#include <src/vt/vrt/collection/manager.h>
CollectionManager A core VT component managing collections of tasks across the system.
The collection manager enables the creation, execution, message routing, and destruction of multi-dimensional collections of virtual contexts that are mapped to hardware resources. Dense, sparse, on-demand collection types are all supported. The location of these virtual contexts is managed by the location manager as they migrate or the load balancer is invoked, which moves them around the system based on instrumentation.
Base classes
template<typename T>struct vt::runtime::component::Component<CollectionManager>
class for a generic VT runtime module, CRTP'ed over the component's actual type
Public types
template<typename IndexT>using CollectionType = typename Holder<IndexT>::Collection
template<typename IndexT>using VirtualPtrType = typename Holder<IndexT>::VirtualPtrType
- using ActionProxyType = std::function<void(VirtualProxyType)>
template<typename IndexT>using ReduceIdxFuncType = std::function<bool(IndexT const &)>
using ReduceStamp = collective::
reduce:: ReduceStamp - using ActionContainerType = std::vector<ActionProxyType>
- using BufferedActionType = std::unordered_map<VirtualProxyType, ActionContainerType>
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>using CollectionProxyWrapType = CollectionProxy<ColT, IndexT>
- using CleanupFnType = std::function<void()>
- using CleanupListFnType = std::unordered_map<VirtualProxyType, std::list<CleanupFnType>>
using DispatchHandlerType = auto_registry::
AutoHandlerType -
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>using DistribConstructFn = std::function<VirtualPtrType<IndexT>(IndexT idx)>
template<typename T, typename U = void>using IsColMsgType = std::enable_if_t<ColMsgTraits<T>::is_coll_msg, messaging::
PendingSend> -
template<typename T, typename U = void>using IsNotColMsgType = std::enable_if_t<!ColMsgTraits<T>::is_coll_msg, messaging::
PendingSend> -
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>using IsDefaultConstructableType = std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible<ColT>::value, CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, IndexT>>
Public static functions
template<typename ColT>static auto getDefaultMap() -> HandlerType
- Get the default map registered handler for a collection.
template<typename ColT, typename ParamT, typename... Args>static auto getDefaultMapImpl(std::tuple<Args...>) -> HandlerType
- Register a map functor for arguments.
template<typename IndexT>static auto queryIndexContext() -> IndexT const *
- Query the current index context of the running handler.
template<typename IndexT>static auto queryProxyContext() -> VirtualProxyType
- Query the current proxy context of the running handler.
template<typename IndexT>static auto hasContext() -> bool
- Check if a collection is running in the current context.
template<typename CoLT, typename IndexT>static void collectionMsgHandler(BaseMessage* msg)
- Base collection message handler.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>static void collectionMsgTypedHandler(MsgT* msg)
- Typed collection message handler.
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>static void recordLBData(ColT* col_ptr, MsgT* msg)
- Record LB data for collection message handler when a message arrives for the element.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>static void collectionAutoMsgDeliver(MsgT* msg, Indexable<IndexT>* col, HandlerType han, NodeType from, trace::
TraceEventIDType event, bool immediate) - Deliver a message to a collection element.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>static void collectionBcastHandler(MsgT* msg)
- Receive a broadcast to a collection.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>static void broadcastRootHandler(MsgT* msg)
- Receive a broadcast at the root for stamping.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename... Args>static auto runConstructor(Args && ... args) -> VirtualPtrType<IndexT>
- Run the collection element's constructor.
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>static void insertHandler(InsertMsg<ColT, MsgT>* msg)
- Handler to insert an element on this node.
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>static void pingHomeHandler(InsertMsg<ColT, MsgT>* msg)
- Handler to query home before inserting on this node.
- static void computeReduceStamp(CollectionStampMsg* msg)
- Handler that receives the reduce stamp after insertions are complete.
template<typename ColT>static void destroyElmHandler(ColT*, DestroyElmMsg<ColT>* msg)
- Send message to element to delete it during a modification epoch.
template<typename ColT>static void migrateToRestoreLocation(NodeType node, typename ColT::IndexType idx, CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> proxy)
- Migrate element to restore location from checkpoint.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>static void collectionAutoMsgDeliver(MsgT* msg, Indexable<IndexT>* base, HandlerType han, NodeType from, ] trace::
TraceEventIDType event, bool immediate)
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- CollectionManager()
- System call to construct a collection manager.
- ~CollectionManager() virtual
Public functions
- void startup() override
- Empty default overridden startup method.
- void finalize() override
- Empty default overridden finalize method.
- auto name() -> std::string override
- Get the name of the component.
template<typename = void>void cleanupAll()
- Trigger cleanup lambdas—triggered when termination occurs.
template<typename = void>void destroyCollections()
- Destroy all collections.
template<typename ColT>auto constructMap(typename ColT::IndexType range, HandlerType const map, std::string const& label = {}) -> CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType>
- Construct a new virtual context collection with an explicit, pre-registered map handler.
template<typename ColT, mapping::auto construct(typename ColT::IndexType range, std::string const& label = {}) -> CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType>
ActiveMapTypedFnType<typename ColT::IndexType> fn> - Construct a new virtual context collection with templated map.
template<typename ColT>auto construct(typename ColT::IndexType range, std::string const& label = {}) -> CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType>
- Construct a new virtual context collection using the default map for the given index.
template<typename ColT, mapping::auto constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range, std::string const& label = {}) -> IsDefaultConstructableType<ColT>
ActiveMapTypedFnType<typename ColT::IndexType> fn> - Collectively construct a new virtual context collection with templated map.
template<typename ColT, mapping::auto constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range, DistribConstructFn<ColT> cons_fn, std::string const& label = {}) -> CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT>
ActiveMapTypedFnType<typename ColT::IndexType> fn> - Collectively construct a new virtual context collection with templated map.
template<typename ColT>auto constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range, std::string const& label = {}) -> IsDefaultConstructableType<ColT>
- Collectively construct a new virtual context collection with the default map.
template<typename ColT>auto constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range, DistribConstructFn<ColT> cons_fn, std::string const& label = {}) -> CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT>
- Collectively construct a new virtual context collection with the default map.
template<typename ColT>auto constructCollectiveMap(typename ColT::IndexType range, DistribConstructFn<ColT> cons_fn, HandlerType const map_hanm, std::string const& label = {}) -> CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT>
- Collectively construct a new virtual context collection with a pre-registered map function.
template<typename ColT, typename... Args>void insertMetaCollection(std::string const& label, VirtualProxyType const proxy, Args && ... inner_holder_args)
- Insert meta-data for this collection on this node.
- auto makeCollectionProxy(bool is_collective, bool is_migratable) -> VirtualProxyType
- Make the next collection proxy.
template<typename ColT>void constructGroup(VirtualProxyType const& proxy)
- Construct a group for the collection.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT = typename MsgT::CollectionType, typename IdxT = typename ColT::IndexType>auto sendMsgUntypedHandler(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, HandlerType const handler, bool imm_context = true) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Send a message to a collection element with handler type erased.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>auto sendMsgWithHan(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, HandlerType const handler) -> IsNotColMsgType<MsgT>
- Send a message to a collection element when not using a collection message.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>auto sendMsgWithHan(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, HandlerType const handler) -> IsColMsgType<MsgT>
- Send a message to a collection element when using a collection message.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>auto sendNormalMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, HandlerType const handler) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Send a normal message to a collection element with handler type-erased.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType>* f>auto sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy, MsgT* msg) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Send collection element a message from active function handler.
template<auto f>auto sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<typename ObjFuncTraits<decltype(f)>::MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy, typename ObjFuncTraits<decltype(f)>::MsgT* msg) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Send collection element a message from active function handler.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType> f>auto sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy, MsgT* msg) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Send collection element a message from active member handler.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>auto sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg) -> IsColMsgType<MsgT>
- Send collection element a message from active function handler with a proper
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>auto sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg) -> IsNotColMsgType<MsgT>
- Send collection element a message from active function handler with a non-collection message, doing a promotion.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT> f>auto sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg) -> IsColMsgType<MsgT>
- Send collection element a message from active member handler with a proper
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT> f>auto sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg) -> IsNotColMsgType<MsgT>
- Send collection element a message from active member handler with a non-collection message, doing a promotion.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>auto sendMsgImpl(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Send a collection element a message with active function handler.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType> f>auto sendMsgImpl(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Send a collection element a message with active member handler.
template<typename ColT, auto f, typename... Args>auto invoke(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, Args && ... args) -> auto
- Invoke function 'f' inline without going through scheduler.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType>* f>void invokeCollectiveMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy, messaging::
MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg) - Invoke message action function handler without going through scheduler for all elements.
template<typename ColT, auto f, typename... Args>void invokeCollective(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, Args && ... args)
- Invoke function handler without going through scheduler for all elements.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType> f>void invokeCollectiveMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy, messaging::
MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg) - Invoke message action function handler without going through scheduler for all elements.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType>* f>void invokeMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy, messaging::
MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg, bool instrument = true) - Invoke message action function handler without going through scheduler.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType> f>void invokeMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy, messaging::
MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg, bool instrument = true) - Invoke message action member handler without going through scheduler.
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>void invokeMsgImpl(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgSharedPtr<MsgT> msg, bool instrument)
- Invoke message handler without going through scheduler.
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>auto reduceMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT*const msg, ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{}, NodeType root_node = uninitialized_destination) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Reduce over a collection.
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>auto reduceMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT*const msg, ReduceStamp stamp, typename ColT::IndexType const& idx) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Reduce over a collection.
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>auto reduceMsgExpr(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT*const msg, ReduceIdxFuncType<typename ColT::IndexType> expr_fn, ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{}, NodeType root_node = uninitialized_destination) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Reduce over the whole collection or a subset of a collection, based on their indices matching an expression.
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>auto reduceMsgExpr(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT*const msg, ReduceIdxFuncType<typename ColT::IndexType> expr_fn, ReduceStamp stamp, typename ColT::IndexType const& idx) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Reduce over the whole collection or a subset of a collection, based on their indices matching an expression.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>auto broadcastMsgWithHan(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, HandlerType const handler, bool instrument = true) -> IsNotColMsgType<MsgT>
- Broadcast to collection with a promoted message.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>auto broadcastMsgWithHan(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, HandlerType const handler, bool instrument = true) -> IsColMsgType<MsgT>
- Broadcast to collection with a collection message.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>auto broadcastNormalMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, HandlerType const handler, bool instrument = true) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Broadcast a normal message.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, typename IdxT>auto broadcastMsgUntypedHandler(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, IdxT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, HandlerType const handler, bool instrument) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Broadcast a message with type-erased handler.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType>* f>auto broadcastCollectiveMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy, messaging::
MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg, bool instrument = true) -> messaging:: PendingSend - Broadcast collective a message with action function handler.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType> f>auto broadcastCollectiveMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy, messaging::
MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg, bool instrument = true) -> messaging:: PendingSend - Broadcast collective a message with action member handler.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>auto broadcastCollectiveMsgImpl(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgPtr<MsgT>& msg, bool instrument) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Broadcast collective a message.
template<auto f>auto broadcastMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<typename ObjFuncTraits<decltype(f)>::MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy, typename ObjFuncTraits<decltype(f)>::MsgT* msg, bool instrument = true) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Broadcast a message with action function handler.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>auto broadcastMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, bool instrument = true) -> IsColMsgType<MsgT>
- Broadcast a message with action function handler with collection message.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>auto broadcastMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, bool instrument = true) -> IsNotColMsgType<MsgT>
- Broadcast a message with action function handler with normal message promoted automatically to
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT> f>auto broadcastMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, bool instrument = true) -> IsColMsgType<MsgT>
- Broadcast a message with action member handler with collection message.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT> f>auto broadcastMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, bool instrument = true) -> IsNotColMsgType<MsgT>
- Broadcast a message with action member handler with normal message promoted automatically to
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>auto broadcastMsgImpl(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, bool instrument = true) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Broadcast a message with active function handler.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT> f>auto broadcastMsgImpl(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT* msg, bool instrument = true) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Broadcast a message with active member handler.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>auto broadcastFromRoot(MsgT* msg) -> messaging::
PendingSend - Bounce broadcast off of the root node to stamp them to avoid multiple delivery during migrations.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>auto getDispatchHandler() -> DispatchHandlerType
- Get the type-erased dispatcher handler for sending/broadcasting without the collection type.
template<typename = void>auto getDispatcher(DispatchHandlerType const& han) -> DispatchBasePtrType
- Get pointer to the dispatcher base class in a type-erased setting to operate on the collection.
template<typename ColT>auto groupElementCount(VirtualProxyType const& proxy) -> std::size_t
- Count the number of elements for a collection on this node.
template<typename ColT>auto createGroupCollection(VirtualProxyType const& proxy, bool const in_group) -> GroupType
- Create the group.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>auto insertCollectionElement(VirtualPtrType<IndexT> vc, VirtualProxyType const proxy, IndexT const& idx, NodeType const home_node, bool const is_migrated_in = false, NodeType const migrated_from = uninitialized_destination) -> bool
- Insert a new collection element.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT>void destroy(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, IndexT> const& proxy)
- Destroy a collection.
template<typename ColT>auto getMappedNode(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, typename ColT::IndexType const& idx) -> NodeType
- Get the default mapped node for an element.
template<typename IdxT>auto getMappedNode(VirtualProxyType proxy, IdxT const& idx) -> NodeType
- Get the default mapped node for an element.
template<typename ColT>auto migrate(VrtElmProxy<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType> proxy, NodeType const& dest) -> MigrateStatus
- Migrate element to a new node.
template<typename ColT>auto beginModification(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, std::string const& label) -> ModifierToken
- Begin a modification epoch collectively for a collection with dynamic membership.
template<typename ColT>void finishModification(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, ModifierToken&& token)
- Finish an modification epoch collectively for a collection.
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>void insert(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, typename ColT::IndexType idx, NodeType const node, ModifierToken& token, MsgSharedPtr<MsgT> msg = nullptr, bool pinged_home_already = false)
- Dynamically insert an element or send a message to mapped node to insert. If the
parameter is set, ignore the mapped node and insert wherever specified by the user. -
template<typename ColT>void destroyElm(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, typename ColT::IndexType idx, ModifierToken& token)
- Dynamically delete a collection element.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>auto tryGetLocalPtr(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, IndexT> const& proxy, IndexT idx) -> ColT*
- Try to get a pointer to a collection element.
template<typename ColT>void addCleanupFn(VirtualProxyType proxy)
- Add a cleanup function for a collection after destruction.
- auto getTypelessHolder() -> TypelessHolder&
- Get the typeless holder data about the collection.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>auto registerElementListener(VirtualProxyType proxy, listener::
ListenFnType<IndexT> fn) -> int - Register listener function for a given collection.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>void unregisterElementListener(VirtualProxyType proxy, int element)
- Unregister listener function for a given collection.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>auto getRange(VirtualProxyType proxy) -> IndexT
- Get the range that a collection was constructed with.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>auto getLocalIndices(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> proxy) -> std::set<IndexT>
- Get the local indices that are currently on this node.
template<typename IndexT>auto makeFilename(IndexT range, IndexT idx, std::string file_base, bool make_sub_dirs, int files_per_directory) -> std::string
- Make the filename for checkpoint/restore.
template<typename IndexT>auto makeMetaFilename(std::string file_base, bool make_sub_dirs) -> std::string
- Make the filename for meta-data related to checkpoint/restore.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>void checkpointToFile(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> proxy, std::string const& file_base, bool make_sub_dirs = true, int files_per_directory = 4)
- Checkpoint the collection (collective). Must wait for termination (consistent snapshot) of work on the collection before invoking.
template<typename ColT>auto restoreFromFile(typename ColT::IndexType range, std::string const& file_base) -> CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT>
- Restore the collection (collective) from file.
template<typename ColT>void restoreFromFileInPlace(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> proxy, typename ColT::IndexType range, std::string const& file_base)
- Restore the collection (collective) from file on top of an existing collection. Migrates collection elements to the rank saved from the checkpoint.
- auto getLabel(VirtualProxyType const proxy) const -> std::string
- Get collection label.
template<typename SerializerT>void serialize(SerializerT& s)
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>void invokeMsgImpl(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgSharedPtr<MsgT> msg, ] bool instrument)
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>auto broadcastCollectiveMsgImpl(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgPtr<MsgT>& msg, ] bool instrument) -> messaging::
PendingSend -
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, typename IdxT>auto broadcastMsgUntypedHandler(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, IdxT> const& toProxy, MsgT* raw_msg, HandlerType const handler, ] bool instrument) -> messaging::
PendingSend -
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>auto reduceMsgExpr(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, MsgT*const msg, ] ReduceIdxFuncType<typename ColT::IndexType> expr_fn, ReduceStamp stamp, typename ColT::IndexType const& idx) -> messaging::
PendingSend -
template<typename ColT, mapping::auto constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range, std::string const& label) -> CollectionManager::
ActiveMapTypedFnType<typename ColT::IndexType> fn> IsDefaultConstructableType<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType> -
template<typename ColT, mapping::auto constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range, DistribConstructFn<ColT> cons_fn, std::string const& label) -> CollectionManager::
ActiveMapTypedFnType<typename ColT::IndexType> fn> CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType> -
template<typename ColT>auto beginModification(] CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy, std::string const& label) -> ModifierToken
template<typename ColT>void restoreFromFileInPlace(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> proxy, ] typename ColT::IndexType range, std::string const& file_base)
Protected functions
- void insertCollectionInfo(VirtualProxyType const& proxy, HandlerType const map_han)
- Insert collection into
Function documentation
template<typename ColT>
static HandlerType vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: getDefaultMap()
Get the default map registered handler for a collection.
Returns | the registered map |
template<typename ColT, typename ParamT, typename... Args>
static HandlerType vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: getDefaultMapImpl(std::tuple<Args...>)
Register a map functor for arguments.
Returns | the registered map |
template<typename IndexT>
static IndexT const * vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: queryIndexContext()
Query the current index context of the running handler.
Returns | the running index |
This function can be called legally during the constructor of a virtual collection element and when a handler for it is running.
template<typename IndexT>
static VirtualProxyType vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: queryProxyContext()
Query the current proxy context of the running handler.
Returns | the running proxy |
template<typename IndexT>
static bool vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: hasContext()
Check if a collection is running in the current context.
Returns | whether a collection handler is running |
template<typename CoLT, typename IndexT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: collectionMsgHandler(BaseMessage* msg)
Base collection message handler.
Parameters | |
msg in | the message |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: collectionMsgTypedHandler(MsgT* msg)
Typed collection message handler.
Parameters | |
msg in | the message |
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: recordLBData(ColT* col_ptr,
MsgT* msg)
Record LB data for collection message handler when a message arrives for the element.
Parameters | |
col_ptr in | the collection element pointer |
msg in | the message to deliver |
\internalRecords where the message came from, size of message, and type of communication (e.g., broadcast or send)
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: collectionAutoMsgDeliver(MsgT* msg,
Indexable<IndexT>* col,
HandlerType han,
NodeType from,
trace:: TraceEventIDType event,
bool immediate)
Deliver a message to a collection element.
Parameters | |
msg in | the message |
col in | the collection element pointer |
han in | the handler to invoke |
from in | the node that sent it |
event in | the associated trace event |
immediate |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: collectionBcastHandler(MsgT* msg)
Receive a broadcast to a collection.
Parameters | |
msg in | collection message |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastRootHandler(MsgT* msg)
Receive a broadcast at the root for stamping.
Parameters | |
msg in | the message |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename... Args>
static VirtualPtrType<IndexT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: runConstructor(Args && ... args)
Run the collection element's constructor.
Parameters | |
args in | the constructor args |
Returns | unique pointer to the new element |
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: insertHandler(InsertMsg<ColT, MsgT>* msg)
Handler to insert an element on this node.
Parameters | |
msg in | insert message |
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: pingHomeHandler(InsertMsg<ColT, MsgT>* msg)
Handler to query home before inserting on this node.
Parameters | |
msg in | insert message |
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: computeReduceStamp(CollectionStampMsg* msg)
Handler that receives the reduce stamp after insertions are complete.
Parameters | |
msg in | the stamp message |
template<typename ColT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: destroyElmHandler(ColT*,
DestroyElmMsg<ColT>* msg)
Send message to element to delete it during a modification epoch.
Parameters | |
msg in | the destroy message |
template<typename ColT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: migrateToRestoreLocation(NodeType node,
typename ColT::IndexType idx,
CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> proxy)
Migrate element to restore location from checkpoint.
Parameters | |
node in | the node |
idx in | the element index |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>
static void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: collectionAutoMsgDeliver(MsgT* msg,
Indexable<IndexT>* base,
HandlerType han,
NodeType from,
] trace:: TraceEventIDType event,
bool immediate)
template<typename ColT>
CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: constructMap(typename ColT::IndexType range,
HandlerType const map,
std::string const& label = {})
Construct a new virtual context collection with an explicit, pre-registered map handler.
Parameters | |
range in | index range for the collection |
map in | pre-registered map handler |
label in | collection label |
Returns | proxy to the new collection |
template<typename ColT, mapping:: ActiveMapTypedFnType<typename ColT::IndexType> fn>
CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: construct(typename ColT::IndexType range,
std::string const& label = {})
Construct a new virtual context collection with templated map.
Parameters | |
range in | index range for the collection |
label in | collection label |
Returns | proxy to the new collection |
template<typename ColT>
CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: construct(typename ColT::IndexType range,
std::string const& label = {})
Construct a new virtual context collection using the default map for the given index.
Parameters | |
range in | index range for the collection |
label in | collection label |
Returns | proxy to the new collection |
The default map is found by looking up the vrt::collection::DefaultMap<...>
specialization on the Index type.
template<typename ColT, mapping:: ActiveMapTypedFnType<typename ColT::IndexType> fn>
IsDefaultConstructableType<ColT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range,
std::string const& label = {})
Collectively construct a new virtual context collection with templated map.
Parameters | |
range in | index range for the collection |
label in | collection label |
Returns | proxy to the new collection |
Construct virtual context collection with an explicit map. This construct method enables distributed SPMD construction of the virtual context collection where each index is mapped with the MapFnT
template<typename ColT, mapping:: ActiveMapTypedFnType<typename ColT::IndexType> fn>
CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range,
DistribConstructFn<ColT> cons_fn,
std::string const& label = {})
Collectively construct a new virtual context collection with templated map.
Parameters | |
range in | index range for the collection |
cons_fn in | construct function to create an element on each node |
label in | collection label |
Returns | proxy to the new collection |
Construct virtual context collection with an explicit map. This construct method enables distributed SPMD construction of the virtual context collection using the DistribConstructFn
. The system will invoke that function for every index in the system based on the where each index is mapped with the MapFnT
template<typename ColT>
IsDefaultConstructableType<ColT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range,
std::string const& label = {})
Collectively construct a new virtual context collection with the default map.
Parameters | |
range in | index range for the collection |
label in | collection label |
Returns | proxy to the new collection |
Construct virtual context collection with the default map. This construct method enables distributed SPMD construction of the virtual context collection where each index is mapped with the default mapping function.
template<typename ColT>
CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range,
DistribConstructFn<ColT> cons_fn,
std::string const& label = {})
Collectively construct a new virtual context collection with the default map.
Parameters | |
range in | index range for the collection |
cons_fn in | construct function to create an element on each node |
label in | collection label |
Returns | proxy to the new collection |
Construct virtual context collection with the default map. This construct method enables distributed SPMD construction of the virtual context collection using the DistribConstructFn
. The system will invoke that function for every index in the system based on the where each index is mapped with the default mapping function for this index type selected.
template<typename ColT>
CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: constructCollectiveMap(typename ColT::IndexType range,
DistribConstructFn<ColT> cons_fn,
HandlerType const map_hanm,
std::string const& label = {})
Collectively construct a new virtual context collection with a pre-registered map function.
Parameters | |
range in | index range for the collection |
cons_fn in | construct function to create an element on each node |
map_hanm | |
label in | collection label |
Returns | proxy to new collection |
Construct virtual context collection with a pre-registered map function handler. This construct method enables distributed SPMD construction of the virtual context collection using the DistribConstructFn
. The system will invoke that function for every index in the system based on the where each index is mapped with the registered map function.
template<typename ColT, typename... Args>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: insertMetaCollection(std::string const& label,
VirtualProxyType const proxy,
Args && ... inner_holder_args)
Insert meta-data for this collection on this node.
Parameters | |
label in | the collection label |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
inner_holder_args in | arguments to construct the inner holder |
Type-erase some lambdas for doing the collective broadcast that collects up the LB data on each node for each collection element
VirtualProxyType vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: makeCollectionProxy(bool is_collective,
bool is_migratable)
Make the next collection proxy.
Parameters | |
is_collective in | whether the collection is collective |
is_migratable in | whether the collection is migratable |
Returns | the collection proxy bits |
template<typename ColT>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: constructGroup(VirtualProxyType const& proxy)
Construct a group for the collection.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
\internalThis must be called for every collection before any reductions can safely complete. If the collection spans all node, this will fire a lambda that tells the system that the default_group
can be used for broadcasts and reductions. Broadcasts are always valid to run (unless the group expands after LB) because it will just hit extra nodes that may not have elements.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT = typename MsgT::CollectionType, typename IdxT = typename ColT::IndexType>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsgUntypedHandler(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
HandlerType const handler,
bool imm_context = true)
Send a message to a collection element with handler type erased.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
handler in | the handler to run |
imm_context in | whether in an immediate context (running a collection element handler vs. directly in the scheduler)— if in a handler, local delivery must be postponed |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>
IsNotColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsgWithHan(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
HandlerType const handler)
Send a message to a collection element when not using a collection message.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
handler in | the handler to run |
\internalThis overload will wrap the message in a CollectionMessage<ColT> to hold the index meta-data for the collection send.
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>
IsColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsgWithHan(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
HandlerType const handler)
Send a message to a collection element when using a collection message.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
handler in | the handler to run |
\internalThis overload will directly send the message without promotion
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendNormalMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
HandlerType const handler)
Send a normal message to a collection element with handler type-erased.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
handler in | the handler to run |
Returns | the pending send |
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType>* f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg)
Send collection element a message from active function handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
Returns | a pending send |
template<auto f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<typename ObjFuncTraits<decltype(f)>::MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy,
typename ObjFuncTraits<decltype(f)>::MsgT* msg)
Send collection element a message from active function handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType> f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg)
Send collection element a message from active member handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>
IsColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg)
Send collection element a message from active function handler with a proper CollectionMessage<ColT>
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>
IsNotColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg)
Send collection element a message from active function handler with a non-collection message, doing a promotion.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT> f>
IsColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg)
Send collection element a message from active member handler with a proper CollectionMessage<ColT>
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT> f>
IsNotColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg)
Send collection element a message from active member handler with a non-collection message, doing a promotion.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsgImpl(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg)
Send a collection element a message with active function handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
Returns | the pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType> f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: sendMsgImpl(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg)
Send a collection element a message with active member handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
Returns | the pending send |
template<typename ColT, auto f, typename... Args>
auto vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: invoke(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
Args && ... args)
Invoke function 'f' inline without going through scheduler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
args in | function params |
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType>* f>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: invokeCollectiveMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy,
messaging:: MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg)
Invoke message action function handler without going through scheduler for all elements.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the whole collection proxy |
msg in | the msg |
template<typename ColT, auto f, typename... Args>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: invokeCollective(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
Args && ... args)
Invoke function handler without going through scheduler for all elements.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the whole collection proxy |
args in | the arguments |
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType> f>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: invokeCollectiveMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy,
messaging:: MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg)
Invoke message action function handler without going through scheduler for all elements.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the whole collection proxy |
msg in | the msg |
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType>* f>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: invokeMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy,
messaging:: MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg,
bool instrument = true)
Invoke message action function handler without going through scheduler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType> f>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: invokeMsg(VirtualElmProxyType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy,
messaging:: MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg,
bool instrument = true)
Invoke message action member handler without going through scheduler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: invokeMsgImpl(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgSharedPtr<MsgT> msg,
bool instrument)
Invoke message handler without going through scheduler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message with the virtual handler |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: reduceMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT*const msg,
ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{},
NodeType root_node = uninitialized_destination)
Reduce over a collection.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the reduce message |
stamp in | the reduce stamp |
root_node in | node to receive the ultimately reduced message and run the associated handler (if a callback is specified on a particular node, the root will run the handler that triggers the callback at the appropriate location) |
Returns | a PendingSend corresponding to the reduce |
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: reduceMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT*const msg,
ReduceStamp stamp,
typename ColT::IndexType const& idx)
Reduce over a collection.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the reduce message |
stamp in | the reduce stamp |
idx in | the index of collection element being reduced |
Returns | a PendingSend corresponding to the reduce |
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: reduceMsgExpr(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT*const msg,
ReduceIdxFuncType<typename ColT::IndexType> expr_fn,
ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{},
NodeType root_node = uninitialized_destination)
Reduce over the whole collection or a subset of a collection, based on their indices matching an expression.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the reduce message |
expr_fn in | expression function to pick indices |
stamp in | the reduce stamp |
root_node in | node to receive the ultimately reduced message and run the associated handler (if a callback is specified on a particular node, the root will run the handler that triggers the callback at the appropriate location) |
Returns | a PendingSend corresponding to the reduce |
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: reduceMsgExpr(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT*const msg,
ReduceIdxFuncType<typename ColT::IndexType> expr_fn,
ReduceStamp stamp,
typename ColT::IndexType const& idx)
Reduce over the whole collection or a subset of a collection, based on their indices matching an expression.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the reduce message |
expr_fn in | expression function to pick indices |
stamp in | the reduce stamp |
idx in | the index of collection element being reduced |
Returns | a PendingSend corresponding to the reduce |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>
IsNotColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsgWithHan(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
HandlerType const handler,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast to collection with a promoted message.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
handler in | the handler to invoke |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>
IsColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsgWithHan(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
HandlerType const handler,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast to collection with a collection message.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
handler in | the handler to invoke |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastNormalMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
HandlerType const handler,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast a normal message.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
handler in | the handler to invoke |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, typename IdxT>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsgUntypedHandler(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, IdxT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
HandlerType const handler,
bool instrument)
Broadcast a message with type-erased handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
handler in | the handler to invoke |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType>* f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastCollectiveMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy,
messaging:: MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast collective a message with action function handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, typename MsgT::CollectionType> f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastCollectiveMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<typename MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy,
messaging:: MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast collective a message with action member handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastCollectiveMsgImpl(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgPtr<MsgT>& msg,
bool instrument)
Broadcast collective a message.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<auto f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<typename ObjFuncTraits<decltype(f)>::MsgT::CollectionType> const& proxy,
typename ObjFuncTraits<decltype(f)>::MsgT* msg,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast a message with action function handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>
IsColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast a message with action function handler with collection message.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>
IsNotColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast a message with action function handler with normal message promoted automatically to CollectionMessage<ColT>
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT> f>
IsColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast a message with action member handler with collection message.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT> f>
IsNotColMsgType<MsgT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsg(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast a message with action member handler with normal message promoted automatically to CollectionMessage<ColT>
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT>* f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsgImpl(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast a message with active function handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, ActiveColMemberTypedFnType<MsgT, ColT> f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsgImpl(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT* msg,
bool instrument = true)
Broadcast a message with active member handler.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
msg in | the message |
instrument in | whether to instrument the broadcast for load balancing (some system calls use this to disable instrumentation) |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT, typename MsgT>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastFromRoot(MsgT* msg)
Bounce broadcast off of the root node to stamp them to avoid multiple delivery during migrations.
Parameters | |
msg in | the message |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>
DispatchHandlerType vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: getDispatchHandler()
Get the type-erased dispatcher handler for sending/broadcasting without the collection type.
Returns | the type-erased dispatch handler |
\internalUsed for type-free sends/broadcast, like a callback that erases the type but still needs to reach a typed endpoint
template<typename = void>
DispatchBasePtrType vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: getDispatcher(DispatchHandlerType const& han)
Get pointer to the dispatcher base class in a type-erased setting to operate on the collection.
Parameters | |
han in | the registered dispatch handler |
Returns | the base dispatcher |
template<typename ColT>
std::size_t vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: groupElementCount(VirtualProxyType const& proxy)
Count the number of elements for a collection on this node.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy bits |
Returns | number of local elements |
\internalUsed for automatic group creation for each collection instance for broadcasts (optimization) and reduce (correctness).
template<typename ColT>
GroupType vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: createGroupCollection(VirtualProxyType const& proxy,
bool const in_group)
Create the group.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy bits |
in_group in | whether this node is in the group |
Returns | the new group ID |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>
bool vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: insertCollectionElement(VirtualPtrType<IndexT> vc,
VirtualProxyType const proxy,
IndexT const& idx,
NodeType const home_node,
bool const is_migrated_in = false,
NodeType const migrated_from = uninitialized_destination)
Insert a new collection element.
Parameters | |
vc in | unique pointer to the new, constructed collection element |
proxy in | collection proxy bits |
idx in | element index |
home_node in | the home node for this element |
is_migrated_in in | whether it just migrated in |
migrated_from in | where it migrated in from |
Returns | whether it successfully inserted the element |
\internalSystem call to insert a new collection element on this node. Called either during construction/staged insertion or when an element migrates into this node. Before this is called, one must construct the element. Then, one must use the CollectionTypeAttorney
to do the setup for the element—which sets the index and other properties on the element. Once that is done, this call will register the element with the location manager and add it to the collection holders.
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: destroy(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, IndexT> const& proxy)
Destroy a collection.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
template<typename ColT>
NodeType vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: getMappedNode(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
typename ColT::IndexType const& idx)
Get the default mapped node for an element.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
idx in | the index |
Returns | the mapped node |
template<typename IdxT>
NodeType vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: getMappedNode(VirtualProxyType proxy,
IdxT const& idx)
Get the default mapped node for an element.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
idx in | the index |
Returns | the mapped node |
template<typename ColT>
MigrateStatus vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: migrate(VrtElmProxy<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType> proxy,
NodeType const& dest)
Migrate element to a new node.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the element proxy |
dest in | the destination node |
Returns | status of migration operation |
Element must exist on this node to call this method.
template<typename ColT>
ModifierToken vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: beginModification(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
std::string const& label)
Begin a modification epoch collectively for a collection with dynamic membership.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
label in | label for the insertion epoch |
Returns | the modifier token |
template<typename ColT>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: finishModification(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
ModifierToken&& token)
Finish an modification epoch collectively for a collection.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
token in | the insertion token |
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: insert(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
typename ColT::IndexType idx,
NodeType const node,
ModifierToken& token,
MsgSharedPtr<MsgT> msg = nullptr,
bool pinged_home_already = false)
Dynamically insert an element or send a message to mapped node to insert. If the node
parameter is set, ignore the mapped node and insert wherever specified by the user.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
idx in | the index to insert |
node in | the node to insert on |
token in | the inserter token with the insertion epoch |
msg | |
pinged_home_already in | whether the home node has been contacted to ensure an insertion has not occurred already |
template<typename ColT>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: destroyElm(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
typename ColT::IndexType idx,
ModifierToken& token)
Dynamically delete a collection element.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
idx in | the index to insert |
token in | the inserter token with the insertion epoch |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>
ColT* vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: tryGetLocalPtr(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, IndexT> const& proxy,
IndexT idx)
Try to get a pointer to a collection element.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
idx in | the index |
Returns | raw pointer to element |
template<typename ColT>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: addCleanupFn(VirtualProxyType proxy)
Add a cleanup function for a collection after destruction.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy bits |
TypelessHolder& vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: getTypelessHolder()
Get the typeless holder data about the collection.
Returns | the typeless holder |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>
int vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: registerElementListener(VirtualProxyType proxy,
listener:: ListenFnType<IndexT> fn)
Register listener function for a given collection.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the proxy of the collection |
fn in | the listener function |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: unregisterElementListener(VirtualProxyType proxy,
int element)
Unregister listener function for a given collection.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the proxy of the collection |
element in | the index of the registered listener function |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>
IndexT vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: getRange(VirtualProxyType proxy)
Get the range that a collection was constructed with.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the proxy of the collection |
Returns | the range of the collection |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>
std::set<IndexT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: getLocalIndices(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> proxy)
Get the local indices that are currently on this node.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the proxy of the collection |
Returns | the set of indices on this node |
template<typename IndexT>
std::string vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: makeFilename(IndexT range,
IndexT idx,
std::string file_base,
bool make_sub_dirs,
int files_per_directory)
Make the filename for checkpoint/restore.
Parameters | |
range in | range for collection |
idx in | index of element |
file_base in | base file name |
make_sub_dirs in | whether to make sub-directories for elements: useful when the number of collection elements are large |
files_per_directory in | number of files to output for each sub-dir |
Returns | full path of a file for the element |
template<typename IndexT>
std::string vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: makeMetaFilename(std::string file_base,
bool make_sub_dirs)
Make the filename for meta-data related to checkpoint/restore.
Parameters | |
file_base in | base file name |
make_sub_dirs | |
Returns | meta-data file name for the node |
template<typename ColT, typename IndexT = typename ColT::IndexType>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: checkpointToFile(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> proxy,
std::string const& file_base,
bool make_sub_dirs = true,
int files_per_directory = 4)
Checkpoint the collection (collective). Must wait for termination (consistent snapshot) of work on the collection before invoking.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the proxy of the collection |
file_base in | the base file name of the files write |
make_sub_dirs in | whether to make sub-directories for elements: useful when the number of collection elements are large |
files_per_directory in | number of files to output for each sub-dir |
Returns | the range of the collection |
template<typename ColT>
CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: restoreFromFile(typename ColT::IndexType range,
std::string const& file_base)
Restore the collection (collective) from file.
Parameters | |
range in | the range of the collection to restart |
file_base in | the base file name for the files to read |
Returns | proxy to the new collection |
template<typename ColT>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: restoreFromFileInPlace(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> proxy,
typename ColT::IndexType range,
std::string const& file_base)
Restore the collection (collective) from file on top of an existing collection. Migrates collection elements to the rank saved from the checkpoint.
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy |
range in | the range of the collection to restore |
file_base in | the base file name for the files to read |
std::string vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: getLabel(VirtualProxyType const proxy) const
Get collection label.
Parameters | |
proxy in | Collection proxy |
Returns | collection lable |
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: invokeMsgImpl(VirtualElmProxyType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgSharedPtr<MsgT> msg,
] bool instrument)
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastCollectiveMsgImpl(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgPtr<MsgT>& msg,
] bool instrument)
template<typename MsgT, typename ColT, typename IdxT>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: broadcastMsgUntypedHandler(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, IdxT> const& toProxy,
MsgT* raw_msg,
HandlerType const handler,
] bool instrument)
template<typename ColT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>
messaging:: PendingSend vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: reduceMsgExpr(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
MsgT*const msg,
] ReduceIdxFuncType<typename ColT::IndexType> expr_fn,
ReduceStamp stamp,
typename ColT::IndexType const& idx)
template<typename ColT, mapping:: ActiveMapTypedFnType<typename ColT::IndexType> fn>
CollectionManager:: IsDefaultConstructableType<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range,
std::string const& label)
template<typename ColT, mapping:: ActiveMapTypedFnType<typename ColT::IndexType> fn>
CollectionManager:: CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT, typename ColT::IndexType> vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: constructCollective(typename ColT::IndexType range,
DistribConstructFn<ColT> cons_fn,
std::string const& label)
template<typename ColT>
ModifierToken vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: beginModification(] CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> const& proxy,
std::string const& label)
template<typename ColT>
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: restoreFromFileInPlace(CollectionProxyWrapType<ColT> proxy,
] typename ColT::IndexType range,
std::string const& file_base)
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: CollectionManager:: insertCollectionInfo(VirtualProxyType const& proxy,
HandlerType const map_han) protected
Insert collection into TypelessHolder
Parameters | |
proxy in | the collection proxy bits |
map_han in | the map function |