vt::runtime::Runtime struct

The VT runtime that manages startup/shutdown and pointers to all the live components for a runtime instance.

The runtime contains an instance of VT that is initialized/finalized. It performs the sequence of operations for correct initialization and finalization of all the components that make up a runtime.

The runtime can be configured to catch signals when errors occur and dump a stack trace.

Public types

template<typename ComponentT>
using ComponentPtrType = ComponentT*

Public static variables

static bool volatile sig_user_1_

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Runtime(int& argc, char**& argv, bool const interop_mode = false, MPI_Comm in_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD, RuntimeInstType const in_instance = RuntimeInstType::DefaultInstance, arguments::AppConfig const* appConfig = nullptr)
Initialize a VT runtime.
Runtime(Runtime const&) deleted
Runtime(Runtime&&) deleted
~Runtime() virtual

Public functions

auto operator=(Runtime const&) -> Runtime& deleted
auto isLive() const -> bool
Check if runtime is live.
auto progress(TimeType current_time) -> int
Invoke all the progress functions.
auto needsCurrentTime() -> bool
Check if any pollable components needs the current time.
auto isTerminated() const -> bool
Check if runtime has terminated.
auto isFinalizable() const -> bool
Check if runtime is finalizable.
auto isInitialized() const -> bool
Check if runtime is initialized.
auto isFinalized() const -> bool
Check if runtime is finalized.
auto hasSchedRun() const -> bool
Check if scheduler has run.
void reset()
Reset the runtime after termination is reached to use it again.
auto initialize(bool const force_now = false) -> bool
Initialize the runtime.
auto finalize(bool const force_now = false, bool const disable_sig = true) -> bool
Finalize the runtime.
void computeAndPrintDiagnostics()
Compute the diagnostics across the components and print them if requested at the end of the program.
void abort(std::string const abort_str, ErrorCodeType const code)
Abort–die immediately after spitting out error message.
void output(std::string const abort_str, ErrorCodeType const code, bool error = false, bool decorate = true, bool formatted = true)
Output a message and possibly die.
auto getInstanceID() const -> RuntimeInstType
Get runtime instance ID.
void systemSync()
Do a sync.
void checkForArgumentErrors()
Check for input argument errors.
void printMemoryFootprint() const
Print memory footprint for all live components.
auto getAppConfig() const -> arguments::AppConfig const *
Get the app config before the runtime has setup all the components and VT is fully initialized.

Public variables

ComponentPtrType<arguments::ArgConfig> theArgConfig
ComponentPtrType<messaging::ActiveMessenger> theMsg
ComponentPtrType<ctx::Context> theContext
ComponentPtrType<event::AsyncEvent> theEvent
ComponentPtrType<term::TerminationDetector> theTerm
ComponentPtrType<collective::CollectiveAlg> theCollective
ComponentPtrType<pool::Pool> thePool
ComponentPtrType<rdma::RDMAManager> theRDMA
ComponentPtrType<sched::Scheduler> theSched
ComponentPtrType<location::LocationManager> theLocMan
ComponentPtrType<vrt::VirtualContextManager> theVirtualManager
ComponentPtrType<vrt::collection::CollectionManager> theCollection
ComponentPtrType<group::GroupManager> theGroup
ComponentPtrType<pipe::PipeManager> theCB
ComponentPtrType<objgroup::ObjGroupManager> theObjGroup
ComponentPtrType<util::memory::MemoryUsage> theMemUsage
ComponentPtrType<rdma::Manager> theHandleRDMA
ComponentPtrType<vrt::collection::balance::NodeLBData> theNodeLBData
ComponentPtrType<vrt::collection::balance::LBDataRestartReader> theLBDataReader
ComponentPtrType<vrt::collection::balance::LBManager> theLBManager
ComponentPtrType<timetrigger::TimeTriggerManager> theTimeTrigger
ComponentPtrType<phase::PhaseManager> thePhase
ComponentPtrType<epoch::EpochManip> theEpoch
bool has_physical_node_info
int physical_node_id
int physical_num_nodes
int physical_node_size
int physical_node_rank

Protected static functions

static void sigHandler(int sig)
SIGSEGV signal handler.
static void sigHandlerBus(int sig)
SIGBUS signal handler.
static void sigHandlerUsr1(int sig)
SIGUSR1 signal handler.
static void sigHandlerINT(int sig)
SIGINT signal handler.
static void termHandler()
std::terminate handler

Protected functions

auto tryInitialize() -> bool
Try to initialize.
auto tryFinalize(bool const disable_sig = true) -> bool
Try to finalize.
void initializeErrorHandlers()
Initialize error handlers.
void initializeComponents()
Initialize all the VT components.
void initializeOptionalComponents()
Initialize optional components, like workers.
void initializeTDCallbacks()
Initialize TD callbacks.
auto needLBDataRestartReader() -> bool
Check if we should create a LB data restart reader component.
void setup()
Perform setup actions, such as registering a termination detector action for detecting global termination.
void terminationHandler()
Handler when global termination is reached.
void printStartupBanner()
Print a very informative startup banner.
void printShutdownBanner(term::TermCounterType const& num_units, std::size_t const coll_epochs)
Print the shutdown banner.
void pauseForDebugger()
Pause for debugger at startup.
void setupSignalHandler()
Setup the handlers for SIGSEGV, SIGBUS and SIGUSR1.
void setupSignalHandlerINT()
Setup the SIGINT signal handler.
void setupTerminateHandler()
Setup the std::terminate handler.

Protected variables

bool finalize_on_term_
bool initialized_
bool finalized_
bool aborted_
bool runtime_active_
bool is_interop_
bool sig_handlers_disabled_
MPI_Comm initial_communicator_
std::unique_ptr<component::ComponentPack> p_
std::unique_ptr<arguments::ArgConfig> arg_config_
arguments::AppConfig const * app_config_

Function documentation

vt::runtime::Runtime::Runtime(int& argc, char**& argv, bool const interop_mode = false, MPI_Comm in_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD, RuntimeInstType const in_instance = RuntimeInstType::DefaultInstance, arguments::AppConfig const* appConfig = nullptr)

Initialize a VT runtime.

argc in argument count (modified after VT extracts)
argv in arguments (modified after VT extracts)
interop_mode in whether running in interoperability mode
in_comm in the MPI communicator (if in interoperability mode)
in_instance in the runtime instance to set

\internalUnder interop mode, MPI is not initialized or finalized by the runtime. This can be used to embed VT into a larger context.

When not running in interop mode, MPI is initialized in the constructor and finalized in the destructor.


Notes on lifecycle for the ArgConfig/AppConfig

  • After vt::Runtime is constructed, the ArgConfig lives in arg_config_ and app_config_ contains a pointer to the internals.
  • After the pack registers the ArgConfig component, arg_config_ is no longer valid. The config is in a tuple awaiting construction—thus, we can't easily access it. app_config_ remains valid during this time
  • After construction, the arg_config_ is in the component theConfig() and can be accessed normally
  • After Runtime::finalize() is called but before the pack is destroyed, we extract the ArgConfig from the component and put it back in arg_config_ for use after.
  • From then on, until the vt::Runtime is destroyed or VT is re-initialized arg_config_ will contain the configuration.

    For this to all work correctly, the vt_debug_print infrastructure calls vt::config::preConfig() which always grabs the correct app config, from the component singleton or the vt::Runtime, or provides stubbed arguments as a fallback.

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::isLive() const

Check if runtime is live.

Returns has been initialized and not subsequently finalized

int vt::runtime::Runtime::progress(TimeType current_time)

Invoke all the progress functions.

current_time in current time
Returns returns an unspecified value

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::needsCurrentTime()

Check if any pollable components needs the current time.

Returns whether it needs the current time

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::isTerminated() const

Check if runtime has terminated.

Returns whether it has terminated

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::isFinalizable() const

Check if runtime is finalizable.

Returns whether it is finalizable

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::isInitialized() const

Check if runtime is initialized.

Returns whether it is initialized

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::isFinalized() const

Check if runtime is finalized.

Returns whether it is finalized

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::hasSchedRun() const

Check if scheduler has run.

Returns whether it has run

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::initialize(bool const force_now = false)

Initialize the runtime.

force_now in whether to force initialization regardless of state
Returns whether it initialized or not

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::finalize(bool const force_now = false, bool const disable_sig = true)

Finalize the runtime.

force_now in whether to force finalization regardless of state
disable_sig in whether to disable signal handlers
Returns whether it finalized or not

void vt::runtime::Runtime::abort(std::string const abort_str, ErrorCodeType const code)

Abort–die immediately after spitting out error message.

abort_str in the error message
code in the error code to output

void vt::runtime::Runtime::output(std::string const abort_str, ErrorCodeType const code, bool error = false, bool decorate = true, bool formatted = true)

Output a message and possibly die.

abort_str in the message
code in the code to throw
error in whether it's a fatal error
decorate in whether to decorate the message
formatted in whether it's already formatted or not

RuntimeInstType vt::runtime::Runtime::getInstanceID() const

Get runtime instance ID.

Returns the instance ID

void vt::runtime::Runtime::systemSync()

Do a sync.

arguments::AppConfig const * vt::runtime::Runtime::getAppConfig() const

Get the app config before the runtime has setup all the components and VT is fully initialized.

Returns the app config

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::tryInitialize() protected

Try to initialize.

Returns whether it succeeded

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::tryFinalize(bool const disable_sig = true) protected

Try to finalize.

disable_sig in whether to disable signal handlers
Returns whether it succeeded

bool vt::runtime::Runtime::needLBDataRestartReader() protected

Check if we should create a LB data restart reader component.

Returns whether we should create it

void vt::runtime::Runtime::printShutdownBanner(term::TermCounterType const& num_units, std::size_t const coll_epochs) protected

Print the shutdown banner.

num_units in total number of units processed
coll_epochs in total number of collective epochs processed

Variable documentation

arguments::AppConfig const * vt::runtime::Runtime::app_config_ protected

App config during startup