Base classes
- struct BaseLB
Derived classes
- struct TemperedWMin
Public types
using LoadMsgAsync = balance::
LoadMsgAsync -
using LoadMsgSync = balance::
LoadMsg - using NodeSetType = std::vector<NodeType>
- using ObjsType = std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, LoadType>
using ReduceMsgType = vt::
collective:: ReduceNoneMsg -
using QuantityType = std::map<lb::
StatisticQuantity, double> -
using StatisticMapType = std::unordered_map<lb::
Statistic, QuantityType> -
using EdgeMapType = std::unordered_map<elm::
ElementIDStruct, std::vector<std::tuple<elm:: ElementIDStruct, double>>>
Public static functions
- static auto getInputKeysWithHelp() -> std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>
- static auto orderObjects(ObjectOrderEnum obj_ordering, std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, LoadType> cur_objs, LoadType this_new_load, LoadType target_max_load) -> std::vector<ObjIDType>
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- TemperedLB() defaulted
- TemperedLB(TemperedLB const&) deleted
- ~TemperedLB() virtual
Public functions
void init(objgroup::
proxy:: Proxy<TemperedLB> in_proxy) - void runLB(LoadType total_load) override
void inputParams(balance::
ConfigEntry* config) override
Protected types
- struct LockedInfoMsg
- The update message that comes from a rank when it is locked. This is a message instead of a normal handler so it can be buffered without copying it.
Protected functions
- void doLBStages(LoadType start_imb)
- void informAsync()
- void informSync()
- void originalTransfer()
- void swapClusters()
- void migrate()
- void propagateRound(uint8_t k_cur_async, bool sync, EpochType epoch = no_epoch)
- void propagateIncomingAsync(LoadMsgAsync* msg)
- void propagateIncomingSync(LoadMsgSync* msg)
- auto isUnderloaded(LoadType load) const -> bool
- auto isUnderloadedRelaxed(LoadType over, LoadType under) const -> bool
- auto isOverloaded(LoadType load) const -> bool
- auto createCMF(NodeSetType const& under) -> std::vector<double>
- auto sampleFromCMF(NodeSetType const& under, std::vector<double> const& cmf) -> NodeType
- auto makeUnderloaded() const -> std::vector<NodeType>
- auto makeSufficientlyUnderloaded(LoadType load_to_accommodate) const -> std::vector<NodeType>
- auto selectObject(LoadType size, ElementLoadType& load, std::set<ObjIDType> const& available) -> ElementLoadType::iterator
auto getModeledValue(const elm::
ElementIDStruct& obj) -> LoadType virtual - void lazyMigrateObjsTo(EpochType epoch, NodeType node, ObjsType const& objs)
void inLazyMigrations(balance::
LazyMigrationMsg* msg) -
void loadStatsHandler(std::vector<balance::
LoadData> const& vec) -
void workStatsHandler(std::vector<balance::
LoadData> const& vec) - void rejectionStatsHandler(int n_rejected, int n_transfers, int n_unhomed_blocks, int cycle_count)
- void maxIterTime(double max_iter_time)
- void remoteBlockCountHandler(int n_unhomed_blocks)
- void thunkMigrations()
- void setupDone()
- void readClustersMemoryData()
- Read the memory data from the user-defined json blocks into data structures.
- auto computeMemoryUsage() -> BytesType
- Compute the memory usage for current assignment.
- auto getSharedBlocksHere() const -> std::set<SharedIDType>
- Get the shared blocks that are located on this node with the current object assignment.
- auto getRemoteBlockCountHere() const -> int
- Get the number of shared blocks that are located on this node with the current object assignment but are not homed here.
- void computeClusterSummary()
- Compute the current cluster assignment summary for this rank.
- auto makeClusterSummary(SharedIDType shared_id) -> ClusterInfo
- Make cluster summary info.
- void tryLock(NodeType requesting_node, double criterion_value)
- Try to lock a rank.
- void satisfyLockRequest()
- Satisfy a lock request (if there is one)
- void lockObtained(LockedInfoMsg* msg)
- Inform a rank that a lock was obtained.
- auto memoryTransferCriterion(double try_total_bytes, double src_bytes) -> bool
- Compute memory component of tempered transfer criterion.
- auto loadTransferCriterion(double before_w_src, double before_w_dst, double after_w_src, double after_w_dst) -> double
- Compute load component of tempered transfer criterion.
- auto computeWork(double load, double inter_comm_bytes, double intra_comm_bytes, double shared_comm_bytes) const -> double
- Compute the amount of work based on the work model.
- auto computeWorkBreakdown(NodeType node, std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, LoadType> const& objs, std::set<ObjIDType> const& exclude = {}, std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, LoadType> const& include = {}) -> WorkBreakdown
- Compute work based on a a set of objects.
- auto computeWorkAfterClusterSwap(NodeType node, NodeInfo const& info, ClusterInfo const& to_remove, ClusterInfo const& to_add) -> double
- void considerSwapsAfterLock(MsgSharedPtr<LockedInfoMsg> msg)
- Consider possible swaps with all the up-to-date info from a rank.
- void releaseLock()
- Release a lock on a rank.
- void giveCluster(NodeType from_rank, std::unordered_map<SharedIDType, BytesType> const& give_shared_blocks_size, std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, LoadType> const& give_objs, std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, SharedIDType> const& give_obj_shared_block, std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, BytesType> const& give_obj_working_bytes, SharedIDType take_cluster)
- Give a cluster to a rank.
- auto removeClusterToSend(SharedIDType shared_id, std::set<ObjIDType> objs = {}) -> auto
- Remove a cluster to send. Does all the bookkeeping associated with removing the cluster.
Function documentation
BytesType vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: computeMemoryUsage() protected
Compute the memory usage for current assignment.
Returns | the total memory usage |
std::set<SharedIDType> vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: getSharedBlocksHere() const protected
Get the shared blocks that are located on this node with the current object assignment.
Returns | the set of shared blocks here |
int vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: getRemoteBlockCountHere() const protected
Get the number of shared blocks that are located on this node with the current object assignment but are not homed here.
Returns | the number of unhomed shared blocks here |
ClusterInfo vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: makeClusterSummary(SharedIDType shared_id) protected
Make cluster summary info.
Parameters | |
shared_id in | the shared ID |
Returns | the info |
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: lockObtained(LockedInfoMsg* msg) protected
Inform a rank that a lock was obtained.
Parameters | |
msg in | update message with all the info |
bool vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: memoryTransferCriterion(double try_total_bytes,
double src_bytes) protected
Compute memory component of tempered transfer criterion.
Parameters | |
try_total_bytes in | total memory bytes on target rank |
src_bytes in | memory bytes to be transferred from source rank |
double vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: loadTransferCriterion(double before_w_src,
double before_w_dst,
double after_w_src,
double after_w_dst) protected
Compute load component of tempered transfer criterion.
Parameters | |
before_w_src in | original work on source rank |
before_w_dst in | original work on destination rank |
after_w_src in | new work on source rank |
after_w_dst in | new work on destination rank |
double vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: computeWork(double load,
double inter_comm_bytes,
double intra_comm_bytes,
double shared_comm_bytes) const protected
Compute the amount of work based on the work model.
Parameters | |
load in | the load for a rank |
inter_comm_bytes | |
intra_comm_bytes | |
shared_comm_bytes | |
Returns | the amount of work |
WorkBreakdown vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: computeWorkBreakdown(NodeType node,
std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, LoadType> const& objs,
std::set<ObjIDType> const& exclude = {},
std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, LoadType> const& include = {}) protected
Compute work based on a a set of objects.
Parameters | |
node in | the node these objects are mapped to |
objs in | input set of objects |
exclude in | a set of objects to exclude that are in objs |
include in | a map of objects to include that are not in objs |
Returns | the amount of work currently for the set of objects |
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: considerSwapsAfterLock(MsgSharedPtr<LockedInfoMsg> msg) protected
Consider possible swaps with all the up-to-date info from a rank.
Parameters | |
msg in | update message with all the info |
void vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: giveCluster(NodeType from_rank,
std::unordered_map<SharedIDType, BytesType> const& give_shared_blocks_size,
std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, LoadType> const& give_objs,
std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, SharedIDType> const& give_obj_shared_block,
std::unordered_map<ObjIDType, BytesType> const& give_obj_working_bytes,
SharedIDType take_cluster) protected
Give a cluster to a rank.
Parameters | |
from_rank in | the rank it's coming from |
give_shared_blocks_size in | the shared block info for the swap |
give_objs in | the objects given |
give_obj_shared_block in | the shared block the objs are part of |
give_obj_working_bytes in | the working bytes for the objs |
take_cluster in | (optional) a cluster requested in return |
auto vt:: vrt:: collection:: lb:: TemperedLB:: removeClusterToSend(SharedIDType shared_id,
std::set<ObjIDType> objs = {}) protected
Remove a cluster to send. Does all the bookkeeping associated with removing the cluster.
Parameters | |
shared_id in | the shared ID of the cluster to remove |
objs in | the set of objects to send with that shared ID (optional, if not specified then send all of them) |
Returns | a tuple with all the information to send to giveCluster |