vt::group::GroupManager struct

A core VT component that can create and manage groups of nodes.

Enables rooted and collective asynchronous construction of groups of nodes. The default group is all the nodes in the communicator, which is the group a normal broadcast targets. Beyond this, both the VT system and users can dynamically create groups in a fully distributed manner.

Base classes

template<typename T>
struct vt::runtime::component::Component<GroupManager>
Component class for a generic VT runtime module, CRTP'ed over the component's actual type

Derived classes

template<typename T>
struct GroupManagerT
Group manager that handles typed actions that are registered for system use.

Public types

using RegionType = region::Region
using RegionPtrType = std::unique_ptr<RegionType>
using GroupInfoType = Info
using GroupInfoPtrType = std::unique_ptr<GroupInfoType>
using GroupContainerType = std::unordered_map<GroupType, GroupInfoPtrType>
using ActionGroupType = std::function<void(GroupType)>
using TreeType = collective::tree::Tree
using TreePtrType = std::unique_ptr<TreeType>
using ActionListType = std::vector<ActionType>
using ActionContainerType = std::unordered_map<RemoteOperationIDType, ActionListType>
using ReduceType = collective::reduce::Reduce
using ReducePtrType = ReduceType*
using CollectiveScopeType = collective::CollectiveScope

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Construct the GroupManager.
~GroupManager() virtual

Public functions

auto name() -> std::string override
Get the name of the component.
void setupDefaultGroup()
Setup the default group spanning all nodes. Called by the VT system at startup so broadcasts can take place.
void AddNewTempGroup(const region::Region::ListType& range, GroupType group)
Cache group created by multicast. This allows for reusing the same group.
auto GetTempGroupForRange(const region::Region::ListType& range) -> std::optional<GroupType>
Return (if any) group associated with given range of nodes.
auto newGroup(RegionPtrType in_region, bool const is_static, ActionGroupType action) -> GroupType
Create a new rooted group.
auto newGroup(RegionPtrType in_region, ActionGroupType action) -> GroupType
Create a new rooted group.
auto newGroupCollective(bool const in_group, ActionGroupType action, bool make_mpi_group = false) -> GroupType
Create a group collectively, must be called on all nodes.
void deleteGroupCollective(GroupType group_id)
Delete an existing group that is no longer needed.
auto newGroupCollectiveLabel(GroupCollectiveLabelTagType) -> GroupType
Generate the next group ID.
auto inGroup(GroupType const group) -> bool
Query whether this node is part of a group.
auto getGroupComm(GroupType const group_id) -> MPI_Comm
Get MPI_Comm from VT group.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>
void sendMsg(GroupType const group, MsgT* msg)
template<auto f>
void sendMsg(GroupType const group, typename FuncTraits<decltype(f)>::MsgT* msg)
auto groupReducer(GroupType const group) -> ReducePtrType
Get the reducer associated with a group to reduce over it.
auto groupRoot(GroupType const group) const -> NodeType
Get the root node for a group.
auto isGroupDefault(GroupType const group) const -> bool
Check if a group is the default group (all nodes, default spanning tree)
void addCleanupAction(ActionType action)
Add a cleanup action.
auto getNextOpID() -> RemoteOperationIDType
Get the next operation ID.
template<typename SerializerT>
void serialize(SerializerT& s)

Function documentation

void vt::group::GroupManager::AddNewTempGroup(const region::Region::ListType& range, GroupType group)

Cache group created by multicast. This allows for reusing the same group.

range in list of nodes that are part of given group
group in group to cache

GroupType vt::group::GroupManager::newGroup(RegionPtrType in_region, bool const is_static, ActionGroupType action)

Create a new rooted group.

in_region in list of nodes to include
is_static in whether the group is static after creation
action in action to execute when group is finished construction
Returns the group ID

GroupType vt::group::GroupManager::newGroup(RegionPtrType in_region, ActionGroupType action)

Create a new rooted group.

in_region in list of nodes to include
action in action to execute when group is finished construction
Returns the group ID

GroupType vt::group::GroupManager::newGroupCollective(bool const in_group, ActionGroupType action, bool make_mpi_group = false)

Create a group collectively, must be called on all nodes.

in_group in whether this node is included the new group
action in action to execute when group is finished construction
make_mpi_group in whether VT should create an underlying MPI group
Returns the group ID

void vt::group::GroupManager::deleteGroupCollective(GroupType group_id)

Delete an existing group that is no longer needed.

group_id in the id for the group

GroupType vt::group::GroupManager::newGroupCollectiveLabel(GroupCollectiveLabelTagType)

Generate the next group ID.

Returns the group ID

bool vt::group::GroupManager::inGroup(GroupType const group)

Query whether this node is part of a group.

group in the group ID
Returns whether this node is included

MPI_Comm vt::group::GroupManager::getGroupComm(GroupType const group_id)

Get MPI_Comm from VT group.

group_id in the group ID
Returns the MPI_Comm associated with the group; or the default communicator if none.

ReducePtrType vt::group::GroupManager::groupReducer(GroupType const group)

Get the reducer associated with a group to reduce over it.

group in the group ID
Returns pointer to the reducer

NodeType vt::group::GroupManager::groupRoot(GroupType const group) const

Get the root node for a group.

group in the group ID
Returns the root node

bool vt::group::GroupManager::isGroupDefault(GroupType const group) const

Check if a group is the default group (all nodes, default spanning tree)

group in the group ID
Returns whether it is the default group

void vt::group::GroupManager::addCleanupAction(ActionType action)

Add a cleanup action.

action in the action

RemoteOperationIDType vt::group::GroupManager::getNextOpID()

Get the next operation ID.

Returns the operation ID