template<typename ObjT>
Proxy struct
A indexable proxy to object instances on all nodes that are tied together with a common ID.
After creating an objgroup, a Proxy<ObjT> is returned which can be used to perform distributed operations on that object instance across all nodes.
Proxies are very inexpensive to copy and move around the system.
Public types
- using ObjGroupType = ObjT
using ReduceStamp = collective::
reduce:: ReduceStamp -
using PendingSendType = messaging::
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
Public functions
- auto operator=(Proxy const&) -> Proxy& defaulted
template<typename MsgT, ActiveObjType<MsgT, ObjT> fn>void broadcast(MsgT* msg) const
- Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveObjType<MsgT, ObjT> fn>void broadcast(MsgPtr<MsgT> msg) const
- Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveObjType<MsgT, ObjT> fn>auto broadcastMsg(messaging::
MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg) const -> PendingSendType - Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
template<auto fn>auto broadcastMsg(messaging::
MsgPtrThief<typename ObjFuncTraits<decltype(fn)>::MsgT> msg) const -> PendingSendType - Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
template<typename MsgT, ActiveObjType<MsgT, ObjT> fn, typename... Args>auto broadcast(Args && ... args) const -> PendingSendType
- Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
template<auto fn, typename... Args>auto broadcast(Args && ... args) const -> PendingSendType
- Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
template<auto fn, typename... Args>auto multicast(GroupType type, Args && ... args) const -> PendingSendType
- Multicast a message to nodes that are part of given group to be delivered to the local object instance.
template<auto fn, typename... Args>auto multicast(group::
region:: Region:: RegionUPtrType&& nodes, Args && ... args) const -> PendingSendType - Multicast a message to nodes specified by the region to be delivered to the local object instance.
template<auto f, template<typename Arg> class Op = collective::auto allreduce(Args && ... args) const -> PendingSendType
NoneOp, typename... Args> - All-reduce back to this objgroup. Performs a reduction using operator
followed by a broadcast tof
with the result. -
template<auto f, template<typename Arg> class Op = collective::auto reduce(Target target, Args && ... args) const -> PendingSendType
NoneOp, typename Target, typename... Args> - Reduce back to a point target. Performs a reduction using operator
followed by a send tof
with the result. -
template<template<typename Arg> class Op = collective::auto reduce(vt::
NoneOp, typename... CBArgs, typename... Args> Callback<CBArgs...> cb, Args && ... args) const -> PendingSendType - Reduce back to an arbitrary callback. Performs a reduction using operator
and then delivers the result to the callbackcb
. -
template<typename OpT = collective::auto reduce(MsgPtrT msg, Callback<MsgT> cb, ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{}) const -> PendingSendType
None, typename MsgPtrT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f> - Reduce over the objgroup instances on each node with a callback target.
template<typename OpT = collective::auto reduce(MsgPtrT msg, Callback<MsgT> cb, ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{}) const -> PendingSendType
None, typename MsgPtrT, typename MsgT = typename util:: MsgPtrType<MsgPtrT>::MsgType> -
template<typename OpT = collective::auto reduce(MsgPtrT msg, ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{}) const -> PendingSendType
None, typename FunctorT, typename MsgPtrT, typename MsgT = typename util:: MsgPtrType<MsgPtrT>::MsgType, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f> - Reduce over the objgroup instances on each node with a functor target.
template<typename OpT = collective::auto reduce(MsgPtrT msg, ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{}) const -> PendingSendType
None, typename FunctorT, typename MsgPtrT, typename MsgT = typename util:: MsgPtrType<MsgPtrT>::MsgType> -
template<typename MsgPtrT, typename MsgT = typename util::auto reduce(MsgPtrT msg, ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{}) const -> PendingSendType
MsgPtrType<MsgPtrT>::MsgType, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f> - Reduce over the objgroup instance on each node with target specified in reduction message type.
- auto get() const -> ObjT*
- Get raw pointer to the local object instance residing on the current node.
- auto getProxy() const -> ObjGroupProxyType
- Get the underlying proxy bits that are used to identify the objgroup.
template<typename BaseT>auto castToBase() const -> Proxy<BaseT>
- Cast typed proxy to the base class type for this objgroup.
- void destroyCollective() const
- Collective destroy this objgroup instance on all nodes.
template<typename T>auto makeHandleRDMA(std::size_t count, bool is_uniform) const -> vt::
rdma:: Handle<T> - Make a new RDMA handle for this objgroup—a collective invocation.
template<typename T>void destroyHandleRDMA(vt::
rdma:: Handle<T> handle) const - Destroy an RDMA handle created from this objgroup.
template<typename T>auto makeHandleSetRDMA(int32_t max_elm, std::unordered_map<int32_t, std::size_t> const& map, bool is_uniform) const -> vt::
rdma:: HandleSet<T> - Make a new set of RDMA handles for this objgroup—a collective invocation. This is the overload for a potentially sparse set of handles with a non-zero starting index.
template<typename T>auto makeHandleSetRDMA(int32_t max_elm, std::vector<std::size_t> const& vec, bool is_uniform) const -> vt::
rdma:: HandleSet<T> - Make a new set of RDMA handles for this objgroup—a collective invocation. This is the overload for a dense, start at zero set of handles to create.
template<typename T>void destroyHandleSetRDMA(vt::
rdma:: HandleSet<T> handle) const - Destroy a set of RDMA handles created from this objgroup.
- auto operator[](NodeType node) const -> ProxyElm<ObjT>
- Index the proxy to get the element proxy for a particular node.
- auto operator()(NodeType node) const -> ProxyElm<ObjT>
- Index the proxy to get the element proxy for a particular node.
template<typename Serializer>void serialize(Serializer& s)
Function documentation
template<typename ObjT>
vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: Proxy(ObjGroupProxyType in_proxy) explicit
Create a new proxy, called by the system.
Parameters | |
in_proxy in | the proxy ID |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename MsgT, ActiveObjType<MsgT, ObjT> fn>
void vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: broadcast(MsgT* msg) const
Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
Parameters | |
msg in | raw pointer to the message |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename MsgT, ActiveObjType<MsgT, ObjT> fn>
void vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: broadcast(MsgPtr<MsgT> msg) const
Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
Parameters | |
msg in | managed pointer to the message |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename MsgT, ActiveObjType<MsgT, ObjT> fn>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: broadcastMsg(messaging:: MsgPtrThief<MsgT> msg) const
Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
Parameters | |
msg in | the message |
template<typename ObjT>
template<auto fn>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: broadcastMsg(messaging:: MsgPtrThief<typename ObjFuncTraits<decltype(fn)>::MsgT> msg) const
Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
Parameters | |
msg in | the message |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename MsgT, ActiveObjType<MsgT, ObjT> fn, typename... Args>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: broadcast(Args && ... args) const
Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
Parameters | |
args in | args to pass to the message constructor |
template<typename ObjT>
template<auto fn, typename... Args>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: broadcast(Args && ... args) const
Broadcast a message to all nodes to be delivered to the local object instance.
Parameters | |
args in | args to pass to the message constructor |
template<typename ObjT>
template<auto fn, typename... Args>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: multicast(GroupType type,
Args && ... args) const
Multicast a message to nodes that are part of given group to be delivered to the local object instance.
Parameters | |
type in | group to multicast |
args in | args to pass to the message constructor |
template<typename ObjT>
template<auto fn, typename... Args>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: multicast(group:: region:: Region:: RegionUPtrType&& nodes,
Args && ... args) const
Multicast a message to nodes specified by the region to be delivered to the local object instance.
Parameters | |
nodes in | region of nodes to multicast to |
args in | args to pass to the message constructor |
template<typename ObjT>
template<auto f, template<typename Arg> class Op = collective:: NoneOp, typename... Args>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: allreduce(Args && ... args) const
All-reduce back to this objgroup. Performs a reduction using operator Op
followed by a broadcast to f
with the result.
Parameters | |
args in | the arguments to reduce. |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename ObjT>
template<auto f, template<typename Arg> class Op = collective:: NoneOp, typename Target, typename... Args>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: reduce(Target target,
Args && ... args) const
Reduce back to a point target. Performs a reduction using operator Op
followed by a send to f
with the result.
Parameters | |
target | |
args in | the arguments to reduce. |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename ObjT>
template<template<typename Arg> class Op = collective:: NoneOp, typename... CBArgs, typename... Args>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: reduce(vt:: Callback<CBArgs...> cb,
Args && ... args) const
Reduce back to an arbitrary callback. Performs a reduction using operator Op
and then delivers the result to the callback cb
Parameters | |
cb in | the callback to trigger with the reduction result |
args in | the arguments to reduce. |
Returns | a pending send |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename OpT = collective:: None, typename MsgPtrT, typename MsgT, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: reduce(MsgPtrT msg,
Callback<MsgT> cb,
ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{}) const
Reduce over the objgroup instances on each node with a callback target.
Parameters | |
msg in | the reduction message |
cb in | the callback to trigger after the reduction is finished |
stamp in | the stamp to identify the reduction |
Returns | the PendingSend associated with the reduce |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename OpT = collective:: None, typename FunctorT, typename MsgPtrT, typename MsgT = typename util:: MsgPtrType<MsgPtrT>::MsgType, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: reduce(MsgPtrT msg,
ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{}) const
Reduce over the objgroup instances on each node with a functor target.
Parameters | |
msg in | the reduction message |
stamp in | the stamp to identify the reduction |
Returns | the PendingSend associated with the reduce |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename MsgPtrT, typename MsgT = typename util:: MsgPtrType<MsgPtrT>::MsgType, ActiveTypedFnType<MsgT>* f>
PendingSendType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: reduce(MsgPtrT msg,
ReduceStamp stamp = ReduceStamp{}) const
Reduce over the objgroup instance on each node with target specified in reduction message type.
Parameters | |
msg in | the reduction message |
stamp in | the stamp to identify the reduction |
Returns | the PendingSend associated with the reduce |
template<typename ObjT>
ObjT* vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: get() const
Get raw pointer to the local object instance residing on the current node.
Returns | raw pointer to the object |
template<typename ObjT>
ObjGroupProxyType vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: getProxy() const
Get the underlying proxy bits that are used to identify the objgroup.
Returns | the proxy ID |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename BaseT>
Proxy<BaseT> vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: castToBase() const
Cast typed proxy to the base class type for this objgroup.
Returns | base class proxy |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename T>
vt:: rdma:: Handle<T> vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: makeHandleRDMA(std::size_t count,
bool is_uniform) const
Make a new RDMA handle for this objgroup—a collective invocation.
Parameters | |
count in | the local count of T for this handle |
is_uniform in | whether all handles have the same count |
Returns | the new RDMA handle |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename T>
void vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: destroyHandleRDMA(vt:: rdma:: Handle<T> handle) const
Destroy an RDMA handle created from this objgroup.
Parameters | |
handle in | the handle to destroy |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename T>
vt:: rdma:: HandleSet<T> vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: makeHandleSetRDMA(int32_t max_elm,
std::unordered_map<int32_t, std::size_t> const& map,
bool is_uniform) const
Make a new set of RDMA handles for this objgroup—a collective invocation. This is the overload for a potentially sparse set of handles with a non-zero starting index.
Parameters | |
max_elm in | the largest lookup key on any node |
map in | a map of the handles and corresponding counts to create |
is_uniform in | whether all handles have the same count |
Returns | the new RDMA handle |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename T>
vt:: rdma:: HandleSet<T> vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: makeHandleSetRDMA(int32_t max_elm,
std::vector<std::size_t> const& vec,
bool is_uniform) const
Make a new set of RDMA handles for this objgroup—a collective invocation. This is the overload for a dense, start at zero set of handles to create.
Parameters | |
max_elm in | the largest lookup key on any node |
vec in | a vector of the handle counts to create |
is_uniform in | whether all handles have the same count |
Returns | the new RDMA handle |
template<typename ObjT>
template<typename T>
void vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: destroyHandleSetRDMA(vt:: rdma:: HandleSet<T> handle) const
Destroy a set of RDMA handles created from this objgroup.
Parameters | |
handle in | the handle set to destroy |
template<typename ObjT>
ProxyElm<ObjT> vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: operator[](NodeType node) const
Index the proxy to get the element proxy for a particular node.
Parameters | |
node in | the desired node |
Returns | an indexed proxy to that node |
template<typename ObjT>
ProxyElm<ObjT> vt:: objgroup:: proxy:: Proxy<ObjT>:: operator()(NodeType node) const
Index the proxy to get the element proxy for a particular node.
Parameters | |
node in | the desired node |
Returns | an indexed proxy to that node |