop through all contexts add run the send() method associated with this runnable.

bytes in the message size

template<typename T>
T* vt::runnable::RunnableNew::get()

Get a context object by the type T.

Returns the pointer to the context object

BaseMsgType* vt::runnable::RunnableNew::getMsg() const

Get the message associated with the runnable.

Returns the message