template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
vt::util::strong::detail::Strong struct

Used to hoist weak C++ types (like vt::VirtualProxyType ) into strongly typed values that have a unique type to enforce interfaces, inhibit dangerous conversions, and provide more semantic control.

Derived classes

struct vt::epoch::EpochType

Public types

using Type = T
using ThisType = Strong<T, init_val, Tag>
using isByteCopyable = std::true_type

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Strong() defaulted constexpr
Default construct with static initial value.
Strong(T v) explicit constexpr
Construct with a explicit initial value.

Public functions

auto operator==(ThisType const& in) const -> bool
Equal operator.
auto operator!=(ThisType const& in) const -> bool
Non-equal operator.
auto operator<(ThisType const& in) const -> bool
Less-than operator.
auto operator<=(ThisType const& in) const -> bool
Less-than-equal operator.
auto operator>(ThisType const& in) const -> bool
Greater-than operator.
auto operator>=(ThisType const& in) const -> bool
Greater-than-equal operator.
auto operator*() -> T&
Dereference the value as a reference.
auto operator*() const -> T const &
Dereference the value as a const reference.
auto get() -> T&
Get reference.
auto get() const -> T const &
Get const reference.

Typedef documentation

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
using vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::isByteCopyable = std::true_type

All Strong types are byte-copyable and arithmetic and thus don't need a serializer

Function documentation

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::Strong(T v) explicit constexpr

Construct with a explicit initial value.

in the value

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
bool vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::operator==(ThisType const& in) const

Equal operator.

in in the other value

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
bool vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::operator!=(ThisType const& in) const

Non-equal operator.

in in the other value

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
bool vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::operator<(ThisType const& in) const

Less-than operator.

in in the other value

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
bool vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::operator<=(ThisType const& in) const

Less-than-equal operator.

in in the other value

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
bool vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::operator>(ThisType const& in) const

Greater-than operator.

in in the other value

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
bool vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::operator>=(ThisType const& in) const

Greater-than-equal operator.

in in the other value

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
T& vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::operator*()

Dereference the value as a reference.

Returns reference to underlying value

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
T const & vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::operator*() const

Dereference the value as a const reference.

Returns const reference to the underlying value

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
T& vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::get()

Get reference.

Returns reference to underlying value

template<typename T, T init_val, typename Tag>
T const & vt::util::strong::detail::Strong<T, init_val, Tag>::get() const

Get const reference.

Returns const reference to underlying value