vt::sched::detail::SuspendedRunnable struct

A suspended runnable that is running in a thread that has suspended until is ready to resume.

Public types

using RunnablePtrType = runnable::RunnableNew*

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

SuspendedRunnable(RunnablePtrType in_runnable, PriorityType in_priority)
Construct a new suspended runnable.

Public variables

RunnablePtrType runnable_
PriorityType priority_

Function documentation

vt::sched::detail::SuspendedRunnable::SuspendedRunnable(RunnablePtrType in_runnable, PriorityType in_priority)

Construct a new suspended runnable.

in_runnable in the runnable
in_priority in the priority to resume with

Variable documentation

RunnablePtrType vt::sched::detail::SuspendedRunnable::runnable_

the runnable

PriorityType vt::sched::detail::SuspendedRunnable::priority_

the resumption priority